4| The Tailor and the Store

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A/N: What clues may these two places hold?

Nahele POV

It's a new day! Mistral decided to stay home, because some pokemon may recognize her. So, Praxis and I set of early in the morning to go to the store, the flareon having disguised himself as a vaporeon again. Upon arriving, we look at the clothing and fabric the store sells.

According to the security camera, the disguise was very well made. There was no shade of blue that matched the icy color of Mistral's fur. The two of us then left to go to the tailor, but only after buying some pastries from a nearby bakery.

The tailor was all the way across the whole city. Praxis sprouted wings and we flew there. 

The inside of the building was furnished so that it looked very warm and welcoming. There was everything a tailor could ask for. It was also very quiet, not an awkward silence, but a peaceful one. The tailor was a mesprit named Mila (according to the nametag), who was currently making a dress for someone.

"Excuse me," I began.

"What can I help you with? And please call me Mila" the Mesprit looked up from her dress.

"May I ask, did anyone order anything of a very pale blue color?"

"Yes..." Mila looked somewhat confused at the question.

"I don't want to be a distraction, but may you please show me the exact shade of blue and what article of clothing they asked for?" I continued.

"Sure, wait for a sec." Mila got up and grabbed a piece of fabric. "It was a cute little espurr who ordered this blue color"

This was when I realized that there must have been more than one pokemon involved in this. But we were a tiny step closer. The blue color was the exact same as Mistral's fur!

"Are you okay? I know you're surprised, and concerned, and you just realized something important..." the tailor set down the fabric. "And by the way, the espurr wanted a shirt out of that color."

I struggled to regain my composure... I had forgotten that mesprits could read emotions. 

"Was the espurr with anyone, or were they by themself?" Praxis asked.

"He said that it was for a friend, an espeon..." Mila seemed confused. I was just glad that she wasn't suspecting anything.

"Thank you, we'll leave you alone now, but have a nice rest of your day!" I said quickly. Then the two of us went back home.


"Did you guys find anything useful?" Mistral asked.

"Yes, we did. An espurr ordered a shirt in the same color as your fur. Even more, he said it was for an espeon, which we know is another eeveelution." I said.

"There is only one espeon in this city. He is named Papillon and he works at the technology center. I know him personally, because were were friends at school. But I am surprised he is involved at all, because Papillon is very gentle and caring... he would never do such a thing!" Mistral explained.

"Then I'm guessing that he might've gotten tricked..." Praxis suggested.

"No, that espeon is very logical and clear minded. I've never even seen him get mad once. He's the kind of pokemon that can read hearts. I know it sounds weird, but Papillon always knows the reason behind everything."

It might've just been me, but Praxis looked kind of jealous. Well, now is not the time to be discussing this, so we continue to talk.

"Perhaps he agreed to do it." Praxis continues, as calm as can be. "Maybe the intention was good, or he thought that killing the governor would make things better."

"Yes, I get that part," Mistral replied, "But why does he have to frame me?"

"That is something I don't understand. Maybe it wasn't even Papillon." I said. "After all, you know how Praxis can change form. Maybe it is a trait some other pokemon have."

"No, it's not possible. Shapeshifting is inherited. And I only have one sibling, my younger brother, who was still an eevee when I last saw him. I never knew what he evolved into. But I do know that he can shapeshift just like me." Praxis replied.

"Then why would they need to buy a costume?" I continued.

"The shapeshifting takes a toll on our mental health. If we keep a different shape for more than a few hours, then we could easily go insane." Praxis explained.

"Let me make a suspects list:" I grabbed a notebook and wrote:


---> Papillon, an espeon

---> Praxis's brother

---> the espurr

With that, the conversation ended, and we all settled for the day.

A/N: They're finally onto something! Next chapter: a chat with the espeon.

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