Chap. 13

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Katie's pov:

"Welcome Ms. Showalter" the cop said to me, sitting me down in the police chair. "Yeah yeah, get to the point" I muttered, pissed off. I wasn't even really sad about Cooper's disappearance, I was angry. Out of all the boys in town, why him? Why choose him? Take Moose for f*cks sakes. 

"So I'm sure you've heard about the disappearance of Cooper Maxwell" the cop sighed, and I nodded "I'm not blind so, yup" 

"How do you feel about it?"

How do I feel about it? HOW DO I F*CKING FEEL ABOUT IT! I'm pissed! Cooper was the one thing going right in my life and The Grabber has to ruin that too! F*CK HIM! When I get the chance, I swear on Rover's life, I'm going to kick his a*s to f*cking Venus! 

"I'm f*cking pissed" I said, slapping my hands angrily against the table. "What about The Grabber?" the cop asked me, and I glared at him. 

"F*ck The Grabber" 

"Ms. Showalter, you've been in my office before, regarding your brothers disappearance" 

"Yea, I f*cking remember" 

"Ms. Showalter, you were the last person to see Mr. Maxwell before he went missing." the cop said, shuffling through his notes. "What about it?" 

"Was he acting strange?" 

"It's Cooper, he's strange in general" 

"Was he acting strange?"

"No, not for him at least"

"do you know anybody who had anything to do with it?"

"Well you seem to think my father would abduct his own kid so." 

"It's not about that"

"Listen, what do you want from me?"

"What was your relationship with Mr. Maxwell" 

"oh it was none of your f*cking business." 

"Ms. Showalter.." 

"F*ck you! You do a real sh*tty job by the way, go back to school!" I shouted, flipping him off, and walking out. The f*cking audacity. 

You know what, f*ck this, f*ck them. 

If they can't get their f*cking sh*t together and find him. 

Then I will. 



Your pov: 

The Grabber had brought Cooper Maxwell down here, scratches against his face, his dazed expression squinted through his jawlines and cheeks. He was staring at us, but not at the same time. The Grabber dropped him on the bed, then walked out. 

Billy ran over to him, hugging him. "Coop! You're okay?" 

"No, I can't see sh*t"

"That's normal"

"that's pretty f*cking comforting, thanks man" 

I laughed, and Cooper started to try and blink away his blindness. "Where the f*ck am I? What the f*ck happened?" Cooper asked, his eyes obviously still out of focus. 

"I don't know man, you tell us" 

"I-I don't know. I asked Katie on a date-" 


"That's really not important right now dude. But not yet, I'm planning on it. Anyway, I asked her out, she agreed, I kissed her, then went home to get ready. I was walking home, when some b*tch asked me for help with his f*cking magic tricks. I recognized him from when he tried to kidnap Katie-"


"yea, she broke his d*ck. ANYWAYS, I called him out, he grabbed me, and chucked me into his crusty a*s van." Cooper shuddered, eyes closing in fear. Billy was standing there in shock, poor dude. 

"Oh yeah dude your sister's hot, and a f*cking bada*s" Cooper laughed, and Billy glared at him. "You really didn't change dude" 

"hey, you can't blame me!"

"Eh, Katie is hot"

"Shut up Vance!" Billy whined, smacking his arm. Vance laughed, and Cooper stood up, nearly tripping in the process. "Dude! Be careful!" Billy shouted, and Cooper huffed in response. 

"b*tch I'm drugged, not useless" Cooper huffed again, struggling to walk. "Dude at least be a bit careful. You're drugged!" 

"Really? Couldn't f*cking tell dude? Now how do we get out of here"

"That's what we're trying to figure out" 

"Aren't those two like f*cking Einstein?" Cooper asked, referring to Finney and Griffin. 

"I thought so too man" Billy muttered, and Finney and Griffin rolled their eyes. "We're trying here, no help from you" Griffin muttered, and Billy acted fake offended. "Okay, this lovey dovey sh*t is great, entertaining, whatever. Are we going to actually do something" Griffin asked, and Billy looked confused. 

"how did you-" 

"I walked in on the noises. Opened the window, saw you and these others hot and f*cking heavy" 

"Oh sh*t" 

"Hey man, I don't care. May have f*cking traumatized me, but I always assumed you were gay" Cooper shrugged, and the boys jaws dropped. "I cannot believe this!" Finn screamed, and everyone laughed. 

"No hard feelings man" Cooper smirked, sitting back down on the mattress. "Got a f*cking wicked headache" 

"That's another side effect. It'll go away" 

"It f*cking better. Feels like a f*cking aneurysm." 

"I've had one of those!" 

"Dude, what?" 

"Griff, I love you, but please not here, and not right now" Billy muttered, sitting next to Cooper on the bed. Griffin shrugged, ready to tell everybody his traumatizing aneurysm stories that none of us actually wanted to f*cking hear. 

Everyone laughed, and Vance wrapped his arms comfortingly around me and Griffin. I smiled and kissed his neck, slowly standing on my tippy toes. Vance was tall as f*ck, and I couldn't reach his neck without standing on my tippy toes. 

Vance was smirking uncontrollably now, and Cooper stared at the one mattress. "Please tell me we don't all sleep on this" he said, and we nodded "sadly yes" I said, sighing.

"Can I sleep on the floor.." 



Cooper rolled his eyes, and considering it was nighttime, we all came to bed. Cooper laid on the very end, not thrilled about the idea of everyone sleeping together. I almost laughed at him, it was hilarious. 

I was in between Bruce and Billy, Bruce spooning me and me spooning Billy. Cooper was as far away as he could be, though I'm pretty sure he does this with his best friend's sister, so he can't really be talking. 

I cuddled into Billy, pulling him closer towards me to give Cooper some room. 

But what about Katie? 

I hope she's okay....


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