Chapter 14 PERCY

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"Oh my gods..." Percy gasped.

"Perce... What's wrong?"

"Annabeth," Percy said, turning to his girl friend, "How do you not see him?"

"Percy... I know it's the killer... but what do you mean 'him.'"

The man snickered.

"Oh my gods..." Annabeth whishered.

He laughed harder.

"Luke... How did I not see you?"

"The mist is strong here."

"Luke. You died a good guy. a what happened."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I died. Went to Elysium. And from there, Isles of The Blest."

A new Luke...

"So... Hades sent me here."


"Don't act so surprised. The gods still aren't happy. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't even have won the war. In the fight against the giants, they helped you kill them. Yet you get all the credit."


"So you died hating the gods... now you love them," Percy asked.

"I'm a new person."

"What does Hades want?"
Annabeth asked.

"Duh. He wants me to kill you. Then the others will praise the true heroes."

"Hades barely even helped."
Annabeth retorted.

"That's what you think," Luke said, drawing his dagger.

"Luke, don't do this. You're brainwashed. Again." Percy said.

" You are the brainwashed ones, Percy. You are the brain washed ones."

"Luke... please." Annabeth was in tears. " I loved you so much. Think of what we went through together. And to have you back... it's a world of opportunities."

"That was a different life."

Annabeth was now bawling.

"And I'm sorry... but I have to do what I have to do."

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