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Isabelle was raised by the government. She had been trained as a highly skilled fighter, used for her powers, and forced to become a dangerous weapon. Tony Stark was the one who rescued her after seeing the girl locked up in a cage. Government officials warned Iron Man not to worry about Isabelle. Her family was dead, she didn't remember them anyway. The girl's memory had been wiped when the officials took her in.

Tony broke Izzy out a few days after meeting her. He knew she had potential to be great. No one ever found her after Stark took her to the compound. Steve was the first Avenger she met, followed by Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Clint. They were all very welcoming. Tony showed Isabelle to her new room and told her not to hesitate to ask if she needed anything. She thanked him endlessly and started to unpack.

Fast forward three months, Loki Laufeyson had been brought in by SHIELD agents. He had short black hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a devious smile on his face. Izzy never looked at the man unless it was on the security tapes. At this time, she had almost mastered her powers as well as her hand to hand combat. Steve took interest in the girl right away. Who wouldn't? She had gorgeous medium length brown hair, dark brown eyes, a beautiful body.

Bucky also developed a crush on the girl. No one ever said anything to her about it. They didn't want to ruin the friendship they were just starting with Izzy. Tony took the girl under his wing. He felt as though he needed to protect this girl. Loki, on the other hand, knew about the new Avenger and was eager to meet her. He knew about her abilities and what she had been capable of. Natasha warned them not to send Izzy right away.

Tony agreed with the Black Widow. Steve offered to accompany Isabelle whenever she was ready to interrogate Loki. She politely declined, telling the Captain that she needed to be alone with him in order to get the job done. Bucky chuckled at the rejection. He loved his best friend, but it was obvious that Izzy didn't feel the same towards Rogers. She didn't feel the same towards the Falcon or Metal Man either. Thatcher had no feelings for anyone in the compound, it was all platonic.

Isabelle loved the Avengers! She was honored to be part of the team but she wasn't looking for anything romantic. Her job is more important than being in a relationship. Tony was proud of how far she had come within the last three months. Wanda had been working with Izzy on controlling her telepathy and how to use it to her advantage. People may take notice after awhile that she was reading their minds, Maximoff would warn. Izzy took all of her warnings and advice to heart.

"Kid, you okay to go down there today?" Tony asked over breakfast.

"I think so." Izzy replied.

Stark nodded. He smiled and waited for her to finish eating before taking her to the dungeons. Loki was facing away from them, but he knew they were there. Tony nodded and left. Isabelle took a deep breath and walked towards the God of Mischief. He turned towards the girl and flashed her his famous smile. Izzy could feel butterflies in her stomach but she pushed them away. This was the villain after all. She can't like him.

"Hello Darling. You are very beautiful." Loki complimented.

"So, that's your tactic? Complimenting me?" Izzy crossed her arms over her chest.

"I have no tactics, Love." He smiled as he sat down.

Isabelle rolled her eyes. She stared at him as she tried to read his mind. Loki smirked when he felt her enter his thoughts. The girl stopped trying to get in when she saw something extremely disturbing. He showed her images of the two of them in some very inappropriate scenes. Isabelle shot Loki a disgusted look. He tried to contain his laughter but failed horribly.

Tony said something to Izzy through the coms. She whispered a reply and left without another word. Loki smiled to himself. He knew he would see the girl again and he was looking forward to it. She captivated the God of Mischief, interested him. No other girl has ever been able to keep his attention but Izzy. Thor had been the next to see Loki. He wanted to ask his adoptive brother what was going on in his brain.

Steve, Bucky, and Sam were waiting for Isabelle in the lounge. They tried to ask what happened but she ran right past them and into her room. She slammed the door behind her. Tony didn't know what to say to her. Bucky went up to talk to the girl. He was the only person she talked to when she got this upset. Her and Steve were close too, but Izzy had been distancing herself a little from the Captain. She knows about his crush on her.

"Hey Iz." Bucky smiled as he sat next to the girl on the floor.

"Hi Bucket." She tried to return it.

"What happened down there? Did he hurt you?" James asked.

"No, he didn't hurt me. I couldn't get into his mind." Izzy sighed.

"Oh yea, we forgot to mention that he can read minds too." Metal Man chuckled.

Isabelle pushed Bucky's shoulder playfully. She would've liked to know that beforehand. Now that she knows, there should be something she can come up with to get information from him. James and Izzy talked for awhile, getting to know each other more and swapping stories about their childhood. His favorite one to tell was when he rescued Steve from an alleyway when he got into a fight with someone twice his size. Bucky did ask her about Rogers.

"You know Steve likes you, right?" James nudged her.

"I know. I've been trying to keep my distance." Izzy confessed.

"Why?" He questioned.

"I just don't feel the same. He's my best friend, Buck, but nothing more." She answered.

"Iz, I think you should tell him. Steve isn't fragile, he's not going to break if you tell him the truth." Metal Man advised.

Isabelle nodded. She knows how Rogers is. He's strong, independent, a good fighter, patient, kind. The girl would have to tap into his mind to make sure he wasn't too upset before telling him. Bucky left her alone to think, telling her he would send Rogers in to talk. Steve was happy to speak with her but James informed his friend that he needed to have an open mind. He couldn't get upset and he couldn't break down in front of her, otherwise Izzy would break too.

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" Steve poked his head through the door.

"Yea, I needed to talk to you." She pat the spot next to her.

"What's up, Love?" Rogers smiled.

"I know about the crush." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Buck tell you?" Steve looked to the floor.

"I can read minds, remember?" Izzy chuckled.

Steve nodded. He was worried that this would come up sooner or later. Her body was giving off the vibes that she didn't feel the same as he did. Rogers tried to keep his crush as hidden as possible but he evidently didn't try hard enough. He hadn't felt anything like this since his days with Peggy. Captain was fine with being friends with Isabelle. It would be better than not having her in his life at all.

"Steve, you are the sweetest man I have ever met. I adore you. Thank you for making me feel so welcome here." Izzy started.

"But?" Rogers chuckled.

"I just don't feel the same way you do for me." She avoided his eyes.

"Iz, it's okay. I just hope we can still be friends. You are literally the best person here. Don't tell Stark I said that." Steve took her hands in his.

"I would love to be friends with you, Stevie." Thatcher finally looked up.

Steve nodded and kissed her forehead. He was glad she told him before he made ay type of move on her. Bucky was waiting in the lounge for his best friend. Rogers sighed as he sat down. Captain told the man everything that just happened. Sam walked in just when he finished speaking. Wilson knew Isabelle didn't feel the same. He was one of the first she told.

The trio headed up to bed for the night. Tony told them Loki would be up bright and early, so they needed to do the same. Isabelle agreed to try again in the morning too. She fell asleep with a small smile on her face, thinking of the relief she felt now that her and Steve were okay.

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