1| To get out of this mess

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Unknown POV (same as prologue)

I tread carefully, trying to make least noise possible.

I trust my fighting skills, but it's best not to be seen. Also, being an ice type, I'm especially vulnerable to fire.

The color of my fur doesn't help either. The pale blue could be seen easily among the firey read of the autumn leaves, and the brown shrubbery.

I should've been more careful.

Powerful paws knocked me over, pinning me down.

"Oh, lookie what we have here," a terrifying voice hissed. A houndoom! Oh, I'm so dead, I thought.

"She's a real cutie isn't she?"

"Well, let's bring her with us.... to join our collection of prisoners!!"

The one pinning me down raised a paw to knock me unconscious. I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting the blow. But it never came. I opened my eyes, just a peek.

A flash of red and cream fur attacked the houndoom, biting and snarling. His two companions tried to pry the creature off of their leader, but they were unsuccessful. I couldn't believe my luck.

After the three houndoom were unconscious, the furry pokemon growled at their limp bodies.

"It's always you three!! Picking on other pokemon, and taking them as prisoner! It's time you guys learnt something, but I don't have the energy to continue. Well then, I guess that's it for today." Judging by the voice, the pokemon was male.

"And who are you?"

"Huh? Me? Well, tell me your name first..." I don't know if I could trust him yet.

"I'm Praxis, a flareon. Your name."

"Mistral. And you're an eeveelution too?"

"I sure am," Praxis took a close look at me. "What's a glaceon doing so far south? You must've really lost your way. You're lucky I turned up-those houndoom would have turned you into dead meat otherwise."

I guess I could like... trust him? But better not get too comfortable, because who knows?

"Well, I am in fact very lost. Can you help me?" I brushed myself off.

"I suppose I could, though my den is pretty far off. But we better get moving soon, those houndoom can wake almost any minute now."



Why couldn't he show me the way back?

Why would it be better to go to his den?

Oh well I guess. There's nothing I could do about it. And plus, the Northern Kingdom is heavily guarded and fire types are strictly forbidden.

"It's fine, show me the way,"

He nodded and led me through the forest.

Praxis' POV

I turned a couple times to make sure that Mistral was still following me. She better not get lost here, because other than the houndoom, there are also many other more dangerous pokemon.

When we finally arrived at my den, I let Mistral stay in the extra room I had. It had a bed, a nightstand, and a desk with some chairs. I could tell that Mistral is very careful about whatever she does. She's very...uneasy.

"Mistral, you know if I wanted to take you hostage or something, I would've gotten to it right away, right? Fire types don't normally care about how comfortable you are. They won't even play a trick. And, to be honest, I'm not that different anyway.

"Not many pokemon come around here, anyway. But among the few that I've met, you're... different," I continued.

"Well, I do have healing abilities." She finally replied, "But I'm really tired right now. Maybe I could tell you how I wound up here, but lights off for now" she yawned, and so that was when I decided to leave.

But I've gotta admit. Mistral is incredibly beautiful.


Oh no I'm freaking out (internally)


I fell asleep as soon as my fluffy head touched the pillow.

A/N: First chapter done! I'm trying my best not to make things boring, but it's hard to be realistic, and I don't have the plot fully formed yet!

See you soon, my readers!

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