Chapter 18

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In an office in the Crown Entertainment building.

Agent Chen has just detailed the company’s decision, and then puts a contract onto the table, “as per our initial agreement, this is the amount in damages you needed to pay. We have already subtracted the cut you earned for us in your work for the last few years and there is about half of that left.”

You Haoyu is silent as he tries to take the contract and take a look himself, but the agent is holding the paper in place.

He seems to have a faint smile, “a small-time idol like you didn’t have other sources of income, I take? Since I was put in charge of you for a few years now, and we know each other, I could introduce some connections to you.”

That smile looks rather unsettling.

He pulls a business card out and slams it against the contract, “this person is quite interested in you. Make him worth his while and he might even be able to repay the debt for you. Then you can finally free yourself from being mired in the swamp that is the entertainment industry, and just be a happy little stud muffin.”

He definitely sounds pleased with this development.

The air conditioning in the office is quite strong. The wind blows and blows, chilling one down to their bones.

You Haoyu looks downwards. The name on the business card is unfamiliar to him, but from how archaic it felt, that person is definitely not young anymore.

Agent Chen leans back onto his classy chair casually, “you must repay this debt within a year or we will be visiting the courts. If so, then I’m afraid it’s not just your career in the entertainment industry, but your whole life that will be ended.”

You Haoyu doesn’t seem to have much of a reaction.

Agent Chen believes he has finally broken that tough spine of his, but then suddenly he sees him crunch up that card and throw it right at his forehead.


The agent is in disbelief. Before he can start lashing out, though, he gets lifted up by the collar, so roughly that even his glasses are pushed astray.

“You can go spend time with him by your own fucking self,” You Haoyu looks just like a brooding, ruthless wild wolf right now, ready to snap the neck of its prey at any time, “you best hope you don’t run into me outside, or you’ll be sleeping in the hospital for some time.”

Agent Chen is quite thin and short himself, and being suppressed right now, fearing he might be beaten, he’s so scared he couldn’t say anything.

You Haoyu lets go of the collar, and the agent’s legs give out, with him crashing back onto his chair. Then You Haoyu takes the contract and leaves without turning back.

Inside was a room kept so cold it chilled the bones, outside is a humid, suffocating summer. This is probably the hottest day since September began. Every breath was just taking in more boiling hot air into the mouth and lungs at this point.

His phone vibrates, and when You Haoyu sees who it is, he grips his fist so tightly he almost tears the contract paper.

Late evening, and the heat has finally died down somewhat, but it is even more humid. The sky went from azure to being filled with clouds when the sun set, and it looks like a storm is coming.

Du You had assistant Xiao call up Crown Entertainment earlier.

Agent Chen was as obsequious as always, but when the name of You Haoyu was mentioned, he sounded like he’s grinding his teeth, as if some conflict has arisen between them.

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