3 - new friend

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* ˚ ˙ ❤︎ ˙ ˚*
3rd person

Elisenda woke up with a pounding headache. Groaning, she lifted herself from the warm bed grabbing a potion to relieve her pain.

She pulled out a black skirt and her white collared shirt. Tying her tie, she placed on a new pair of black Mary Jane-like shoes.

Pansy wasn't there when she woke up, so she decided to make her way down to the common room.

Opening her book, she locked eyes with someone. Not just anyone. Draco.

His eyes burned into her soul, getting up to walk towards her. Sitting right beside her with a soft smile resting on his face.

"Good morning."

"Morning." She mumbled back, still tired.

"I don't think you heard me right. I said
Good morning ." He tries again, emphasizes good.

"Good morning." Bondar corrected herself, rolling her eyes, taking the hint and began reading silently.

"Come eat breakfast with me." He said out of the blue.

She raised an eyebrow, confused at his sudden interest in her.

"If you want." He added, standing up holding out his hand. Letting out a small sigh, the blonde girl closed her book and connected her hand with his.

Draco had a proud smirk plastered on his face as they strolled down the corridor, still hand in hand.

Elisenda tried to let go once they left the common room, but Draco only gripped her hand tighter.

Their hands felt like puzzle pieces. They fit so well together. As if his slender fingers were made to wrap around her small one.

Draco released their hold on each other only to direct it to the small of her back. Guiding her to sit next to him at the Slytherin table.

Elisenda grabbed a small bowl of blueberries and began eating them, causing Draco to let out a small chuckle.


"Nothing, it's just those are one of my favorites." He stated with a sweet smile.

"Oh. Would you like some?" She pulled the bowl up to his face.

Draco shook his head no and continues to eat his food. While doing so, the Malfoy boy grabs ahold of Elisenda's hand.

"What are you doing?" She questions, the confusion bothering her. Not putting in the effort to separate their hands.

"Doing what?" He replied, looking over into her eyes. Rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. The coldness sending shivers down her back.

"Why are you like talking to me and stuff?" Not really knowing how to word it, she sighs, her shoulders dropping.

"Well..." Malfoy starts placing the fork down to grab her other hand. Earning a few looks from the students around.

"I was hoping we could be, uh... friends." He hesitated.

"Friends?" She repeats.

"Yup friends."

She liked the idea of being friends with someone like Malfoy. It was no doubt he was attractive,, but she also felt safe around him.

Like she could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge her.

Before the Bondar girl could get a chance to respond, a hand grabbed her shoulders, turning her around.

"Hello my dear Elisenda." The voice beaming with delight.

Adrian. The only boy she ever truly loved. Not romantically, but platonically. She adored everything about him. From his cheesy smile to his silly remarks.

He's really was one of a kind. A friendship she'd never want to lose.

"Adrian." She cheered, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned, rubbing her back softly.

Bondar's eyes closed, humming, she relaxed, taking in his touch. Adrian had always been there for Elisenda, so it's no doubt he'd be the only one to check on her.

Someone cleared their throat uncomfortably, breaking Elisenda from the hold.

"Pucey." Malfoy greets.


Adrian turned to face Elisenda, giving her a comforting goodbye kiss on her forehead before walking towards his friends.

Draco's eyes filled with rage. He realized he was too late. Adrian got to her first.

Leaving his mind to wonder how he never noticed her. Certainly, she wasn't lurking in the shadows for the past 6 years. Was he really that self centered that he never took notice of anyone but himself?

If only he hadn't been so caught up with the Potter he could have befriended Elisenda years ago.

He watched the Bondar girl finish her breakfast not uttering a word. The jealousy taking over him.

Out of all others, why him? Why was he was the one she went to?

In Malfoy's perspective, Adrian was nothing but a troubled, stuck up waste. Then again, he was just the same way.

Suddenly a beautiful dark haired owl appeared flying in front of the two blondes. The girl brushed the back of the owl's hair as it dropped a letter to her, then flew away.

He continued to watch her carefully as she open the black sealed letter. Her eyes scanned over the letter. Her expression dropping more after every word.

She looked almost scared? Her eyes began to water as her breath became unsteady.

Before the pale boy could question her, she arouse practically about to sprint out of the great hall.

"I-uh..have to go."

Tears threatening to leave her eyes she pushed the doors. Her soft hair blowing from the wind.

He was curious on want the letter said. What could have possible made her so upset that she left without a second thought.

The Malfoy boy soon lost his appetite. Agony filling him up as her smell slightly lingered through the air around him.

His pain confused him. Why should he have to feel this kind of way. She was taking over his life in the short time she has known him.

He feared of what was to become of his if this continued. He needed to separate himself from her but he knew he couldn't.

He felt as if he was being consumed by her charm. Mindlessly praying her affect would do him good like he wanted. He left the great hall in search for the young girl he was slowly becoming obsessed with.

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