106. Mikey Way

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Now and forever

Vampire Mikey!
Black Parade era!

"I am not afraid of the dark!" I snapped.
"Then go into the forest!"
"No! We don't know what's out there!"
I was pushed into the darkness and got a flashlight thrown at my head.
I grabbed it off the ground and started walking.

It was quiet, no birds, no animals and no people.
Not even the wind rustling in the trees.
Then I heard something, screaming and hissing.
I looked around frantically.
I didn't wanna alert the creature in the darkness.
I climbed into a tree and looked around.

Then the screaming stopped, the sound of someone choking echoed through the forest.
I climbed down from the tree and started running.

Soon I stumbled upon a frightening sight.
A woman on the ground, her neck torn and bloody.
Eyes lifeless and glassy.
"Well hello darling" a male voice said from behind me.
"What happened?" I asked, looking around but not seeing the source of the voice.
"I killed her" the voice was coming from a different direction now.
"Vampires exist darling" the person grabbed my neck from behind. "And they're a lot closer than you think"
His voice was right in my ear and ringing in my head.
"Please let me go"
He put his other arm around my waist and chuckled. "I don't want to, your blood smells divine"
"No darling, I'll keep you"
I shivered and he pulled me closer.

"Tell me your name" he said.
"It's Y/N Y/L/N" I answered. "Now tell me yours"
"Michael Way"
"Alright, Mikey, where you gonna take me?"
"My home"
He placed a hand over my eyes. "Trust me, I'll take good care of you, Y/N"
Then I passed out.

I woke up to someone grabbing my face and turning my head up.
"Now that's beautiful" someone said.
"FRANK HE'S MINE!!" Mikey yelled.
"Sorry Mikey" the other person, Frank, said.
I opened my eyes and looked up.

Mikey kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my chin softly.
"Did he hurt you?" He asked.
I shook my head.
He sat down and took my hand. "You're very pretty"
I blushed and looked into his hazel eyes.
He helped me up and put his arms around my waist.

I placed a hand on his chest and he smiled slightly.
"You're okay darling" he whispered. "And your blood smells so... so sweet"
He inched closer to my neck. "So good..."
I held my breath and closed my eyes.
I felt Mikey press a kiss on my skin and then another and another.
I let out a small gasp.
"No..." he struggled with his words and pushed me away. "Go lock yourself in the bathroom"
I saw his eyes turn red and his gaze pierced my soul. "Hide, please, Y/N, I don't want to hurt you, please"
I ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.
He left the room and everything went quiet.

"Mikey?" I asked.
"He went hunting" someone else said. "It's safe to come out now"
I unlocked the door and peeked through the crack.
"My name is Gerard" the person said. "I'm Mikey's older brother"
I opened the door and he smiled at me.
"I'm Y/N" I mumbled.
"Mikey likes you quite a bit, for running out like that instead of biting you I mean"
A light blush dusted my cheeks and I looked down.
"He'll be back soon"
"He's a bit... scary"
"He might seem scary but once you get to know him you'll realize that he's a sweetheart"

"Y/N I'm back!" Mikey's voice came from the hallway and I jumped slightly.
Gerard put an arm around me and smiled sweetly.
"Gerard!" Mikey snapped, slamming the door open. "He's mine!"
"Of course, I know brother" Gerard said. "I'm sorry Mikey, I was just comforting him since he seemed a bit shaken"
Mikey's expression softened slightly. "Okay, thank you Gerard, but you can go now"
Gerard gave me one last smile before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay darling?" Mikey asked, walking over to me and putting his hands on my waist.
"Yes" I said as he ran his fingers through my messy hair.
"Good" his voice was soft and caring. "Very good"
I rested my head against his chest and he hummed quietly.
"You're safe with me Y/N"
He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.
I just melted against him, almost losing my balance.
Mikey held me up and took me to his bed. "Is this comfortable enough?"
"Yeah" I said quietly.
The bed was really soft and big, better than anything I've ever slept on before.

I held onto Mikey's hand and he lifted an eyebrow at me.
"Come to bed with me" I mumbled.
He blushed slightly and bit his lip.
"Please Mikey"
"Fine" he sighed, sitting down next to me.
He sank his fingers into my hair and I closed my eyes in delight.
He chuckled and his hand slipped down to my neck slowly.
Mikey tilted my head up and smirked. "Finally realizing who you belong to, mhm?"
I blushed a deep shade of pink and he chuckled.
"You're mine and you know it" his fingers ran through my hair softly.
"Yes sir" I blurted out, my mouth working with my messed up heart rather than my brain.
"Good boy" 
The name made me pass out.

"Hey darling, wake up" Mikey's voice rang through my ears. 
I jumped up, blushing. 
He had his arms firmly around me and his nose was buried in my hair.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked softly.
I nodded and he chuckled.
"That's good"
"I'm hungry" I mumbled. 
"I'll get you something to eat" he got up and left the room.

5 months later...

"Y/N!!" Mikey yelled. 
"What's up Mikey?" I asked. 
"We need to run. The hunter found us"
"Just get up and go!"
He picked me up and started running.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes.

"No" I heard Mikey sigh. 
"Mikey, they're here for Y/N" Gerard said.
"They can't take him from me! I won't let them!"
"Mikey, let him go" Ray said.
"NO!! HE'S MINE!!"

I opened my eyes and saw someone with a crossbow pointed at Mikey. 
I nodded and he let me down.
I hid behind him and took his hand.
"FINE! I GUESS WE'RE DOING THIS THE HARD WAY!!" I heard the bow release the arrows.
My instincts kicked in and I jumped in front of Mikey, then I felt 2 arrows hit my body.

I felt myself fall onto the floor and I smiled at Mikey. 
"You're okay" I coughed out. 
"Y/N no..." he sighed. "I need you, to be okay"
He fell next to me and traced around the arrows with his fingers.
"I love you Y/N"
"I love you too, more than you know"
"I'll save you, I promise, I'll save you"
"It's too late Mikey"
Tears were streaming down his face. "Don't say that, please Y/N"

He kissed me softly and pulled me up against him.
He moved down to my neck and placed one last kiss before biting down.
I let out a cry of pain and grabbed onto his hair.
I felt his venom in my veins.
Then the pain stopped and I felt him pull the arrows out pf my flesh.
"Y/N?" Mikey asked. 
"Hi" I smiled.
"Thank lord" he pulled me into a kiss and smiled.

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