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day 1 since you been missing

Maura(y/m) has been putting up missing posters and they had a search party that yesterday morning.

Your mother had mixed emotions sad and angry because you went missing, but you could've been home if you would've just listen to her.

You wished you listened to her but you have to stubborn, now you mother probably won't know what to do with herself now that your gone.

Gwen had prayed last night to give clues to help find you she also cried herself to sleep that night too, while Finn stayed awake half the night wondering why did it have to be you.


when i had woke up i swear i heard the phone ring but it can't cause the cord is cut right?

i stood up from the mattress and went the phone and put it to my ear "it doesn't work" i heard the man's voice what in the hell is he doing in here.

"no since i was a kid" he continued "hang it up" just then the lights turned on, i turned around with the phone still in my hand.

"i know you're scared an wanna go home, i'll take you home soon" did he really want me to believe him.

"it's just" he paused then sighed "oh everything's all fucked up" yea you also is fucked up. "i gotta be upstairs for a while, something's come up" he told me.

i asked him "what?" but he responded "never mind what", so i asked him "did someone see something..are the police coming?" i just started to spit out words cause i clearly did not wanna be here.

"if you let me go before they come i promise not to tell" he just laughed "it's not the police" so it's not the police but "someone, though?, someone's coming? i- i'll scream" i told the grabber.

"if someone's upstairs they'll hear me", "no. he won't not with the door shut" so there is someone upstairs.

"he?" i asked  he sighed again but sounded more like a growl, he ignored my question "with the door shut, no one can hear anything down here""i soundproofed myself, so shout if you like, you won't bother anyone".

i instantly thought about the others "you're the one you killed the others""Bruce""R-Robin" i don't like to think of him as dead but i mean is there really a chance of him being alive.

he walked closer to me "that wasn't me""that was someone else" he said it's like he didn't want to know that he was the one doing the killings of the boys or maybe it was him but he has two different self-conscious that makes him say he didn't do it.

"if you try and touch me i'll scratch your face and everyone who sees will ask why"
he tilted and leaned his head back a bit "this face" yes dumbass.

"Hang up the phone now" he said i done forgot about the phone in my hand.

i put the phone back and he let out a big sigh "i was down here once when it rang, the creepiest damn thing" he chuckled "i think it's static electricity that does it""it went off while i was right next to it, i picked it up without thinking to see if anyone was there".

what "was there?" he nodded his head and said "no" with that he closed the door and locked it then turned the lights off.

he said that it was soundproof but what if he was lying, so i scream 'help!' as loud as i can over and over but nothing so it is soundproof.

i looked around and saw a window with bars on it.

thinking them at i could reach i tried to jump and grab onto the edge but missed tried again i had grabbed it but not with good grip.

i backed up ran, jumped, and i got it with both hands i tried to pull myself up but failed and went crashing down to the ground.

picked myself up and dusted myself off i went over to the bed or mattress tried to move it but nothing.

"go damn it" i mumbled it like i was starting to freak out but i can't have a panic attack in this room.

"just calm down, calm down, calm down" i mumbled to myself taking deep breaths.

"if anyone could've broke that window they already would've done it. Robin would've done it" i said out loud my voice lowering for the last bit.

i sat down why do i keep saying his name i mean he's the only thing i can really think about in this moment.

"i'm not getting out of here" is what i said to myself, yea discouraging myself isn't good but it's the truth.

the phone rang, what, i walked towards the phone then got up scared i mean the cord cut it can't be ringing.

i finally decide to go up and grab the phone i placed it to my ear "hello?" nothing i was gonna put it back but heard clicking i said 'hello' again nothing so i put it back and went lay down on the "bed".


i opened my eyes to see the phone it was a bit blurry but i heard creaking sounds it was getting on my nerves a bit "stop it" i sound stupid just saying that out loud but i heard another voice "stop what" i gasped and shot up to see the man.

he had half his mask on, i could only see his eyes and up.

"i'm hungry, i need food" he ignored that and asked "how are your eyes?" "they hurt" he then answered my other statement "well i can't bring you anything to eat, you'll have to wait".

i then remembered that have a man upstairs "is there someone upstairs who will see you bring my food?" he was walking towards the door "don't worry about that".

"if you weren't gonna feed me, why'd even come down here" still wondering why was he down here. "just to look at you" i was weirded out "i just wanted to look at you" he voice kinda changed in volume getting a bit deeper.

"i'll go" is all he said before shutting and locking the doors then the lights went off.

that was creepy he came down he to look at me. minutes passed after that incident i just layed down on the mattress trying to sleep at least for a bit.


The black phone [Missing you] Robin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now