87. Ray Toro

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Trans Y/N!

"We have to wrap this up soon we have a big rock band coming in"
"Great" I said, setting the guitar down. "Well everything is clean and ready for them"
"You got all the blood off the guitars?"
"Good. You may have to stick around 'til the next band is done, Frank has a habit of getting hurt while playing"
I sat down and yawned. "Tell him to not get blood everywhere"
"I will"

As the band arrived I saw a familiar face.
He glanced at me and smiled. "Hey you look familiar"
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Ray Toro"
"Y/N Y/L/N, we went to high school together"
"Do you have a sister?"
"No I- I'm trans"
"I dated you back in the day!"
I chuckled. "Yeah, I remember"
Ray laughed and gave me a side hug. "I missed you"
"Missed you too Toro"
He smiled and sat down. "We're here to record some vocals for our new album"
"You're all still friends?"
"Yeah! We started that band we were so excited about and well, we're famous now. How have you been?"

I shifted in my seat slightly and sighed. "Well I found out I was trans a month back and started my transition not that long ago" I said. "It's been hard to be honest"
"I'm happy that you're finally being yourself" Ray smiled, fluffing my hair.
I chuckled, resting my head against his shoulder. "It's been a while"
"Hey do you wanna come over tomorrow?"
"Sure, I'd love to!"
"Great, I'll send you my address... you still have my number, right?"

I took out my phone and started looking through my contacts.
"I have you down as 'Sunshine my beloved' with a heart" I laughed.
"Oh please, that's too sweet" Ray laughed. "I have you as 'My darling' also with a heart"
We laughed at each other until we couldn't breathe.
"God, we never really broke up, did we?"
"Y/N, my darling, it is over!" He said dramatically.
I started laughing and hit my head on the wall behind me.
"Ow!" I whined.

Ray placed a hand on the back of my head and held it there.
He was warm and soft, even thought his fingertips were rough.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah" I sucked in a sharp breath. "Yeah I'm fine"
"Mhm" he pulled my head back to his shoulder.
I closed my eyes, taking in his warmth.
"So, Y/N? How'd you end up on that name?" Ray asked
"I just liked it" I answered. "It felt right"
"I love it, it suits you"
I smiled.

"Hey uh, Y/N is it?" Frank asked.
"Yeah?" I said.
"I cut my finger open and now there's blood on the guitar"
I sighed. "Leave it to me"
Frank handed me the guitar.
"Show me your finger"
He gave me his hand I looked at the cut. "That's pretty gnarly" I said.

I cleaned the cut and bandaged it. "There you go"
"Thanks!" Frank smiled and went back to the studio.

Ray rested his head against my shoulder and yawned.
"Did you sleep last night?" I asked quietly.
"Not much, Gerard kept us up while he was writing just so we can have our own on the lyrics" He said. "I'm pretty happy that he did, just because the lyrics are so good now"
"Well that's good"
"Are you tired?"
"Take a nap, I have a feeling this session is gonna be long"

Ray hugged me and nuzzled my shoulder.
I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled.
"Do you remember when we went to the winter dance together?" I asked.
"We couldn't dance to save our lives" he chuckled.
"We were absolutely hopeless"

Soon Ray fell asleep and I fell asleep too, resting my head against his.

Suddenly I woke up to someone holding my hand.
I heard talking and opened my eyes.
Ray was wide awake, talking to Mikey.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Mhm. How long was I out?" I asked.
"About an hour" Ray said.
I got up but he stopped me. "Where are you going?"
"Depends on how much blood Frank has gotten on the guitar"
"There's none" Mikey said.
"Then I'm going home, my shift is over"
Ray got up and hugged me. "Just so you know, I really missed you"
"I know. I'll see you tomorrow"
"See ya"

I left the studio and drove home.
As I got inside, my phone started ringing.
"Y/N Y/L/N at your service" I answered.
"Hi Y/N/N, just a little problem" Ray said, sounding slightly panicked.
"Are you in trouble?"
"Something along those lines yeah"
"Is someone following you?"
"Mhm" he gave me a sound of agreement, trying not to alert the weird stranger following him. "Sure"
"Where are you?"
"You know that local pizzeria, I'm heading there"
"I'll be there, black car with a spider sticker on the front"
"Please hurry"
"Don't end the call"

I got into my car and sped off to the pizzeria.
I parked at the front and waited.
"Where are you Ray?" I asked.
"I see you!" he exclaimed.
I looked around and spotted him.
He ran to my car and got in before hugging me tightly.
"Thank you"
"No problem" I sighed.

We were quiet for a moment.
"I got an idea" I said. "Remember when we-"
"Used to fuck around and confuse everyone about what was actually going on between us"
"That? All over again?"
"Yes" I looked into his eyes. "Let's do what we do best"

A couple weeks later...

"Y/N let's go" Ray said.
"I'm coming" I answered.
"The guys are waiting"
I took his hand and we went to the car.
"Hey guys!" Frank smiled.
"Hi Frank!" I said.
We got into the car and I kissed Ray's cheek.
Gerard looked at us and then exchanged glances with Mikey.

Ray and I chuckled quietly and I gave him a high five.
"Idiots" Frank mumbled.
"We know" Ray and I smiled.
We went to the bar and Gerard parked the car.
"Have fun everyone!" He smiled.
"Aren't you coming?" Mikey asked.
"I'll come, just not drinking anything"
Mikey looked relieved at his brother's words.

We went inside and Ray and I got drunk.
Extremely fucking drunk.

"Y/N" Ray said. "You're very handsome"
"What?" I asked.
"You're hot, okay? I like you"
I pulled him into a sloppy kiss and he smiled.

I woke up in my bed the next morning with a pounding headache.
I saw Ray next to me and jumped.
I felt my body to see if I still had my clothes on.
My shirt was gone and so was his but I still had my jeans.
I laid back down and sighed.
"Y/N?" Ray asked.
"What's up?" I asked
"Do you remember anything about last night?"
"No, not really"
"Can you remember what I told you?"

Ray sat up and I did too.
He sighed, slight tears forming in his pretty eyes. "I just-"
"What's wrong?" I asked, turning his head to face me. "Ray?"
"You can tell me anything"
He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes
"Y/N I'm in love with you and I can't take this anymore! I want to kiss you so badly!"
The tears slid down his face. "And I'm not good at things like this! I just fucking love you! You're so fucking perfect and-"
"I love you too" I said calmly. "It's okay, don't cry"
I kissed him and he kissed back.
I held his face softly and smiled. "I love you"
He hugged me and buried his face into my neck. "I've never stopped loving you, never"
"For all those years?"
"Yeah, I've been hoping you'd come back"
I took his hand and kissed it. "Well, we're both here now"

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