10 - no smoking

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Amongst the midnight air sat two people. One boy. One girl. Many would assume it was the two that stuck like glue, Malfoy and Bondar.

Yet in reality it was the sweetest pair of platonic soulmates anyone has every seen. Adrian and Elisenda. Spending their Hogwarts years making flower crowns in the spring and building snowmen in the winter.

Elisenda felt the Astronomy tower was a place to find comfort with Draco not Adrian. Improvising with the garden, north of the Forbidden Forest.

Though the Bondar girl hoped to bring Draco to this extravagant place on day to simply admire.The beauty of nature. Long lines of growing plant and silent auras.

"Here," Adrian leaned forward. His body hovering over mine as he places the cigarette bud on my lips.

Pulling it out with the tips of my fingers I blow, breathing out the heated air, I feel the sensation flowing through my brain.

My vision blurred for a moment whilst a dark tall figure approached us, moving at a fast pace. It was hard to tell whether they were upset or angry.

Maybe both, they sharp jawline clutching, veins popping out on the side of the mysterious person's face.

An instant calm feeling relaxing me over the setting sun. Choosing to ignore whomever was racing towards us.

Glancing over at Adrian who was sound asleep. Soft snores arising from this throat. His Adam's apple moving up and down.

"Elisenda." A voice growled from above. I nervously look up, cigarette between my fingers.

Being met with a handsome grey eyed man who was towering over me. Draco. A smile took over my face as I stare above my favorite person.

Draco Malfoy. My sweet boy. I adored him more than anything. He's so sweet and beautiful. I don't know if I know him enough to love him though.

"What is this?" He snatched the cigarette from my finger tips snapping me out of my mind.

Oh his gorgeous voice and face. "You're so pretty, Malfoy," I cupped his cheek.

"Elisenda." He called me again. Pointing the small item in my face he asked once more.

"What is this?" He grew impatient as I hiccuped in his adorable face. "A cigarette." I stated wiping imaginary dirt of his chin.

"I never want to see you with something like this again okay, Elisenda." I nodded my head yawning. Draining his voice out patted Adrian's soft hair from beside me.

"It's bad for you, baby." Watching me fix a misplaced hair on my beloved best friend. Hearing the flick of Draco disregarding the cigarette with his wand.

"Words, love." He held my face in his cold, slender hands gaining my attention in the same second. His grip was firm, not to tight, just enough to focus my eyes on his lovely face.

I must have zoned out as he pulled my face that dropped to look on the grassy floor. "Repeat after me. I Eilsenda Bonda, will never touch anything such as, or similar to cigarettes and alcohol."

"Yes, Apples. I won't have cig-garettes anymore." I felt my heart break as I sort of recite his words.

"Try again, love."

I placed a hand sarcastically in the air and huffed dramatically. "I Eilsenda Bondar, will never touch anything such as, or similar to cigarettes and alcohol."

"Beautiful." He kissed my forehead lifting me from the ground. I rest my head on his stiff shoulder that soon relaxed at my presence.

"Also it's Draco." He murmured confusing me. I lift my head with furrowed eyebrows. "Not Malfoy or Apples." He laughed teasingly.

I felt myself smile. I can hear his heartbeat. His perfect self carrying me to bed as I drift of listening to the gorgeous sound of him.

"What about Adrian?" I whispered with my tired eyes closed.

"It's okay, baby." He shushed me rubbing his protective hand back and forth on my head causing me to slowly fall to sleep. "I'll go back for him."

*⋆ ˚ ˙⟡ ❤︎ ⟡˙ ˚⋆*

I watch as Malfoy carried my innocent, little sister through the garden beside Hogwarts. I hid in the shadows that formed from the pale moonlight. It truly was beautiful night. Hate for it to go to waste.

Although I no longer had intentions to harm my dear sister, I still want to know her. How her day was. Who she hates. Who she loves. What secrets she might be holding within.

I do love my sister in a way that is hard to expression. All she's ever know of me was violence and fear. I want her to feel safe with me. Yet I don't believe that could ever be a possible.

I held a sense of pride mainly to the Malfoy boy as he's the one to protect my little sister. I hate to admit that he's perfect for her. He's the one who could deeply understand her and that's what she needs.

Someone to care for her, to love her, and protect her from any harm. I failed. Now it's Draco Malfoy's turn.

I watched him mutter the password to the Slytherin common careful not to wake my sleeping sister. And that's when I knew.

How he'll care for her and deny any false flaws she might believe. And for that I thank him.

Thank you, Draco Malfoy.

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