Chap. 9

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Katie's pov: 

I woke up today, preparing myself. I was about to commit a crime of breaking and entering. Maybe I was excited about that. I refused to tell Cooper, or Gwen. Gwen would help, but Cooper would try to stop me. I know he would. 

I grabbed my dad's crowbar from downstairs, making dead dad jokes in my mind. I knew where Moose lived, and I knew him and his mom would be going out of town. It was my perfect moment, and I was going to take it.  

I then got on my bike, and rode towards his house. I followed him home one day last year, so I knew exactly where he lived. Don't f*ck with my brother. 

I finally got to his house, and hid in the bushes until the entire family left in their red 1962 Toyota. I must say, that car was sh*t. And a really sh*tty color option. But hey, I've got all the room to judge. 

I then grabbed the bobby pin from my hair, and unlocked the shed. I grabbed the ladder, and carried it towards the only open window. I don't actually know the house, but I will find that trophy room, and I have all weekend to do so. 

I finally found the room after like 20 f*cking minutes. Damn, this house is huge. I went into the trophy room, grabbed my crowbar, and started breaking anything possible, careful not to leave DNA. 

Unlike Moose, I'm not stupid. I'm not going to put my name on the f*cking wall like an idiot. Maybe I'm just angry, but the entire time I was whisper-yelling "Don't f*ck with me, a*shole". I broke everything that was seemingly important. 

That felt....awesome. Holy sh*t. I then climbed back down the ladder, and took it back to the shed, that I left unlocked. I put the ladder in the exact position it was left in, re-locked the shed, and got back on my bike. 

Then, I rode back home, like everything was completely normal.

Like I said before, 

do not f*ck with my brother. 



I looked at Billy, questioning him. "What did you find!". He looked at me, and smiled, showing me a piece of rope. I would have asked yesterday, but he went to sleep without telling us, after complaining he was 'tired'. 


"Billy, what the f*ck are we supposed to do with a piece of rope. That's the most pathetic sh*t. You're no f*cking help, and are being pathetic." Vance said, and Billy looked sad. He was sensitive, for sure, and I guess Vance really hurt him this time. 

"Oh.." he muttered, dropping the rope and sitting in the corner. "Gee, thanks man" Bruce muttered, grabbing the rope. "This is really useful!" he looked at Billy, who was looking at the ground now and not paying attention towards Bruce's attempts of comfort. 

Bruce hung onto the rope, as we searched for other useful things. Vance was annoyed, and Robin looked at him. "Dude, you were an a*shole, go apologize" 

"He shouldn't have gotten so offended" 

I rolled my eyes, as Bruce went and sat next to Billy, who refused to help anymore. I guess he really took what Vance said to heart. 

We spent the whole day searching for things and making up plans, with no help from Billy. No surprise there, he was still sad about what Vance had said. 

"Guys, we should head to bed" Finn said, and we all agreed, except Billy. "Billy, come on" Bruce said, sitting next to him. "Not tired" he muttered, although we could all tell he was. 

"Come on, just come to bed" 

"I'd rather sleep on the ground" 

"Well, you're not." Bruce picked him up, and carried him over towards the message, laying him on the whole other side of the mattress from Vance. But it still wasn't enough, and Billy was practically falling off the mattress. 

Bruce ended up pulling Billy onto his chest, for the sake of him not falling off the mattress. Billy didn't complain, just snuggled in further, and I noticed. 

I wrapped my arms comfortably around Finney, as Griffin wrapped his arms around me. Once we were all comfortable, we cuddled up and fell asleep. 

Gosh, I love them. 


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