4 - distance looks

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I found my sweet girl cuddled up against a wall in an empty corridor. Her eyes were puffy and she was holding the letter in her hand.

I desperately wanted to rip that letter out of her hands so I could understand why she was so upset.

The only sound was her small sniffles that were making her nose and cheeks pink. She looked so tired. I watch her try and wipe the tears away but they just kept streaming down

I decided to approach her after a few minutes. I took a seat next to her on the floor yet she doesn't seem to notice me at first.

"Go away." She finally spoke. Her voice was broken only hurting me more.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"Did you not hear me? I said go away!" She snapped looking over at me.

"Tell me why you're crying, Elisenda." I demanded.

"Sod off." She pulls out a lighter.

"Work with me, love." I said calmly rubbing my thumb against her cheek.

"Piss off, Draco." She blow smoke into my face causing me to let out a deep cough.

"I thought we were suppose to be friends." I rub my eyes with a squinted face.

"I guess I changed my mind, wouldn't want to be friends with a clingy. You know?" She stood up giving me only last sarcastic smile.

A smile that said I'm lost but still together. A smile that churned my stomach and not in a good way.

*⋆ ˚ ˙⟡ ❤︎ ⟡˙ ˚⋆*
3rd person

Elisenda used whatever energy she had left to walk to the common room. The second her head hit the pillow she was knocked out cold.


After a few days of trying to gain Elisenda's attention Malfoy gave up. He felt angry because she treated him like dirt and he still wanted her. He also knew it wasn't him that did anything wrong. It was the letter.

It was fucking with her head.

Eventually Draco grew bored since the days went slow for him.

So he did what any sane person would and watched her. From a distance of course.

Malfoy's obsession grow stronger every time he saw her doing anything. He could listen to her laugh for hours and would do anything to get her to smile.

Yet the smiles she displayed to other weren't genuine but an act.

Elisenda could always feel Draco's stares in classes and just around Hogwarts.

In the library he would sit far from her so she couldn't see him but she would still be in perfect view. He adored watching her study for hours. Examining her every move.

When she would scrunch her nose every time she didn't understand something or give a small smile when she got a question right.

He was truly falling for her and desperately needed her to feel that same way.

He noticed small eye bags forming under her eyes. She was also eating less and her skin was turning pale. She grew more anxious as the day went on but no one seemed to notice.

To anyone else she would appear ill but to Draco she was still beautiful as ever. Her eyes still glisten with warmth and her smile still lighted the room.

Eventually Draco couldn't take it anymore and did everything he possibly could to see Elisenda.

Even if it was just for a few seconds he needed her. He craved her. To feel her touch or to see her smile at him.

It was like Elisenda was just a wild dream. The perfect someone he always wanted regardless if he deserved her or not.

Never in his life has he felt this type of way for anyone. Yes he deeply loved his mother but not in the way he grew to love Elisenda.

Draco would do anything to go back in time to first year. To find her and spend all his school years with her and even after they graduate.

*⋆ ˚ ˙⟡ ❤︎ ⟡˙ ˚⋆*

I could always tell when Draco was around. When he was close or hidden in the background. His scent was strong but his stares were stronger.

It felt like he noticed the little things. Anytime we locked eyes his eyes were laced with worrisome and something else. A feeling I couldn't seem to describe.

I soon realized he was just as curious as I was. I wanted to know everything about him. The things that make him happy and the things that didn't.

That's exactly why I did everything I could to stay away from him. We wouldn't work out in the end.

After some time I failed to grasp the fact I was falling for him until it was too late. I was so deeply in love with him.

I desperately needed him to care for me as much as I did for him.

Though I'd hate to admit his presence brought me a sense of joy. A feeling no one else has made me feel. Not even Adrian so this new emotion was stranger to me.

Just looking at him made me smile. I hated that sometimes I would catch myself staring. There was just something about him that intrigued me.

As my health began to falter the thrill of Draco Malfoy was something that kept me going. It would be bond to get me into trouble. Yet it was a risk I was willing to take for him to love me.

The next day the library was full, many kids studying for upcoming pre-examines. I wasn't to happy with the thought of already have tests but what could I do about it.

I finally found a small empty table in the back of the library. Only room for two people.

I laid out my things and began studying. After a while I lifted my head at the sound of a dropping book. My tired eyes flutter as my energy drained itself.

The white haired boy being the first person I see. He was wearing a black suit and his hair shined in the light.

He had an angry expression as he was yelling at a fellow Slytherin. A first year I presume considering how small they were compared to him.

I'm guessing Draco could sense my stare because he soon shooed the young boy away and turned towards me.

A smirk reached his face as he approached me taking a seat in the unoccupied chair.

"Do you need something?" I question practically forgetting the words I told me a few days before.

"Yes actually," He paused. " I need you to be okay." He said looking into my tired eyes.

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