55. Gerard Way

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5 Years
Vampire Y/N!

5 years ago...

"Hey guys let's go!" Frank yelled.

Who ever thought letting a bunch of 12 year olds out into the dark forest together is a good idea, fuck you.

"We're coming!" Mikey said.
"Let's go Y/N/N!" Gerard said.
He grabbed my hand and started running after Ray and Frank.

"I've heard rumors about the monsters that roam this forest" Frank explained. "There are werewolves, ghosts, witches and vampires"
I gripped Gerard hand tightly.
"They say that the ghosts are the souls of those who got lost and never came back"

We heard a branch snap loudly somewhere in the darkness around us.
"Did you guys hear that?" Ray asked, looking into the the direction of the sound.
"Definitely" Mikey mumbled.
"C'mon guys, let's go deeper, it's probably just deer" Frank said.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here" a deep voice came from the darkness. "A bunch of lost looking kids"

Gerard pulled me closer to him. "Who are you!?"
"Didn't anyone warn you about the vampires who roam these woods at night?"
"We thought they were just old stories!" Frank put in.
"Oh children, I'm terribly hungry"
I felt a hand grab me roughly by my shirt.
"Y/N!" Mikey yelled.
"RUN!!" I screamed, struggling in the vampire's grip. "RUN AWAY!!"
"NO!! Y/N!!" Gerard screamed back. "I'M NOT LETTING THEM TAKE YOU!!"
He tried to pull me away from the monster but I felt his hand slip away.
"Y/N NO!!"

Then it all went black.

Present day...

I sat around in the familiar forest, high up in a tree.
I looked down and saw a guy with black hair walk into the opening.
"It's been 5 years now. I miss you" he said. "I brought you some roses, I know you love them"
He set the roses on a rock that was somewhat in the middle of the opening.
The dry orange and red leaves crunching under his shoes.
"I wish you'd come back, which is stupid, I mean, you're gone. But I feel like you're still around and I'm starting to think that I'm going insane"
He chuckled to himself sadly.
"I really miss you, Y/N"

I had to process his words for a moment.

5 years.

He turned away from the rock and I jumped down from the tall tree.
"I missed you too Gerard" I said.
He turned around in a fast spin and stared at me.
"You're not going insane"
He just ran into me, hugging me and burying his face into my shoulder, sobbing.
I could feel myself tear up as well.
"God I missed you so much" he whispered.
"It's okay now, I'm back"

"How are you alive?" He asked. "Everyone thought you died"
"Almost" I chuckled, showing him my fangs. "I was turned"
"Whoa, that's so cool"
"But how have you been dealing with everything?"
Gerard went quiet and looked down. "I uh- I didn't go to school for a whole year and shut everyone out, even Mikey"
"I can't even think about how much you've been hurting"

"When I felt your hand slip away I broke down, I knew you were gone" he said, tears gliding down his face. "Mikey and Ray had to drag me home because I couldn't bring myself to walk away"
"I'm alive aren't I? Well as alive as an undead creature can be"
"Yeah" he wiped his face and smiled. "You're alive"
He took my hand and just held me close.

"Can we go meet the others?" I asked. "Are you still friends?"
"Yeah we are" Gerard said. "I can take you to my house, we can keep you a secret from your parents"

We went to the Way house and Gerard took me straight to his room.
"I'm gonna go call everyone" he said before leaving.
I sat on his bed, smelling the familiar and comforting smell his room had.
Gerard's room looked the same as the last time I was there.

I dropped down onto my back and stared at the ceiling.
I felt at peace, like I was home.
"Ray and Frank should be here any minute" Gerard said, coming back into his room. "I told them it was an emergency"

Soon the doorbell rang and Gerard rushed to open it.
"Mikey! This is for the whole group!" Ray yelled.
Gerard opened the door for them.
"So what's the emergen- holy crap you're alive!" Frank yelled. "YOU'RE ALIVE!!"
I lifted my head from the pillow.
"That's right Frankie" I smirked. "Y/N's back in the game"
"Woah, you're... pale" Mikey said.
"He's a vampire" Gerard shrugged.
"Holy shit" Ray said.

Frank gave me a hug and sat down. "I'm sorry"
"For what?" I asked.
"It was my idea to go into the forest" he sighed, visibly holding back tears. "I almost got you killed"
"Oh Frank" I hugged him tightly. "It's not your fault"
He let a couple tears fall and then smiled. "But you're strong as hell man, for surviving all that"
"I know"

"Can we see your fangs?" Mikey asked.
I smiled, showing them my sharp white fangs.
"So cool!" Ray said.
"Looking sharp Y/N/N" Gerard said, doing finger guns at me.
"You too honey" I shot back at him.
He blushed lightly and smiled in his adorably awkward way.
Frank smirked at him and Gerard punched his arm playfully.

"We have to go now" Ray said. "I drove Frank here"
"See ya soon" Frank said, ruffling my hair.
"Bye" I smiled.
"I'm gonna go to my room, I'll see you in the morning" Mikey yawned.
"Goodnight Mikes" Gerard said.

"I missed having sleepovers with you" I sighed.
"Me too" he said. "Listen I gotta tell you something that I was too afraid to say before"
"Okay, Uhm... I- I've had 5 years to think about this now and I'm really sure about this. Y/N I'm in love with you"
"5 years is too long" I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.
He kissed me back.

"Fuck" he breathed out, his hand resting on my  chest. "You're a good kisser"
"Mhmm" I smiled, kissing him again.
"I love you"
"I love you too"

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