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Loki asked JARVIS to call a meeting for the rest of the team. Bucky would be excluded only because he already knew what was about to be said, and Izzy needed comfort. Nat, Clint, Bruce, Wanda, Sam, Thor, and Vision were already there when the God of Mischief arrived. He thanked them all for coming. Rogers gave the floor to Loki, patting him on the back for encouragement. He knew the chances of this going wrong and he was okay with that. As long as they didn't go after Isabelle.

"I have a twin sister. Her name is Thalia. She has been threatening and blackmailing me into helping her." Loki started, catching the attention of his brother.

"Thalia's been released?" Thor questioned.

"Yes brother. Anyway, I don't know exactly what her plan is but I know it's not good." His voice was full of worry.

"Why are you telling us this?" Wanda asked.

"Lady Isabelle is in danger because of Thalia. I don't want to be my twin's little helper anymore. I need your help in stopping her." Loki explained.

Sam nodded along. Bruce offered some suggestions on how to get her to Earth. Loki thanked them all for listening. He appreciated the team for not exploding on him or attacking him. Wanda read his mind, seeing that he had been telling the truth. Isabelle really was in more danger now. Combined with Tony hating the poor girl and Thalia, the Avengers had to think of something they could do to help.

"What do you think she could be planning, brother?" Thor spoke up.

"She always talked about taking over Midgard, ruling over the people, killing whoever didn't listen." Loki whispered, realizing just how much he sounded like his old self.

Thor nodded. Wanda and Sam came up with the thought of luring the girl here with Isabelle. Thatcher could make a diversion while the Avengers sneak up behind her, put the cuffs on and take her to the dungeon. Loki agreed but he still held worry for his lady. He didn't want her to get hurt or mixed up in the crossfire. Steve promised to look after Izzy whilst everyone else was working. The God of Mischief smiled.

After a few more hours of discussion, the team watched as Bucky and Isabelle walked into the kitchen. She reached for the peanut butter and he got the jelly. Loki never took his eyes off his girl. He was mesmerized by the way she just made a sandwich. Izzy looked up and waved at the man in green. He waved back, gesturing for her to come in the meeting room. Bucky pushed the girl towards the door. She sent Metal Man a playful glare before entering.

"Hi Darling." Loki wraps his arms around her waist.

"Hi Love." She whispered into his chest.

"Iz, we were talking and we think you'd be great at getting Thalia to come to Earth." Steve makes his way to the girl.

Thatcher listened to the plan very carefully. She took some mental notes, keeping everything safe in the back of her mind. Loki watched in awe. He was so endlessly proud of her. Rogers finished talking and everyone was dismissed. Bucky went in the room to see if the couple needed anything. Izzy shook her head. The man in green thanked James for everything. After a few minutes of them enjoying their time alone, Thatcher decided to go back to the kitchen for her sandwich.

Thalia was expected to arrive in three days. Isabelle was supposed to act as though she hated Loki, she needed to say things she knew she would never say about him, the act needed to be believable. Thalia had to see that her brother was going along with whatever she was planning. Izzy reluctantly agreed. Loki reassured her that he knew nothing that she said he would believe. That comforted the girl for awhile.

Bucky reminded Isabelle that her party was going to happen. Everyone except Tony would be there, and it the party was to take place at her new apartment. Izzy tried to get out of it, saying that she didn't want anyone to lose a day of planning for Thalia's attack. Steve stopped her there. The Avengers were celebrating her birthday and there was nothing she could say or do to stop them. Loki excused them so he could take Thatcher to her apartment. Her things had been taken over that morning, leaving just her.

She had yet to see the actual place. No one showed her any pictures or videos, no hints as to what it looked like, nothing. Loki covered Izzy's eyes the whole way there. He wanted to keep it as a surprise for a little while longer. Thatcher chuckled at her lover's antics. She was dating the God of Mischief. Laufeyson drove to the building, taking her blindfold off after they entered the room.

It was gorgeous! The walls were painted a beautiful sky blue, her furniture had been almond brown, there was a guest bed and bathroom. Loki watched as his girl's face lit up. He made a note to thank Barnes later for making Isabelle so happy. She looked around the apartment to see her boyfriend had already unpacked everything and made up the rooms. Her bedroom was the biggest, whilst the guest was a few inches smaller. The kitchen was absolutely beautiful. Her countertops were marble, she had a stainless stele fridge and dishwasher, the stove was electric. Izzy was falling in love with her apartment already.

"Loki, this place is amazing." Izzy gushed.

"It's all yours, Princess." Loki took her hands in his, placing a gentle kiss on one.

"Will you be living here with me?" She asked.

"I wish I could. Your Avengers have expressed how much they wish for me to stay there and assist in their plan with Thalia." His voice was steady.

"Okay." Her smiled wavered.

"After the time we've been together, have I taught you nothing?" Loki smirked.

Isabelle smacked his shoulder. She was never good at telling if someone was lying to her. Loki let out a laugh at his girlfriend's reaction. He pulled her in for a hug, but she pushed him away and pouted. Laufeyson conjured up some roses for her. She tried to hide the smile creeping on her face. Izzy reached out for the roses, pouting again when Loki pulled them back.

"Darling, you denied me my hug. I shall deny you these beautiful roses." He chuckled.

Isabelle hurried over to hug her boyfriend. She even kissed his cheek. Loki caved and handed her the flowers. Thatcher thanked him and ran to put them in a vase of some sort. After the roses were nice and watered, she joined Loki in the lounge area. He smiled when she sat in his lap.

"Hello Beautiful." His hands were glued to her hips.

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