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Rogers was setting up the decorations in Izzy's lounge when she came down. Bucky handed her a bowl of cereal and sent her back to her room. The theme of her party hadn't been revealed and the team wanted to keep that part a surprise. Loki tried to block the girl from leaving that morning, but she was powerful. He couldn't resist her puppy eyes. Once she entered the room again, he held his arms out for cuddles. Thatcher smiled and went right over.

"What's the theme of the party?" Izzy asks innocently.

"I'm sorry, Birthday Girl, but my lips are sealed." Loki took a bite of her cereal.

"No more cereal for you!" She got off his lap to sit at her desk.

Loki pouted. The God of Mischief actually pouted. Isabelle was trying her hardest to ignore it and focus on being mad at him. He was giving her his best version of the puppy eyes, which was making the situation even more difficult. Thatcher turned so she wasn't facing him anymore. Loki literally whined at her actions. Izzy his her giggles in her cereal bowl. The man in green got up and headed towards his girl, lifting her off the chair and setting her in his lap. She squeaked at the sudden movement but allowed it nonetheless.

He opened his mouth to signal he wanted some food. Isabelle shook her head with a smile, giving the man a spoonful. Loki kissed her cheek and left a drop of milk on the poor girl's face. After they were done eating, Thatcher got up to take the bowl down to her kitchen but her boyfriend stopped her. Steve hadn't called to say everything was ready, so she wasn't allowed to leave yet. Loki teleported the bowl to the sink, asked around to know the progress, then teleported back to Isabelle.

"Barnes says it's time!" Loki put the blindfold over her eyes.

"Don't let me fall, Loki!" She squealed.

"Never Princess." He promised.

The couple reached the lounge and Loki took the things off that was covering her eyes. Nat, Bruce, Clint, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda were all waiting for her. The team was dressed in what looked like 40s clothing. Izzy always loved talking to Rogers and Barnes about their old lives that they decided to bring it to her. Loki took her hand and walked her over to everyone. They all said "Happy Birthday" to her, handing the girl all the presents they bought for her.

"Thank you all so much for this. I absolutely love it!" Her eyes lit up when Bucky asked her to dance.

Izzy looked to Loki, asking for permission. He nodded and reminded her that she never had to ask to do something with her friends. Bucky took the girl to the dance floor, pulling her close and dancing to the low music on the radio. Steve held out his hand. He wanted a chance to swoon the birthday girl too. Rogers twirled her around the dance floor, spinning and dipping the girl. Loki smiled at the scene in front of him. He took pictures and videos of his girl having fun. Wanda took the phone from the man and told him to go dance with his girl.

Loki happily obliged. Steve and Bucky handed her off to her boyfriend. The dances he knew were all Asgardian. Isabelle always asked Loki to teach her, giggling with happiness when he finally caved. Sam and Clint were on picture duty, Nat had video duty, Wanda would be the one to cut the cake when it was time. Bruce watched over everyone to ensure their safety, as well as bringing in the food for the snack table.

After the music ended, everyone clapped for the couple. Bruce handed them each a bottle of water. They had been on the dance floor for almost 45 minutes. Isabelle blushed. She had completely lost track of time. Sam announced that it was cake time! Banner grabbed the candles, Wanda placed them on the cake, Nat carried it to the table where Loki sat the birthday girl down. Everyone started singing the song to her. The light pink on her face had grown into a dark shade of red.

Isabelle blew out her candles after they told her to make a wish. She didn't need one, the girl had everything she needed right in front of her. Wanda cut the cake and gave Izzy the first piece, then Loki, Bucky, Steve, Sam, Bruce, Clint, and Nat. The witch made sure everyone had some before she one for herself. Izzy thanked everyone again for such and amazing day. They told her it was their pleasure and that she deserves it. Loki nodded in agreement.

Bucky handed Isabelle her presents after everyone ate. Metal Man gifted her with a beautiful emerald green dress, Wanda gave her some gloves that help keep her hands cool when she uses her powers, Sam made the girl her own set of wings like his, Clint got bought her a bow and arrow, Bruce got her a necklace with her name on it, and Steve made her a new suit with all kinds of advanced tech in it. Isabelle wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged the whole team. She was so grateful to have this family in her life. They made her feel complete.

A few hours later, everyone cleared out of Izzy's apartment. Loki helped her clean up whatever the other Avengers missed. Thankfully, it wasn't much. The couple finished cleaning and went up to the room. Izzy lied on her bed, watching as Loki went to take a shower. She was falling so hard for that man. Thatcher really hoped he wouldn't leave her. Loki had been the one person she knew she could always count on. Sure, she had Steve and Bucky, but they don't make her feel the way she does when she's with Loki.

He came out of the shower a few minutes later with a box in his hand. Loki took the spot next to his girl and handed the box to her. She opened it, her eyes filling with tears. It was a beautiful light green heart shaped ring with the date they got together. Izzy kissed him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck. He returned the kiss with as much love as he could muster. When they broke apart, Loki took the ring from the box and slid it on her finger. It wasn't an engagement ring, but a promise.

"I promise to love you forever, I promise to protect you, I promise to stand by you, I promise myself to you. Isabelle, this is a promise ring from me to you. One day, it'll be an engagement." Loki kissed the back of her hand.

"I love you, Loki Laufeyson." Isabelle chuckled.

"I love you, my Lady Isabelle Thatcher." Loki repeated.

Loki laid her down, letting her rest her head on his chest. The two cuddled like that for awhile. Izzy loved being wrapped in the man's arms. She felt safe there, protected, wanted, loved.

"Happy Birthday, Princess." Loki whispered as he watched his girl drift into a peaceful slumber.

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