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Steve and Bucky watched Tony leave the conference room. They went to talk to him but he walked away too fast for them. Rogers headed over to see what that was all about, stopping dead in his tracks when he took notice of Loki. Isabelle had been wrapped up in his arms. He seemed to be calming her down. Bucky smiled Steve told him what happened.

Loki came out with Izzy's arms wrapped around his waist. She wasn't very keen on letting him go, too afraid he'd disappear back to the basement cells again. Steve assured her that Tony couldn't send the God of Mischief down there now. He knows about them, Loki's been changing his behavior, the others may still consider him a villain but they know he wouldn't do anything to anyone she cared about. Izzy was changing the God in so many ways. Barnes chuckled at the way her face lit up when Rogers spoke.

The man in green left to use the restroom, leaving her alone with the Super Soldiers. She explained that she had a panic attack from Tony asking her so many questions at once. Loki sensed something was wrong and came to find her. When said man returned, he wrapped his arms around Izzy's waist, resting his head on her shoulder. The group made their way to the lounge and sat on the couch. Isabelle asked to watch The Little Mermaid. Loki chuckled at his lover.

She snuggled into Loki's side, kissing his cheek. The man in green blushed and returned the kiss. Bucky and Steve made fake gagging noises at the couple. As the movie went on, Izzy could feel herself slowly drifting off. Loki picked her up, bid goodnight to the men, then took her up to her room. He tucked the girl in. Thatcher held onto her boyfriend's hand to make sure he didn't leave. The God crawled in beside her to cuddle the girl to sleep.


"Rogers, where are you going?" Tony questioned the man.

"Bucky and I are going to the mall." Cap answered.

"For what? You two have another mission tomorrow." Stark reminded him.

"Isabelle's birthday is tomorrow. I'm not going on the mission." Bucky spoke up.

Tony rolled his eyes but left the two alone. He knew Izzy's birthday was the next day, he just didn't care. She had been dating the enemy, communicated with him, got all the information on his plans. The worst of it to Stark was that she hid everything right under the team's noses. Barnes never liked Iron Man anyway so he was okay with not talking to him. Steve had gotten used to how quiet the compound was without Tony complaining about everything.

Loki was getting excited about his lover's birthday. They had only been together for a little while but he wanted this to be special. He got her a promise ring, made the girl a photo album of all the pictures they'd taken together, and a new stuffed animal that she had her eye on for awhile. Isabelle woke up from their little nap after a few hours. She smiled at the man looking down at her.

"Anything specific you want for your birthday, Pet?" Loki whispered.

"No. I don't like that day. I have everything I need right here anyways." She placed her hand over top of his.

Laufeyson rolled his eyes playfully. Steve and Bucky would never take that as an answer. The Soldiers were already planning her party and had been for quite awhile. Tony, Nat, Bruce, Clint, Wanda, and the rest of the Avengers were all invited. Loki took the liberty of ordering her cake as well as the decorations. Natasha and Wanda would be taking the girl out shopping early in the morning so the team could set up. They just needed to get through the rest of the day to make sure nothing had been spoiled or revealed.

Unfortunately, Tony had to spill the beans. He blabbed to Isabelle that the team was getting a surprise party ready for her. She ran to Loki to confirm. The God of Mischief tried to deny it but he couldn't. Izzy apologized for ruining everything. Loki stopped her there. He reassured his girlfriend that it wasn't her fault and it wasn't a big deal. They were still going to throw the party and she was going to have the best birthday ever. Thatcher believed him.

"Rogers, can you come to Isabelle's room, please?" Loki called through the intercoms.

Steve made it up to the room in less than a minute. He saw how upset Izzy was. The Captain hurried over and asked what happened. She explained what Tony said to her and expressed how sorry she had been for ruining everything. Rogers said the same thing Loki did. Stark wouldn't be there, nor would he be around her anymore. No more missions together, no debriefings alone, no meetings alone, nothing without someone else in the room with them.

Isabelle hugged Steve. He promised the girl he'd explain everything to the others. Nat and Wanda were still going to want to take her shopping though. Izzy was more than okay with that. She loved the girls and loved hanging out with them. Natasha made the best jokes. Wanda always had the best places to shop and to eat. Going to the mall with the Avengers meant there was never a dull moment. No one ever really stopped them to ask for pictures or autographs, which made it much more relaxed.

"Ms. Thatcher, Mr. Stark has requested you in the conference room." JARVIS said.

"I'll be there in a few. Please tell him Loki will be accompanying me." Isabelle replied.

Loki and Isabelle made their way to Tony. To their surprise, Nick Fury had also been standing there. She was afraid of that man. Laufeyson stood in front of her protectively. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. Fury stepped towards the girl. She his behind her boyfriend, gripping his jacket in fear. Izzy knew of Nick's past. The violence, the chaos, the threats, everything.

Tony smirked at the girl. Calling Fury in to take her off the team may be the best decision he made. Loki glared at Stark, already having read his mind. Izzy tried not to cry when she tapped into Iron Man's thoughts. Nick cleared his throat and gestured for everyone to sit. Isabelle sat in Loki's lap facing the other men, squeezing his hands. She knew he was there to comfort her but she also knew she needed to keep him calm.

"Ms. Thatcher, it has come to my attention that you have been withholding important information from the rest of the team." Fury stated.

"Sir, I only kept it to myself -" She was cut off.

"I don't care what your reasoning is. There should never be any circumstances where you keep information to yourself. Starting tomorrow morning, you will no longer be apart of this team. Someone will be here to take your place." Nick said with a monotone voice.

"You're kicking me out? Where am I supposed to go? I don't have a home, I have no family!" Izzy tried to steady her voice.

"Pack your bags. A car will be here at 9am to take you wherever you choose." Fury left after that.

Tony flashed a smirk and followed the man out. Isabelle turned to face her boyfriend. She didn't know what to do. She literally had nowhere to go, no one who she could stay with, nothing. When she leaves, the poor girl would be homeless with powers. Anyone could kidnap her and take her away for experiments. Loki let her cry it out on his shoulder. He sent a text to Steve and Bucky, telling them they needed to get to the room immediately.

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