(Burst/ Season 1) Shu Kurenai x Foreign Reader

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Requested: LillianaBerry2003

Thank you so much for the request :3. I was translate english to japanese because this story about 'reader got moved to japan and doesn't understand about Japanese's language. So, Shu help her." But sure thing^^

Type of the story:

Before the story started:

'()' means translate to english^^.

Alrighty then, onto the story!


(No one POV)

In the terrace house, parents and their child done compile all the house stuff after they moving in Japan from (any country name).

Their child named (Y/N) (L/N) was a foreign teenage girl who doesn't know any language from the other country, except english and (your own language).

They're moved in Japan because your parents got a new job at Tokyo, but they stay in Beigoma City.

Back to them, they already finished compile all the stuff, and so do (Y/N). Tomorrow is your first day of school, and yet doesn't know about japanese language.

Your parents notice that you were nervous and not knowing about this language. Your father then gave you a comfort.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). One day, you will learn japanese language." Your mother nodded agreement at his command.

"Yeah, your father is right, sweety." You sighed and nodded in nervous.

"I will, thanks mom, dad."

"Anytime, (Y/N)."
The next day
In Beigoma Academy

(Yours POV)

Here I am now, in Beigoma Academy. Every students saw my appeariance in academy.

I was nervous as I walked to the principal's office. As I went to the office. I slowly knocked the door as I heard he said in japanese words.

"はい, 入って ください。(Yes, come in.)" I don't know what he said, just entered in and saw principal. He gave me a smile.

"こんにちは, あなた わ (y/n) に ちがいない?" (Hello, you must be (Y/N), right?) I just tilted my head in cofused what he was saying until he said, make me surrpised.

"Oh, you don't know Japanese?" He can talk in english! I then shook my head.

"N-No, principal. I'm from (any country name) and the language I know is english and (any language). (A/N: Other than Japanese)" He nodded understanding at my explanaition.

"I see. But don't worry, I can talk in english. Also, you must be (Y/N), right?" I nodded.

"Alright, (Y/N). Follow me, you will stay in class 1-A." Without thinking, I follow principal on the way to my new class.
Time skip

After he showed me where the class 1-A was, I thanked him as he reoly back.

"You're welcome, (Y/N). Also, called me Principal Shinoda." Then, he left me alone and here I am now. At in front of the classroom door. Teacher then saw me and said,

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