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JARVIS informed Tony that street surveillance picked up on someone who looked like Isabelle headed towards her apartment. Stark smirked evilly and called Fury to gather some agents. Maria and Phil were the only ones left in the compound. They agreed to stay back to communicate with the rest of the team. Hill informed Rogers of what Tony discovered. Government agents should be on their way soon.

Barnes was sitting next to Isabelle with a hand around her waist. Rogers excused himself when he saw Maria's name pop up on his phone. Vision and Sam followed the Captain into the other room. They watched at Steve's face drained off all color. After he hung up, he gestured for the two men to go back out with Thatcher. She was going to need all of her friends support right now. Tony would be coming for her now.

"Who was that?" Nat questioned.

"Hill and Coulson. Stark was watching the street security footage and saw Isabelle come to the apartments. Government agents are on their way." Steve explained.

Barnes pulled Isabelle closer to him. Nothing was going to happen to the girl as long as he was there. Not just for himself and the team, but for Loki. They loved each other. Sam, Vision, and Bruce were running around to grab the gear they hid everywhere. Nat and Wanda took Bucky and Isabelle into the safe room they built, locking the two there for a little. They needed to form a plan to get the girl to the safe house.

The safe house was a hundred miles away from New York. Driving there would raise Tony's suspicions and lead to him finding Izzy. James knew of a way to get to the house undetected but it was still risky. Him and the girl could literally run. Change outfits along the way, rest in the woods, hijack some cars. Thatcher shot that idea down pretty quick. She knew that would get them both arrested and she didn't want Bucky to have to go on the Raft. He's been through too much in his life for that to be the way things end.

Steve knocked, telling the duo that everyone had to leave now. Tony was already at the door with Fury. Bucky threw his leather jacket over Isabelle and ran out of the room. Wanda was waiting at the fire exit to create an illusion. She disguised the two as completely different people that only the Avengers, except Tony, would be able to recognize. Once they were all out of the building and off the fire escape, Bucky pulled the girl towards his motorcycle. He would be driving her to the safe house on a road that was undetectable. She threw on the helmet and hopped on. Wanda sent them on their way, trying to conceal her emotions.

Tony caught up with the team on the sidewalk. Fury and some agents were surrounding them, holding their guns. Steve threw his hands up. He told his team not to surrender, just let him do it and they can all walk away. Stark had Cap arrested. Everyone else was free to go. Vision called out to Tony to ask why he was so worried about Isabelle. She had never done anything to him. He was the one who rescued her in the first place and now he was trying to get her sent to live out her life on the Raft? That made no sense.


Bucky and Isabelle were still heading toward the safe house. This was the only one Stark didn't know about. Barnes found it when he escaped the dungeons of the compound years back. He knew no one would be able to find them there, unless the Avengers said something. Izzy began to feel tired. She was falling asleep on her best friend's shoulder. He communicated through the helmets that she could sleep if she felt the need. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. Thatcher nodded, letting the dreamland sweep her away.

James chuckled at the girl. He made sure to avoid as many potholes and bumps as possible so she could get some much needed rest. After a few more hours of driving, Bucky pulled into the safe house. He shook his shoulders to try and wake his friend. She stirred and opened her eyes to see Bucky staring at her. Isabelle made a funny face, causing James to laugh. When he got off the bike, she held out her arms to ask if he'd carry her. Metal Man rolled his eyes jokingly and picked her up bridal style.

"Doll, I'm setting you down on the couch. Don't fall asleep again." He laid the girl down on the old sofa.


Steve was taken to an interrogation room. It was dim and the walls were painted with a light grey. He was blinded by the desk lamp that had been shined in his eyes. Tony, Fury, Hill, and Coulson were sitting directly across from the Captain with their arms crossed. Rogers knew he was in for a hell of a time. Stark had been the first to break the silence.

"Where is the girl, Rogers?" Iron Man questioned.

"I don't know, Stark. Last I heard she ran away." Steve lied.

"Where did she go?" Fury asked through gritted teeth.

"I. Don't. Know." Rogers slammed his hands on the table.

Maria and Phil left the room. They couldn't stay there anymore. Isabelle was their friend. Hunting her down and sending her somewhere to die is just cruel. Phil couldn't take it anymore. He quit SHEILD right then and there. Maria reported to Fury that they lost an agent. Coulson agreed to go through security and took an oath to never spill the secrets to anyone. Hill, on the other hand, stayed behind. She needed to report what was happening to the other Avengers.

Steve was still being questioned, now by other agents. They had been nonstop grilling the Captain. He never said anything that would put any of the other Avengers in danger. Rogers just shrugged his shoulders or said he didn't know. Maria could see how tired and frustrated Steve was getting. She recommended they let him go for awhile and bring the man back later. Cap was released a few minutes later, joining the rest of the team.

No one said a word to each other. There had to be eyes and ears everywhere now. Tony was still trying to track Isabelle. Bucky had been doing a damn good job at keeping her at the safe house. Steve thanked his lucky stars that his best friend let the girl into his life and trusted her. There was nothing they could do now except wait. The team knew it wasn't safe for all of them to make a visit to the house, it would lead Stark right to them. Izzy didn't deserve any of this.

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