5| A chat with the espeon

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A/N: Papillon is in so many ways suspicious. What clues/info can the "trio" of eeveelutions get?

No one POV (third person POV)

The next day, as the sun was shining brightly, the three pokemon left Mistral's den. They got some curious looks from some passersby, because Mistral was a glaceon. Nahele quickly told them that they were not the same and that "Mystie" was mute.

As they approached the giant building of the technology center, Mistral whispered to Nahele the part of the building Papillon works in. The excuse for the three of them to be there was that their computer broke (they did have a broken computer handy).

The espeon was sitting at his desk. Sunlight streamed through the many windows, and he was surrounded by broken technology. He was fixing a TV that was still a mess of wires. The three of them watched in silence as Papillon's paws delicately rearranged the wires. He used his telekinesis (they could tell because the jewel on his forehead lit up) to get some spare parts and put them in place as he continued to untangle the wires.

Praxis looked really impressed. He had clearly never seen anyone who worked so well with technology. But then, something felt off about the espeon. Praxis feels like he's met him before, but he couldn't remember where, or how.

After some time of just standing there, watching Papillon work wonders, Nahele cleared her throat.

"Excuse me," she said, "Our computer broke, and I'm sorry, because you seem very busy right now, but can you please fix it?"

Papillon looked up. "Sure, just leave it here. I'll get it done within the next week,"

"Would you mind if we stay and chat for a bit?" Praxis asked.

"I don't mind. In fact, I would enjoy the company. I haven't had a proper conversation for a few months." the espeon replied.

The three sat down. Mistral closed the door.

"You know the whole treason thing, right?" Nahele began.

"Yes, I do. I was actually shocked that it was Mistral. I've known her since we were in school together, and that she wasn't the type of pokemon to do that." Papillon let out a sigh.

"Would you turn her in if you saw her walking around on the streets?" the leafeon continued.

"Well, I would ask her about the situation first, then decide what to do. So, no, I would not just turn her in without knowing what had happened."

Nahele nodded, and then proceeded to ask him to keep a secret. Papillon said yes.

"And by the way, my name is Nahele, Mistral's cousin." she introduced herself.

Papillon POV

When Nahele introduced herself, I was shocked. Does that mean... I took a whiff of air, the clear scent of snow and jasmine reached my nose.

That glaceon with her is Mistral.

And the vaporeon... we don't have any vaporeons in this city. But I realized that I should introduce myself.

"I'm Papillon, in case you don't know that already." I kept my voice calm.

"We know, my name is Praxis," said the vaporeon. Praxis... That name sounds familiar, I thought. However, I just couldn't place my paw on why. I can't remember anything before I fell off of a cliff when I was still an eevee. I had evolved while I was still falling... that  was how I survived. But after evolving, I had lost all of my memories.

"This is Mistral," Nahele stood in front of her cousin's small frame, as if I posed any harm. 

"Do you happen to know an espurr?" Praxis asked.

"Yes, I know one named Fluffy. He's really cute, and his older sister, a meowstic, works here as well," 

"Okay... do you have anything to do with the crime?" Nahele continued.

That question seemed to trigger something. My head started to buzz... I could feel my control slipping. I looked down at my paw. It was turning blue...

"Leave, leave now, it's not safe for you to stay..." I held my head, and then all my control slipped, and Psi took over...

No one POV

Papillon's fur had turned blue, just slightly darker than the pale blue of Mistral's fur. When his eyes opened, they were red, like blood and rubies. He lunged forward, swiftly tackling Praxis. The flareon, still disguised as a vaporeon, found it hard to change his position, because vaporeons were significantly heavier than his type. Papillon held him down, as he turned his firey gaze to Mistral. His gem lit up...

Praxis returned to his original form and flipped Papillon over, breaking his concentration. The espeon was caught by surprise, and his shock caused a window to explode. He quickly recovered.

"Oh, a fire type... heh. I can't believe it! Wait till the others--- Unh!" Papillon was cut off by Praxis, who socked him in the face with his paw.

Mistral hurried over, shaking the espeon. "Papillon, please, take control!"

Praxis whacked him across the face again.

Nahele tied him up with  her vines. The espeon struggled against his binds, but then lay limp.

The purple color was beginning to return to his body.

Mistral placed her paws on him and Nahele released Papillon.

"nyah..." He slowly came to. Some blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth... the red was bright, like sunshine, but nobody paid attention.

"I'm sorry... I lost control... the evil residing in me has been restless... he can take over my body" he murmured, voice still weak.

"It was a problem he always had," Mistral explained. "Usually, he would warn the pokemon around him before he lost control. Sometimes, he would just completely snap."

Praxis walked up, not bothering to shift into a vaporeon again.

"You seemed sort of familiar..." he began. "Maybe we have known each other before we evolved."

"I can't remember anything from before I fell off a cliff when I was an eevee... By evolving into an espeon, I survived the impact, but my memories had been taken away. I was told I had a brother... but I don't know him. Your name sounded familiar, though..." Papillon replied weakly.

Praxis's eyes widened. Could this espeon be his long lost brother? The last time the two of them saw each other, they were still eevees.

It can't be... my brother's name was Lotus, not Papillon, he reminded himself. But still, something about Papillon. The air of calm the espeon brought with him wherever he went seemed familiar. Even his scent, which was warm like sunshine and sweet like honey, reminded him of his younger sibling.

Nahele quickly said "We'll leave you two here to talk, Mistral and I are heading home." Praxis nodded.

As the two eeveelutions exited Papillon's office, they were greeted by one of his colleagues.

"How did it go?" asked the ninetales.

"He's very busy, but he said he would have our computer fixed by next week. It's best not to disturb him, because he doesn't need any more distraction from all the work." Nahele said calmly. 

The ninetales nodded, and then walked off to... wherever he was going.

"I hope Praxis can help Papillon recover some of his missing memories," said Mistral when they got home.

"Me too. We're getting close, but we need to find the source of this. I know it's Papillon's body, but it's clearly not him who's doing it. It's like another spirit lives inside his body."

Mistral nodded, and that concluded their conversation.

A/N: I was feeling inspired, so I wrote another chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading it!

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