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The mission lasted almost 3 days. Bucky and Steve took care of all the fights while Isabelle used her mind reading to get information. The hard drive they needed to get was all the way on the other side of the building where Steve and Bucky had been. The Soldiers didn't like the idea of her going off on her own, but she insisted. She knew she could handle her own.

Not even 5 minutes later, Izzy's screams could be heard. Barnes jumped up immediately and ran as fast as he possibly could to find her. Rogers was hot on his heels. Loki would kick their asses if they didn't return her back in one piece. After a few minutes, the men saw Isabelle lying on the floor with her hand over her stomach. She was covered in blood and they couldn't tell if it was hers or someone else's.

"Rogers?" She croaked.

"I'm here, Iz. We've got you." Steve picked her up, being careful in case she had any injuries.

Cap took her back to the jet as fast as he could. Bucky picked up the drive from where she had been lying. It was covered in blood but still there nonetheless. Barnes returned to his teammates a few minutes later. Steve was patching up her wounds. Thankfully, the blood on her stomach wasn't hers. Isabelle screamed because she shot and killed someone. The man had been one of the enemies but that didn't help her case.

Once the got back to the compound, Izzy headed straight for the dungeons. She just wanted to see Loki. He always knew how to comfort her and make her feel better when she was sad. Laufeyson perked up as soon as he heard the elevator ping. His smile dropped immediately at the state of his girl. She had bandages all over her hands, her arms, and her legs. Her shirt was covered in blood and the poor thing looked so exhausted.

"Pet, what happened?" Loki lowered his voice as not to scare her.

Isabelle shook her head. She was too scared to talk about it. If she said it out loud, that would make the whole thing real and she knew she wasn't ready for that yet. Loki opened his arms for her. The girl opened his cell then ran into his arms. He never tried to escape when she was there. Nothing was better than having the girl of his dreams in his arms. Loki kissed Izzy's forehead and whispered sweet things in her ear.

Tony called over the intercom that he needed Steve, Bucky, and Isabelle in the conference room for a debriefing. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around Loki's waist, clinging to him as if her life depended on it. The God of Mischief reassured the girl that she didn't have to go anywhere or do anything she didn't want to do. Isabelle texted Rogers to ask if he could cover for her. Captain replied and promised he'd take care of everything.

"I shot someone." Izzy whispered into Loki's chest.

"Darling, I'm so sorry." Loki rubbed her back and she cried.

"I know he was a bad guy, but that doesn't make it any better." Her voice was shaky.

"Isabelle, I need you to listen. You have every right to be upset. A life is a life, no matter who's it is. You deserve to take all the time you need in this." His voice had calmed her.

Izzy nodded. The couple stayed like that for awhile before hearing someone come off the elevator. Thatcher scrambled to get the cell closed again. Tony came on to see where Isabelle had gone off to. She made up some stupid lie that she wanted to interrogate Loki while she was still on the high of coming back from a mission. Iron Man didn't exactly believe her but he let it go for now.

"I need you in the conference room in five." Stark said sharply.

She smiled sadly. Nothing could prepare her for the amount of questions he was about to ask her. Steve and Bucky tried everything to keep Stark from hounding on the girl. Thatcher glanced back at Loki, sending him an apologetic look. The man in green winked and watched as Tony gestured for her to follow.

"I'll see you later, Love." Loki said through his mind.

"I'll miss you, Lohks." She responded.

Isabelle saw Steve and Bucky sat in the living room. Tony walked past with you still following. The Soldiers tried to follow but Stark glared at them. Izzy reached the conference room after a few more minutes of walking. Iron Man gestured for her to sit down. She took the chair farthest away from him. He instantly started bombarding her with questions.

What happened out there?

Why didn't you come straight here after the mission?

Why were Steve and Bucky trying to cover for you?

Did you get the information you needed from them?

Why was Loki the first person you went to?

How did you open the cell?

Why were you cuddling with him?

Isabelle felt a panic attack coming on. He was asking too much at once. Tony may have just caught what was going on between Loki and her. Isabelle felt as though she couldn't breathe. The God of Mischief felt that something was wrong. He immediately teleported to where Izzy had been. She was curled up in a ball, crying in the corner of the room. Stark couldn't believe what was happening. How did Loki get out? How did he know she was upset?

"Darling, I need you to take deep breaths for me. Can you do that?" Loki asked softly.

"N-No. C-Can't." She stuttered.

Loki pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. She instantly put hers around the man in green's neck. Her sobs had been conformed to little sniffles. After a few more minutes of silence, he started asking his girl some questions. Loki needed to know what happened and what triggered the panic. Tony tried to step in again but stopped when he saw the man's glare. The God of Mischief had gone into protective mode the moment his eyes found the girl in tears.

"Baby please, I need you to tell me what made you panic." He tried again.

"Too...many...questions." She breathed.

Loki glanced back to see Tony biting away at his fingernails. He could tell Iron Man felt guilty, seeing how it affected the poor girl. It took everything for the man in green not to lunge at Tony. The billionaire sent Loki's girl into a panic attack because he was too impatient and needed to ask her every question in the book. Isabelle tried to cuddle closer to her lover, needing his comfort. Stark apologized quietly to the girl and left the couple alone.

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