18. Frank Iero

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This was a request by EmoWeeb27
So blame them if you don't like this/J

New town, new job, new people.
I got a job at Hot Topic so it can't be that bad.

I drove over to the mall and saw a guy waiting at the doors.
He definitely looked like someone who'd work at Hot Topic.
Black and red hair, lip and nose piercing and eyeliner.

I got out of my car and walked over to the doors.
"You're Y/N Y/L/N right?" He asked.
"Yeah, the one and only" I said.
"Frank Iero, the manager" he reached out his hand.
I shook it. "Nice to meet ya"
"C'mon, let's go meet your new coworkers"

Frank took me to the Hot Topic backrooms and introduced me to everyone.
"I'll be watching you and helping you with anything you need help with" He said.
"Thanks" I nodded.
"Come, first shift, opening hours"
"Yes sir"

I followed him to the front and I helped him open the store up.
"I'll be sitting right behind you if you need help" he said.
I nodded.
He sat down in a chair and turned on the computer.
I sat down too and waited.

I saw a group of teenage girls come in.
They were giggling and pointing at band shirts.
Then I saw an anxious looking boy walk in.
I instantly felt Frank's eyes on me.
"Hey uh, do you guys have Green Day shirts?" He asked, fiddling with the string on his hoodie.
"Yeah, follow me" I smiled.
I got up and showed him the shirts.

"I'll have this one" he said, holding one of the shirts in his hand.
"Alright dude, let's go to the register so you can pay" I nodded.
I took him to the register and he paid for the shirt.

As he was leaving the girls giggled at him and one of them tried to trip him.
"OI NORMIES!! LEAVE THAT KID ALONE BEFORE I CALL SECURITY!!" I yelled, picking up the store phone.
The boy looked at me in relief.
I gave him a smile.
The girls ran out of the store and disappeared from my view.

"Great job Y/N" Frank said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"That was nothing" I said.
He squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "Those girls have been coming in here to annoy the kids who come here to actually buy things"
"Fucking assholes"

I sat back down and leaned my head back.
"Could you give me your phone number, for work purposes?" He asked.
"Yeah of course dude"
He gave me his phone and I put my number in.
"Thanks Y/N/N"
"Wait, a nickname already?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Alright, I'm gonna focus on my shift"
"Good idea"

I sat back down and Frank's gaze were piercing me again.
"Frank, I get that I'm pretty and a new sight for your eyes but please stop staring at me" I sighed.
"Yeah sorry" he said.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I yelled as I left the store.
"See ya" Frank nodded.
I drove home, blasting music in my car.
I felt like I was being watched but I guess it's from Frank's eyes piercing me earlier today.

3 months later...

"Hey Frank I'm here!" I yelled walking in through the back door of the store.
"Oh hi Y/N/N" Frank smiled, coming out of the staff bathroom and correcting his shirt.
He looked sweaty and nervous.
Something is definitely off.
"Let's open up shall we?"
"Yeah let's go"

We opened up the store and sat around waiting for customers.
All of the time we spent in the store, I could feel Frank's eyes on me.
But I don't mind, I like him, a lot.
I might've developed a crush on the weird punk guy.
"I know you're staring at me again" I said, turning around in my chair. "Honey I know I'm pretty but you have to stop"
He looked down and chuckled. "But I don't want to"
He looked me straight in the eyes and smiled. "I really don't want to"
"Alright, I get it, I'm too fabulous for you to look away"

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