34. Frank Iero

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My Crown and Your Guitar Pick

Inspired by a dream I had.
Pro rev looks.
Sorry for the 2 Frank ones in a row, I just had to make this.

It was my birthday and my friends got me a VIP ticket to see MCR, my favorite band of all time.
They saved my life at one point.
Frank is my favorite, he's cute and talented, and his chaotic nature makes him funny.
My friends got me a crown that was made from metal.
I put it on with my concert outfit and got into the car.

As I arrived at the venue, I clipped the VIP pass to my jeans and went to the VIP line.
I was promised a front row seat and a meet and greet.
I was talking with other people in the line and ate some snacks while waiting.

When the doors finally opened I was hyped.
Me and a couple of other people with VIP passes go escorted to the front row.
There was 10 inch gap between the stage and the barrier.
I rested my hands on the cold metal bar and realized that I was finally there.
I was standing on Frank's side of the stage.
I was shaking and smiling.

As the band walked on stage the crowd blew up.
I screamed and jumped around in excitement.
"We are My Chemical Romance from New Jersey and we love you guys!!" Gerard yelled.
The crowd cheered.

The show went smoothly, I made eye contact with Frank at some point and I almost fainted.
I have met him once before and he was super sweet, I love him.
I've also seen MCR live before and it was so cool.

"This is gonna be the last song for tonight" Gerard said as Famous Last Words started playing.
I screamed with the crowd.
I was jumping and singing again, putting all of my soul, body and energy into the song, just like Frank when he plays guitar.
"Nothing you can say can stop me going home!" The song ended. "We had so much fun! Goodnight!"

"FRANK!! FRANK!!" I yelled. "FRANK IERO!!"
He put his guitar down and paused for a moment.
He turned to look at me as all of the other people were pouring out of the arena.
I waved at him and he walked over to me.
He kneeled down on the edge of the stage.
"I uh- wanted to give you this" I said, taking off my crown.
I placed it on top of his head and he gave me a kiss on the lips.
I heard the sound of a camera go off.
He pulled away and smiled at me before running backstage.

I heard people go quiet all around me, then they started whispering.
I quickly ran to the VIP meet and greet area and showed my pass to the security guard.
"Right this way" She said, pointing to a small lounge.
I sat down in a chair and took out my phone.
I waited as the other fans got to meet the band.
I could feel my lips burning from the kiss, in a good way.
It only lasted a second even though it felt like forever.

I played with the clip on my VIP pass as I waited for my turn.
Soon I noticed that the lounge was completely empty, I was all alone.
I stood up from the chair, my back turned to the door as I took a deep breath.

Suddenly I felt 2 arms around my torso and my breath hitched.
I brushed my hand carefully against the ones holding me and recognized the rough fingertips.
"Hi Y/N" Frank whispered.
"You remember my name" I exhaled.
I felt my lips slightly burning again.

I turned around and Frank let go of me.
He was still wearing my crown.
"So guys, you haven't met him but this is Y/N" he said, introducing me to the other 3. "It's nice seeing you again, you're cute"
I could feel my face heating up.
"Nice to meet you Y/N" Gerard smiled.
"From what we heard from Frank earlier, you seem super nice" Ray said.
Mikey nodded, a small smile curving the corners of his mouth.

"How have you been?" Frank asked.
"I'm doing pretty well" I answered. "It's been a bit rough but that's life you know?"
"Yeah" Gerard said. "That's life"
"Why the crown?" Mikey asked. "You gave that to Frank but why did you have that?"
"Oh it's my birthday today" I said.
"Happy birthday!" Ray said.

"Guys our time's up" Gerard said, looking at the clock on the wall. "It was nice meeting you Y/N"
"I hope we see you again!" Mikey said.
"Bye!" Ray smiled.
"I'll be out in a bit guys!" Frank said to his band members.
The door closed and it was dead quiet.
"I got you a birthday gift" he said.
"What?" I asked. "Really?"

Frank cupped my face with his hands and kissed me, it was deep and loving.
I melted into him and he smiled.
I pulled away and looked him in the eye. "Thank you" I sighed.
"I'll see you tomorrow" he slid me a backstage pass.
Then he gave me on last kiss before disappearing into the private hallway.
I looked down at the pass and saw a guitar pick taped on the side.
"Oh Frankie" I smiled.

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