~ Chapter 12- 2:43pm~

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She couldn't say her favorite position had ever been on top because it wasn't. Not that she didn't like the control, because she did, what female didn't, right? But for her, she always felt like it wasn't good like she failed in pleasing any man this way. But the way Jake stared up at her, the way his eyes roamed over her body, set her own desire skyrocketing. She had never seen him look at her like that, and she loved it. Hell, she wanted a lot more of it. And if that meant that being in this position was going to get looks like that, she would fucking do it all the time.

Her nails scored along his shoulders as she rocked her hips slowly, his soft moans making her legs shake even more. She couldn't say any of her lovers were ever as vocal as Jake, and she had to admit, it was a serious turn-on to her. Not that he needed to cry loudly, or even scream, but his moans, his kisses, and his pinches let her know that he always seemed to enjoy something she did. Even with their first time, he did the same thing; he was good at letting her know what he liked.

"God damn, Rachel," he moaned. His hands ran up her back and into her hair as he pulled her down for a kiss. She could feel the tremors through his body and it created her own. His teeth nipped at her lip before her lips connected with his and that caused her to move even faster. She was quickly becoming undone and she knew she didn't want to come that fast, to lose this closeness that fast. So, with strength she didn't know she had, she broke the kiss and looked down at him, forcing her hips to slow down. "Why are you teasing me?"

"I'm not teasing you," she whispered, twisting her hips slowly, "I'm only making this last." He growled, he fucking growled, and she pooled even more around him, coating his dick with her wetness. That was a straight shot down to her fucking core and back up! She had never heard that from him and shit if she didn't want to hear it again and again.

"You're teasing me, Rachel." She looked deep into his eyes and a war raged within her. She could be nice, could make this an experience they would both enjoy and fuck him hard. Or, she could draw it out, tease him as he said, make it last for a while, and have him begging her. But, she also feared, that he wouldn't take kindly to that. She knew Jake, and though their time was brief, she had seen him enough times to know he tended to ache around her. So, she had no second guesses that if she did delay this that he wouldn't fling her back on the couch and fuck her without a care. Come to think of it, that wasn't such a bad idea either. "Damn it, Rachel, please."

"How can I deny such a plea as that?" She smirked and his eyes narrowed, but she did pick up her pace. His lips moved along her neck, over her collar bone where he nipped and sucked lightly before working over her skin to a pebbled nipple. Once his mouth captured it, she cried out and arched her back, moving even faster. She looked down at him as he looked up at her, a smirk hidden in his eyes and she knew he was having way too much fun. She was teasing him? Fuck, he was teasing her and he knew it.

Without warning, his hands moved to her hips, and with his mouth still around her nipple, he pushed upward, causing him to hit something far deeper in her. She screamed and held him closer, praying and urging him to do that again, which he did. She wasn't sure anyone had ever found that spot before; fuck, even he didn't know about it before. But he found it out and she knew him too well, he wouldn't let up now that he knew.

"What did I find?" His breath fluttered over her skin as he asked and she shook her head, not sure she could even answer. Words did seem to escape her now and all that was left were soft moans and whimpers. He pushed up again and this time, she yelled.

"Oh, fuck, Jake, whatever you found, please don't fucking stop." He kissed her chest before biting down.

"I have no plans of it, sweetheart." And with that, he took control from the bottom, which she didn't mind. "Fucking hell Rachel, you are so wet, and it's all for me. Has anyone done this to you before? Has anyone ever made you this wet? Has anyone ever found the spot to make you cry out like that?"

"N...no," she whispered, holding onto his shoulders for dear life. Her hips had picked up speed and were meeting his thrust for thrust and there was no shame in that. All thoughts, all worries, had flown out the window and all she wanted was him; was to make him come, to make him come undone like he was making her come undone.

"I didn't hear you?"

"No!" He smirked as he kissed her stomach. His hands moved to cup her ass to help her as he kept on pushing. "Oh, Jake, I'm so close."

"I know baby, I can feel you. And believe me, you are utterly amazing!"

"So are you," she whimpered against his neck as she leaned forward to kiss and nip at it. He groaned and that was it that was what set her off. She cried out loudly, and even though it was muffled against his skin, she knew he could feel it as much as she did. She squeezed him tightly as the stars danced before her eyes and his hands held her there as he pushed up once, twice, and then came as well, her name on his lips. And never, ever, had something sounded nearly as good as that to her ears.

Her head dropped to his shoulder as his arms wrapped around her, holding her there. Rachel smiled, loving that he was so sweet and tender with her. Then again, he was that way that one time as well. This is why she didn't understand that he claimed he would be bad for someone; she couldn't see how that would be. She shivered and he rubbed her back, making her smile all the more.

"Are you cold?" His arm left her to try and reach for the blanket but she stopped him, moving his arm back.

"No, I'm content. Please don't move again," she told him and she could feel him smile. Not that she blamed him, because she was smiling as well. Damn, that was years of pent-up frustration and truthfully, she still wanted more.

"I won't move again if you promise not to get off of me yet. Hell, you're still soaked, and feeling you is driving me insane." Yeah, that was all that frustration and more. "You think this couch is big enough for both of us?" Finally, Rachel lifted her head and looked at it.

"Yeah, it should be. Mom and dad lay it on it often enough."
"Good." And then still holding her, he shifted so they could lie down. And like this, he could grab the blanket and threw it over them. "Much better," he muttered.

"You know, I can't stay here the whole time. You're going to go soft on me and slip out." She smiled at the look he gave her after that comment which spoke volumes and caused her to giggle.

"Don't worry so much about that, huh? That's my problem." And with that, she did stop thinking about it. She ran her fingers over his chest, tracing a tattoo that she had seen tons of times, her thoughts swirling.

She didn't regret this, hell; she didn't regret anything with this man at any point in time. She couldn't say what was her deal with him. Was he some type of forbidden fruit that just kept calling her? Was it because he was always so standoffish or something?

She liked him, sure, but she never gave into the fantasy of wondering what went beyond the sex because she knew it would never happen. They fit well together, she couldn't deny that but she also knew it wouldn't happen. Sure, she wanted to believe that Jake would man up and say something but she knew that would never happen. Again, a fantasy that she chose not to give into.

But like this, wrapped up in his embrace, the glow of the sex still in the air, it was hard to not imagine it. She could picture, way too nicely, being on this couch over and over, just being held as they talked or made out. She could picture taking him back to her room when they would make love. She could picture standing around cooking for him and those were all images that were going to get her into trouble. So with a strength that she had to pull up from the bottom of her soul, she finally got out of his embrace.

She would deal with the cold but she couldn't stand to be there right now, no matter how badly she wanted it. Because she could feel her heart falling for those images and it wasn't right because no matter what, at the end of the day, Jake would side with Jay and he would push her away. So, she had to do it first because she didn't think she could handle another heartbreak right now. Without a glance at him, she reached for his shirt to cover up. And once he sat up, she knew the questions were coming.

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