9 - your hearts

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The door bursted open interrupting my morning zone out. I let out a low groan as my beautiful duvet was stripped away from me.

"C'mon, my darling," Draco's voice jeered loudly than it should have been. Huffing whilst he searches for my school outfit. I stare ahead as I watch him grab my socks and robe.

Pansy no longer wakes me up as she claims 'there's no point'. Leaving Draco to do her routine work.

"Elisenda, brush your hair." Draco demanded tossing me my pink hairbrush. I weakly ran the comb through my hair exaggerating my tiredness.

"Elisenda." Draco said in a warning tone snatching the brush from my grasp. Lifting me by below my arms, he delicately brushed through my hair.

Humming in pleasure my eyes closed slowly drifting off into a deep sleep. "Can I do your hair, baby." Draco runs his hands in my soft hair only adding to my tiredness.

I nod my head rubbing my eyes sleepily. My mind behind in my dreams. I feel Draco part my hair and tie two ponytails. Struggling, my head moved along as he pulled it.

After brushing through the ends he grabbed my warm hand with his cold one. Removing me from my comfortable bed.

"Go change." He throws my clothes in my face. Mumbling unheard words I walk into the washroom.

Draco ties my tie and helps me apply my shoes and makeup. Whilst he insisted it was unnecessary for me to wear any make up at all.

"Draco," I paused for a moment. Him lifting his head with a 'mhm' expression. "Can we skip classes?" I ask for permission my nerves getting the best of me.

I usually wouldn't want to miss classes but today I couldn't. I didn't want to be seated through a lecture feeling as if I'm being watch by thousands.

With an understanding sigh Draco rubs my cheek with his cold, slender thumb. A sad smile plastered on his face. "I don't know, Elisenda." He hesitated a frown taking over my features.

I pout when he pulled me by the hand out of my dormitory and into the handsome common room. "I'll think about it during breakfast, okay?" He nodded his head at me. Me returning the gesture.

Humming a random song to myself I swing Draco and I's hands back and forth. Wasting the only bits of energy I had. "Calm down, Elisenda." The blonde boy hushed me. Growing tired of the constant movement.

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3rd Person

"I think I'm going to sit with my friends today, Draco." She announced happily with a beaming, innocent smile. Walking into the noisy great hall.

"Why not just the two of us today, sweetheart." He pulled her towards the Slytherin table; Elisenda getting slight Deja vu.

"But I've already sat with you. It's feels like ages since I last sat with them." She whined taking a seat next the platinum blonde boy. Who's hand was gripped tightly around hers.

"Oh," Draco's voice laced itself with hurt. "You don't want to seat by me." His eyes holding nothing but disparity.

"No, no, no." Elisenda waved him off in panic not wanting to offend him. "Of course I want to sit with you." She reassured, adding fruit to her plate. Draco sending her a victorious smile.

Elisenda frowned as she saw her brother walking towards her in an intense manner. Gripping Draco's hand her breath hitched.

Draco catching notice he cleared his throat ready to intervene if she needed him to.

"Hello, Ellie." The deep voice of Eleazar Bondar croaked out with fake happiness.

He was slight out taller than Draco with defined features, not forgetting his black gloves he couldn't go without. Regardless if he had already removed them before.

"Eleazar." She spoke trying her best to dismiss her nerves.

"What don't you come with me. So we can catch up of course." He held his hand and gave her look that she could not deny.

"O-ok," She began to fumble over her words lifting herself from the bench.

Draco was quick to stop this, "Actually we have to get to class, Elisenda.Wouldn't want to be late." He smiled at her brother.

"Why yes of course." Eleazar gritted through his teeth in defeat.

Lacing their hands the Malfoy boy pulled her away from the incident. Elisenda instantly calming down with his presence guiding her away.

"Thank you."

"It was nothing, Elisenda."


In the end the pair skipped classes. Sitting in the garden near the Forbidden forest. The sky was bright and the sounds of birds chirping was heard in the background.

Draco watched as the blonde girl drew upon his hand. She had stolen something called a pen from the Muggle Studies class. Similar to a quill she traced small hearts on the tips of each one of Draco's slender fingers.

Hearts. A symbol of love.

"Why hearts?" Draco asked.

"They're mine to you," She smiled cheekily at the boy beside her. "For helping me," She added.

"So they're mine now?" Draco questioned with a lifted eyebrow.

With a nod 'yes' Elisenda wrapped an arm around him to give an innocent hug.

"Your hearts."

"For you and only you." Her eyes closed as she murmured the last word. Draco's expression softened at his sweet girl. How perfect she is.

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