33 | staring fondly

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Kenny had gone down and met the Frog Lady, she'd checked on the kid who was flat out at the time, she'd made food for everyone and even had a quick little freshen up in the fresher. She's now sitting in her usual chair behind Mando who still isn't talking to her, she's tried to have several conversations with him and is growing frustrated now.

'Come on, I know you don't like talking much but this is too far, it's been hours.' He doesn't say anything, just keeps his head forward, 'Din, come on, stars just-'

'If I'm flying sublight I need to concentrate.'

She rolls her eyes, 'There's nothing around for miles, we'll be fine, is this about getting that toy for the kid? Come on, I hackled, got the price down-'

'It's about you not listening to me.' He turns his chair and stands, towering over her in her balled up position, 'I told you to stay there.'

'I told you to let me come.' She stands too, not having nearly half the effect he did due to her smaller size.

'If you'd have listened to me-'

'Nothing happened-'

He sighs tiredly as he cuts her off, raising his voice, something he's never done before, 'You put the kid in danger.' That makes her shut up, she steps back with a frown tugging her lips downwards, 'If I didn't get there in time...'

'You underestimate me. You underestimate my power.'

'No, I know you.' He says firmly. His hands clench at his sides, fists shaking as his leather gloves creak, 'I know you, Saviin.'

It means so much. He knows her, he knows she can be impulsive, he knows she can be angry, can lose control at any moment. He knows she's dangerous.

'I wouldn't let anything happen to the kid.'

'I know,' He says firmly, 'You spend too much time looking after the kid, you don't look after yourself. That's what I'm worried about.'

She looks down her shoulders slowly deflating as she lets out a long sigh, 'What if he had a blaster?'

'He was innocent, Din-'

'What if he had a weapon? You hesitated. You froze.'

She shakes her head looking away as she crosses her arms, 'I would've fought, but he didn't have anything on him, he was innocent. I wasn't just gonna kill him the moment he took the first step-'

'It hasn't stopped you before.'

It's a low blow, he knows it is, he knows it is when it pops into his head yet he doesn't stop himself from saying it, doesn't even try to filter the words as they fall through his modulator.

She shakes her head looking up at him, 'Is that really what you think of me?'

He closes his eyes beneath the helmet and she watches the beskar tilt down a little. Onlys she takes it the wrong way, she nods, stepping back again, then when his eyes open up once more, she's gone.

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