3 | Forbidden Love

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Today was yet another peaceful day. And it was good because the port mafia hadn't decided to kill people or cause more problems for the ada. So because there was literally nothing to do , Dazai had decided to take a walk near the river where he and Atsushi had first met.

"I'm so bored ...." Dazai continued to walk along the path near the river , kicking a few stones along the way as he were looking for something to do.

On the other side , someone else seemed to have had the same idea as Dazai. As both continued their walk , still not even noticing each other , it wasn't long untill they met.

As he continued walking , Dazai ended up bumping into someone. Dazai looked at who he had bumped into by mistake and caught himself staring for longer than he had wanted to.

The person had long blonde hair , brown eyes and wore glasses. He was also wearing a black suit. Dazai looked towards the floor and saw what looked like a notebook. The man reached over for the notebook and picked it up.

Dazai stared as he waited for the man to stop flipping through his notebook. Once the man was done , he noticed Dazai standing infront of him obviously looking confused.

"Sorry , I wasn't looking where I was going. " The man said , pushing his glasses up exactly like someone in an anime would do. Dazai blinked for a second before deciding he should at least apologize because if he were being honest , he was the one who wasn't looking where they were going.

"No , no. I should be " Dazai said raising both his hands. The man looked at Dazai and folded his arms. "Its quite alright." He said. "I suppose I should introduce myself."

"I'm Kunikida." He said  his hand out. Dazai had also did the same thing."Well , I'm Dazai. Osamu Dazai." He said. The man now known as Kunikida smiled.

"Nice to meet you Dazai." They both shook hands. "You too Kunikida." Dazai said and they both went their seperate ways as it was starting to get dark as the sun was currently starting to set.

A strange new feeling was starting to overtake him. Dazai wasn't exactly sure what it was but he can definately say that this started after he had met Kunikida near that river. And it was a kind of good feeling.


"Hey , Kunikida!" A voice shouted just as Kunikida had arrived. He looked over to see his work partner Chuuya. "The boss said he wanted to see you for somethin."

Kunikida looked at Chuuya and sighed. He was behind schedule and he needed to get this work done. But he supposed he had to make room for an extra meeting , because the boss had said himself. And he couldn't exactly disobey orders.

A long while later , Kunikida had left Mori's office and went back to his own. He had started on some paperwork to try and distract himself from these thoughts he had been having lately. And strangely enough , they had started after he had met the man called Dazai earlier today.

Whatever it was , it was going to wait. 'I must get this done.' A few hours later , Kunikida had finished the day's paperwork and missions. Once he was out of the port mafia headquaters , Kunikida stared up at the night sky.

He needed to clear his mind from all these strange thoughts and feelings he was having about the man he only just met. As Kunikida was walking around the city he had finally come to the conclusion that the feelings he were having were what they called "love".

Kunikida was never really one for things like love , especially considering his position and job in the port mafia. And it would be trouble if Dazai turned out to be from an enemy orginaization.

"Kunikida?" A voice brought him out of his thoughts and Kunikida looked to see that Dazai was standing infront of him. "Oh , I didn't see you there."

Dazai smiled. "I just got here!" He said lifting his hand. "I take it you finished work?" Kunikida nodded. "What brings you here?" He asked.

"Nothing much , I was just out for a walk." Dazai said. "I think I should tell you this now."

This got Kunikida's attention as he turned to look at Dazai. "I think , I love you ....." Dazai said looking at Kunikida.

"Yeah , me too." Kunikida said.


Today , they had a mission. Kunikida was assigned with Akutagawa to find the weretiger as they had infortmation that he was now working with the ada.

Kunikida had gone in to attack the two agency members who had arrived om the scene. He used his ability to summon a gun and started shooting. It turns out one of the agency members had noticecd this trick as he had started attacking Akutagawa.

And the other one , had successcully doged the bullets and was now infront of him. Once both were facing each other a sense of familliarty washed over the two.

"Dazai?" If he was being honest , Kunikida would say that he was quite suprised to have seen Dazai today and finding oyt that he was infact part of an enemy organizatoon.

What this meant for them he did not know. Meanwhile over on the agencey's side Dazai was also experiancing the same feeling of shock.

"Kunikida!" Dazai said. They both stopped their fighting and stared each other. Both of them were totally not expecting this at all.

"Your with the port mafia?!" Dazai shouted.

"And your with the agency." Kunikida said folding his arms.

"Leave the port mafia." Dazai said. He was serious about this Kunikida could tell. But what he had said was the problem. Leave the port mafia. That idea was just about impossible as all of his ideals were. There was no way in hell he could just walk out of his place of work like that.

"I'll think about it." He said and they both continued their respective missions.


Look. I know I promised a wholesome oneshot buut this idea came into my head and its like I had to write it. Im thinking of making a full on proper story fanfic about the port mafia kunikida au.

Anyway hope you enjoyed reading and bye for now!


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