(Sparking/ Surge) Depressed Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Requested: BellDaizora456

Thanks for the requeat and sorry for make you wait for so long because I was busy. Hope you like it. This one is AU.

Type of this story:
(💔 + ☁️ + ❤)


(Normal POV)

In Japan, the car was crashed after the accident and got hitted by the big lorry.

That person was accident was Valt Aoi. An hour ago, he was driving the car in hurry before the tournament.

When he droved very fast, Valt didn't notice that a lorry came passed by his car as he look forward.

His eyes widened in horror as he was about to break the car, but it was too late....

The car got hitted and crashed all over as Valt screamed in pain. Bloods everywhere on his body, the glass shattered and the car crushed.

The driver of lorry came out from it and helped Valt out from the car. His eyes closed and bloods came out from his mouth. The driver then called the ambulance.
At America, in Raging Bull..

(Shu POV)

After I trained, I was about to go back to the office, but I saw many people were whispering and noises at the lobby. I went to them and ask.

"Hey, why're you guys whispering about? It's something happen." The random man glanced at me and said...

"Oh, Mr. Kurenai. We were shocking that Valt Aoi death from car accident." My eyes widened, Valt is dead. My heart is broken.

"What...Valt is....died?" He nodded at me.

"Yeah and we're heard he had accident many hour ago at Japan." Without thinking, I rushed out from the building and went you Japan.

That can't be, my best friends is dead from accident. As I went to the airport, I went to Japan as soon as possible.
At Japan

(No POV)

In the graveyard, (Y/N), Valt's family and his friends were visiting Late Valt with a sad face. Nika and Toko were crying softly after their brother died.

(Y/N) sobbed at her childhood friend while Shu cried hardly as he knelt down beside the grave.

"Valt, why're you leaving us!?" He keep crying. (Y/N) comforted him.

"Shu..." After everyone pray for Valt, they left, except for Shu and (Y/N). Shu cried non-stop and he felt losed his best friend.

(Y/N) know how he felt. She also know that Shu made a mistaked that when he become Red Eye and said he was dead.

Valt then tried to help him and turn him back, but the albino only gave him a hurt feeling.

After Shu turned back, he apologized to Valt, including his friends and he can't forgot about his past. Valt said everything is ok and he will be fine.

After all the past, (Y/N) get up and said...

"Shu, let's go home. It's getting late now." He get up slowly, wiped the tears away and nodded slowly. His eyes puffed red for cried very long.

"Ok, (Y/N). Let's go." With that, they went to Shu's apartment and the albino need take a day off for a week in Japan.
At Shu's apartment

(You POV

It's been two days that Shu being so quite today. I know he missed his best friend, but he can't shut himself in for a day.

I need to talk to him, if he allow me to talk. I went to his bedroom as I knock the door three times.

"Who was it?"

"Uh...it's me, (Y/N). Can I come in?" Everything is silence until he said.

"Sure, come in." He said very low voice, I opened the door and entered in. I saw Shu was laid on the bed and had a bag on his eyes.

My heart feel shattered when to see Shu had a depression all day. I sat beside him and stroked his soft white hair.

"Shu, you feeling ok?" He just shook his head. I sighed.

"Shu, I know you missed Valt. I'm also miss him and every his friends and his family missed him too!!" I said to make him snapped. Shu get up quickly with a mad look.

"Yeah, but Valt is very different than the others!! Valt waa special and he even never leave me alone whenever I was alone. He's the one that I never forgot." I hummed and closed my eyes.

"So that mean....are you always thinking about him than us?" His eyes widened and keep silence.

"But, it's fine. I understand how you've been through. I give you some space." I get up and about to leave his room, until Shu grabbed my arm and pulled into a hug.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that."

"It's quite fine. You were right all the time."

"No, you are. I know I kinda feel selfish and needy to someone very important. Think all by myself and never solve my problem. But you also help me, (Y/N)." He broke the hug, I stared at him confused.

"What do you mean? I didn't even help you last time." Shu had a sad smiled.

"That you never hate and always comforted me." I blushed at his comment and giggled.

"Yeah, maybe." Shu then pecked his lip into mine. I blushed again.

"(Y/N), you're not only a friend, but my lover. I don't want to loose you again like last time when I was Red Eye. Since Valt was gone, I also don't want to loose you too." I smiled at him.

"Oh, Shu. I guess you had a feeling for me." He grinned.

"Of course." I chuckled.

"I love you too, Shu." With that, we're hugging for each other as I calmed him down from sadness.

"Thank you, (Y/N). You're always be my love."

"You're welcome and always."

Many days later, Shu was now didn't had depressed anymore and continued his new life after Valt's dead. Me and him become a couple and live happily ever after.


Me: Done!

Shu: *cried*

Me: *sighed* Calm down, Shu. It's just a story.

Shu: But....it felt real...

Valt: *patted his back* Don't worry, I won't dead in real life.

Shu: *smiled* Thanks, Valt.

Valt: *grinned* No problem, pal.

Me: Aww~

Words: 1053
Have a nice day/night dear readers and Happy Friendship Day!! :3 Sayonara!!

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