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Tony and Bruce had been in the lab all day. They were working on something that would help Izzy harness her powers and help them on missions. James and Steve were against the girl going with the team. They didn't want her to get hurt or die on a mission because someone was careless with her powers or she was being pushed too hard. The subject would be brought up again with Izzy in the room, that way she could voice her own opinion. Natasha smiled at the boys' overprotectiveness. The redhead knew how much the Soldiers cared for Isabelle.

"Why're you all in here? JARVIS said Tony wanted to talk to me." Izzy stopped in her tracks when she saw everyone in the lab.

"We all needed to run something by you, and please feel free to say no." Steve wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a hug.

"Banner and I put something together. We wanted to see how you do on missions so we made you a suit." Stark moved to show the girl her outfit.

Isabelle felt her heart start racing. Steve watched the color drain from her face, Bucky seeing the same. Tony reassured her that she didn't have to decide right then and there but they wanted Izzy to think about it. Thatcher nodded and ran out of the lab. Bucky and Steve followed right behind her. After a few minutes, the two found her with her head in her knees and little sobs coming from her mouth. Bucky bent down to pick the girl up, setting her on his hip. She was small for her age and light as a feather.

James tried to set Izzy down on her bed, but she wouldn't let him go. He just let her sit in his lap instead. Steve would do things to try and calm her, nothing was working. Metal Man texted Steve around Izzy to go get Loki. Rogers left as soon as he got the message. Bucky whispered encouraging words in her ear to try and get her sobs to reduce. After a few minutes, the Captain came back with Loki. Bucky gave the God of Mischief a look of relief. The man in green slid Izzy out of Metal Man's arms and into his own.

"Darling, what happened?" Loki whispered.

"Loki?" Izzy pulled back to look into his eyes.

"Hello Love." He smiled.

Isabelle pressed her lips to his. They moved in sync, as if they were made for each other. The duo broke away after a few seconds and rested their foreheads against one another. Loki smiled at the girl, watching as she blushed under his gaze. Bucky and Steve listened for anymore sobs. The Soldiers left the when they didn't hear anything. Loki and Izzy cuddled up with each other after their first kiss. She rested her head on her chest, he wrapped his arms around her waist protectively.

"No harm will ever come to you whilst I'm around." Loki promised.

"I don't want to go on mission, Lohks. I'm not ready." Her voice filled with fear.

"Your Super Soldiers won't let you do anything you aren't fully prepared for, Darling." He reassured her.

Isabelle nodded at his words. She was thankful he hadn't told her she couldn't hang out with Bucky and Steve anymore. They were her best friends. Loki knew her heart was only his, that she was his and only his. James and Rogers didn't make the man in green jealous, it made him happy to see his girl so protected when he couldn't be around her. Izzy smiled at his thoughts. She made sure he knew just how much she liked him, and how she thought of the Soldiers as only friends and nothing more.

Tony called Isabelle down for a meeting. He talked about the mission she would be assigned if she accepted. If not, her written reports would be more than enough. Thatcher let the man know how uncomfortable she had been with going on a mission. Steve and Bucky were listening on the other side of the door. The two of them were very proud of her for standing up for herself. After a few more minutes of Stark and Thatcher talking, she left. Steve smiled at the girl when she entered the corridor.

Bucky wrapped his arms around Izzy in a hug. She returned it, giving Rogers one too. The girl left the Soldiers as she headed back to her room. Loki was still there waiting for her. She jumped into his arms and kissed his cheeks. The God of Mischief chuckled, giving the girl a soft peck on the lips. Barnes, Rogers, and Romanoff were still in planning mode. The theatre was ready to go for the next night, as was the restaurant. The trio just needed to find a way to get Loki there without Tony seeing or finding out.

Bucky brought up the fact that Loki could shapeshift. He could turn himself into another Avenger and walk through the doors. Steve and Natasha liked that idea. When Izzy went to sleep that night, they decided that would be when they'd inform Loki of what they had been brainstorming. He is the God of Lies, maybe he'll go along with it. Bucky smiled as they looked up which movies the theatre were showing. Most of them had been romance or action films, so hopefully Loki would go with something with love in it. Izzy loved films about romance and love.

"Love, are you okay if I head to sleep?" Izzy smiled sleepily at Loki.

"Of course, Pet. Get some rest." Loki kissed her forehead, leaving her to sleep.

The man in green went down to the lounge. Steve and Bucky were there waiting for him. Loki asked what was going on. The Super Soldiers explained everything they planned for his date with Izzy. He smiled at the mischief those two had got up to. Loki was rubbing off on them. Bucky offered to be the one he shifted to, considering Tony liked Barnes and he trusted the Metal Man. Loki thanked James, taking him up on the offer. Steve gave Loki a hug and thanked him for making Isabelle so happy. They weren't an official couple really, so the man in green wanted to use the date to ask if she wanted to make it so.

"You're the ones who made her happy before we met." Loki chuckled.

"Loki, you are keeping her beautiful smile on her face." Bucky gave him a pat on the back.

"She deserves to be happy. I adore the Lady Isabelle." The God of Mischief blushed.

"Lady Isabelle?" Steve smiled.

"I feel that she's worthy of the title." Loki tried to play it cool.

Loki still had yet to tell Thor of Izzy. He knew his brother would call her the same thing, but he also knew how much he would tease him. Thor was never good at telling jokes or teasing. No one ever really payed attention to the God of Thunder. Maybe they would if he started making jokes about Loki and Isabelle. Steve and Bucky offered to talk to Thor for Loki, but the man in green denied. He'd rather have that conversation with his brother than anyone else do it for him.

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