71. Ray Toro

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Current/Decay era Ray!

I sat in class quietly and stared out the window as Mr. Toro was teaching.
I felt the paper balls being thrown at me from behind and sighed.
I saw a little paper plane land on my desk and took it.
I opened it and saw the scribbles inside.
Kill yourself, no one loves you anyways.

I got up from my desk and slammed my books onto the floor, making my chair fall in the process.
"Y/N?" Mr. Toro asked, turning around.
"I fucking hate this place and I hate all of you!" I yelled, running out of the classroom.
I threw my backpack against the wall and ripped up all of my notebooks and school work before smashing one of the lights on the wall and throwing on the ground.
I ran to the roof and heard the the fire alarm start ringing

I stood on the edge and stared as all of the students and teachers evacuated the building.
All of them except one, Mr. Toro.
The fire had spread quickly and I could small the smoke.
I couldn't live with the thought that I had killed my friend and favorite teacher so I took a step forward.
All there is, is one more step to fall. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before stepping forward and feeling my foot brush the air beneath it.
But I didn't fall.

I felt someone pull me into a strong hug.
"Y/N thank god" Mr. Toro whispered. "I was so worried"
I pressed my face against his chest and started crying.
"Shh it's okay" he caressed my back.
"I'm sorry" I whispered. "I'm sorry I started the fire"
"Your anger got the best of you but it's okay, it happens. But right now, we need to get out of here"
He picked me up and ran down the stair.

There was smoke everywhere and I covered my mouth with my hand.
I pulled Mr. Toro's jacket to cover my face better.
He got us out of the building and collapsed onto the ground in exhaustion.
"Mr. Toro?"
"I'm okay" he coughed out.
I pulled him up and he sat next to me on the grass, resting against me.
"Thank you" I whispered.
"I'm just glad you're okay" he ruffled my hair and smiled tiredly. "I want you to be safe"
"Please Mr. Toro, be my dad" I said half jokingly. "You're so nice to me"
"Actually kid, I uh found out about your living situation and" he pulled out paper. "You're mine"

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