13 - the truth

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"So you two are dating now?" I asked her to confirm the rumors I've been hearing around Hogwarts. A part of me wished the rumors weren't true.

But another part of me did. I've seen them together. He makes her happy. But I make her happy to. I've been there since 1st year. Then out of nowhere he comes around this year and steals her heart away.

"Yes," she smiled. Heat rushing to her face probably from the thought of him.

We talked for a few more hours catching up as it has been a while since we've hung out together. "I've missed you." I admitted shamefully.

It had always been the other way around. I'd ignore her for multiple days at a time focusing mostly all of my attention to my, usually, weekly long girlfriends.

"Me too," she looked up at me with her pretty doe eyes as the warm wind blew her hair baby hairs.

"Lately all my time has gone to Draco," she scolded looking ahead at the view in-front of us. A soft sunshine above a long field of daises. A weather that resembled Elisenda Bondar in every possible way.

"I haven't even seen Eloise or India in weeks." A sad frown plastered on her face as a light bulb practically appeared upon my head. To which she could sense she laid her eyes on me once more nodding her head forward indicating for me to speak.

"How about we have a sleepover like old times then go run around Hogsmeade tomorrow." She then clasped our hands together with a beaming smile.

"That's brilliant but what about classes?" Another frown masked over her lips that I was quick to wipe off.

"We skip." The Bondar girl looked up at me nervously. "Nothing we haven't done before."

She looked away disappointedly only then did I realize. "Has Draco made you go soft, Elisenda?" I teased.

"What?!" I laughed at her angry pouty face. "Of course not!"

"Prove it then." I taunted. "Bring the old Elisenda back." I whispered in her ear making her shiver. "Just for tonight."

"They miss you, you know?" I broke the silence then pulled her into a hug. She nodded as if she already knew. "As do I." Her voice was soft and quiet.

"Classes are over for the day so go hang out with Draco for now then in a few hours collect your things and come to my dorm." I rubbed my hand up and down her back soothingly.

She nodded her head 'yes' before standing and baiting her goodbye. "See you later, Adrian." She gave a little wave.

"Bye bye, Elisenda." I smiled then went to inform the others of our little get together.

*⋆ ˚ ˙⟡ ❤︎ ⟡˙ ˚⋆*

"Elisenda!" A voice called making me turn my head only to meet eyes with my brother. My stupidly, frightening brother.

"I've been meaning to have a talk with you." His accent thickened since Azkaban. I trembled under his eyes.

"To clear the air, Elisenda." After a few long moments he spoke again.

"I've changed since then, sweets." His use of my old, lovable nickname made his words almost believable.

Before I could even realize we were sat on one of the benches in an empty corridor as he spilled his heart out to me. I could tell Azkaban had effected him more than he put on.

"I never got to apologize." His voice croaked as tears streamed down his face. "I'm so sorry, sweets. I didn't mean to cause you harm."

"That's the last thing I would have wanted. I'm a monster, Elisenda." He brought his hands to cover his eyes agony laced in his voice.

"I've missed you, El-leazar." I gritted through my teeth though it was the truth it was hard to spit out. I overcame my fears and pulled my big brother into a hug.

"I-I don't blame you, Eleazar." I pulled away after some time. "I never did."

His breath hitched before he could speak a sudden flick of angry laced his eyes. He pushed me off of him causing me to land on the floor with a soft 'thud'.

"Eleazar." I groaned rubbing my head looking up just to realize he stormed away. Maybe I should blame him. No he helped me.

"Elisenda?" A voice pulled me from my thoughts and lifted me up from the ground.

"What are you doing on the floor?" A warm pair of blue-grey eyes stared at me. Draco. My boyfriend. Draco Malfoy.

"I tripped." I lied. He gave a confused look not understanding how. "Over my foot." I subconsciously laughed at my shitty excuse.

"Elisenda, love." He pushed my baby hairs out of my face. "I heard you and Eleazar." His words caused my to freeze.

I just lied to my boyfriend and he knew.

A frown plastered itself on my face as I look down disappointed that I got caught.

"What did he do?" He asked hesitantly. It's been years you'd think I'd be over it by now.

Tears streamed down my eyes as I explained the incident. A boy I once grew to love hurt me in a way that could never been fixed.

I could feel Draco grow more and more angry with each word I spilled from my mouth.

"He almost killed him." I explained as Draco pulled me into a hug. I love hugs I've had so many today.

"It was all my fault." I cried. Draco trying to shush wasn't really helping. "If I hadn't gotten in the way of the two. Eleazar won't have hit." I could feel my boyfriend stiffen at my last statement.

But it was true. I would have gotten my revenge through Eleazar and he would have never went to Azkaban for hurting me.

"Who was it?" Draco asked as I calmed down. Dried tears on my cheeks making my hairs stick to my face.

"Cor-co." I couldn't bare to say his name. But I think Draco understood. "McLaggen?" He whispered hoping it wasn't true. I nodded a few more tears falling down my face.

"It's okay, love." He smiled weakly. "I'm here now and i'll always protect you."

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