~ Chapter 10 - 2:02pm ~

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She closed her eyes as she lay against him, sucking in his warmth and giving him hers. She should have climbed off of him, she knew that. Should have grabbed a blanket and given him that rather than use herself. But she didn't want to move. She could also feel what being this close was doing to him and she was having her own issues. If she shifted, she could rub against him, but she knew that wouldn't stop the ache, it would only make it worse. And she was smarter than that; she didn't need any more issues than she was already having. So, she started to sit up to pull away but his arms locked around her even tighter and she turned to look at him. Rachel watched and smiled as he shook his head slightly.

"I don't want to give up your warmth yet. And even if you move for the blankets, that's too long and too cold. Just stay here for another moment." She nodded and laid her head back down and covered him once more. She could feel the change in the cabin, could feel the coldness seeping in. And she knew she would have to get up soon to bring more logs to the fireplace, but she didn't want to. She could feel the cold air on her back where his arms or hands didn't hold her and it was clue enough that she needed to move. But she also wasn't sure if he would allow this again or if he would be the dick and avoid moments like this, so she stayed put.

"I'm glad the room is ready for us, I'd hate for you to sleep out here." She meant that too. The living room was fine, but big and therefore colder. The room, at least for the night, only had one window that was covered so the cold didn't slip in nearly as much and allowed one for a better night's sleep, which would be needed because you would have to fight the cold the following day as you got up to do things. Finally, she sighed and looked at him. "I need to grab the blanket. I need to get more logs for both rooms."

"Fine, if you must leave me." She rolled her eyes at how dramatic he sounded, but she couldn't stop the chuckle. She threw the blanket over him and went to the log pile, surprised at how cold it had gotten in the house. Rachel shook her head as she bent down to grab the logs and then gasped as Jake stood right behind her.

"I thought you were all cozy and cuddly on the couch?" He took the logs from her and shrugged.

"Why should you do all the work?" he asked. She planted her hands on her hips at his question and raised a brow.

"Because I've been here for a day and a half and have done it all myself." She watched as he put the logs down before walking over and grabbing a couple more to take to the bedroom.

"But why when I'm here to help?" he countered before entering the room. She smiled at that because he was right. She wasn't flying solo at the moment so that meant that she didn't need to do it all, he could help her. And though she had no problem doing it, she was thankful. So, with that, she walked over to the fire and stroked the logs, building the blaze back up. Once done with that, she started closing more of the window shades, trying to block the coldness as best as she could. "Do you think Jay is overly worried?" Rachel shook her head as she walked back to the couch.

"No, I think he feels it's safer with you around. And the chances of us dying are pretty slim." Jake chuckled as he sat down next to her and drew the blankets over them.

"Could you really die in this house?" Rachel looked around at the place that was her second home. It was possible, she supposed, but one would really have to not know anything.

"I guess, but when my parents bought it, they made sure to have backup plans so that you didn't. Granted, being up here during a blizzard was not something they thought would happen or wanted." She glanced around again before turning to look back at him. "They had the generator installed so we had food, besides canned stuff. They usually have the storage closet outside full of logs because we buy them, it was on the to-do list for the next time we came up. And they had that renovated so that it would protect the logs actually, especially since freak storms like this can happen. So, I think if you died out here, it would be because you didn't know what to do. We have tons of movies, tons of books, and of course board games."

"Yeah, I suppose one would really not think to be stranded here." Rachel laughed as she pulled her hair back, pulling it up into a ponytail.

"You come here to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life; you come to get stranded in a way. It's such a great way to just let go and breathe. I swear when I was younger and we got it, I thought I'd hate this place, so far away from anything or anyone, no wi-fi, no landlines, really nothing to do. But as I got older, I realized it's a great way to bond, to re-connect with yourself, your family, or your friends. And I think if I did get married, I'd love to honeymoon here." She paused as she thought about that and nodded. "Yeah, I wouldn't want some island in some tropical paradise, I'd want here." She wasn't sure why the images of a couple embracing, naked before the fire flashed through her mind, but she wanted to focus on it. Because in her mind, the images were her and Jake, and fuck if she didn't wish for that a lot harder than she should have.

"Here? Not someplace warm with waves or some overseas location? A cabin where you come to all the time?" he asked and she turned to him, a smile on her lips and a glint in her grey eyes.

"Why not? Is it not sexy as fuck to be making love in front of a roaring fire? Or to cuddle, naked, before it, or before the windows while you look outside? Is it not hot to walk around naked, comfortable with your partner, and know that no one will peak in?" She licked her lips as she thought about that, having to admit those ideas were sexy as sin in her book, and maybe a must-do at some point. She lifted her eyes to his, the smile now a smirk that she shared with him. And the sizzle in the air snapped to attention.

Those were wishes to have come true with the man across from her and she had to stop before she did something that would only cause more problems, again. Like push everything aside and lean over and kiss him for all she was worth. And as tempting as that thought was, it wasn't something she should be doing, let alone thinking. In fact, maybe it wasn't smart in her book to be talking about it.

He cleared his throat and she knew the ideas were sinking in his head too. She should feel bad for putting it there, but she didn't, not really. Her eyes drifted from him to the fireplace and then to the floor, and mentally she had to shake her head. She was getting colder just a bit ago but now the room was heating up to a temperature that was fast becoming too warm and she was tempted to crack a window open. She tossed the blanket aside and went to the window, leaning her forehead against the glass, hoping the coolness would help.

"You okay?" She wanted to scream from the mountain tops that were practically her backyard that no, she wasn't okay. That she really put her foot in shit this time and couldn't get out. That she should have kept her mouth shut and not gone down that road.

"I will be," she muttered. And she would be. She just needed to get her raging hormones back under control, to shake those types of thoughts. She had done that many times in the past and she could do it now. "I just, um, got a little too hot there. And though a bit of fresh air might be nice, it's going to be freezing if I open a window, and then it would take forever to heat it back up." She sensed when he got off the couch and she could sense when he came up behind her. The hairs along her arm stood on end and the nerve endings along her back were begging to be touched by him. Yes, she was in a bad way, she knew that, but she was also trying to fight it, so didn't that count for something?


"Hmm?" she mumbled against the glass.

"Turn around," he quietly commanded but she refused to listen.


"Just turn around." His voice broke no argument so she did, instantly missing the coolness. Her head lifted and her eyes held his gaze and they were speaking volumes. "You aren't the only one that needs some coolness after those images, you know? It did a number on me." She risked a glance downward and swallowed hard because yes, he was rather hard in those jeans.

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