Chapter 17 Jason

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"Surprised?" Reyna replied.

"How did you get here?"

"Did you die?"

"No, I didn't die! I'm Reyna! I don't die!"

"Why are you here?" Annabeth asked.

"I'm on a quest," She said blankly.

"Really?" Hazel asked, "us too."

"What's your quest?" Percy stared at Reyna.

"Gotta find some coin to stop evil or something. Like the coin has the power to make all the stuff that's been happening to us not happen nearly as much. There was a murderer-"


"Yeah. He kept attacking camp. I ran into him in Vegas. He was about 20 with blonde hair and-"

"Luke," Annabeth cut her off, " It was Luke. He was attacking us, too. It's funny, cause our quest is exactly the same as yours."

"Why would both the camps give the same quest?" Percy asked.

"Well," Reyna replied, " We both had the same problem; we both found the same solution. It's simple really."

"Wait," Annabeth ventured, " Why are you alone?"

"The murderer... Luke... got the other 2 back in Vegas. We were all sleeping but I woke up before he could kill me. They didn't," she answered simply.

"Well you may as well join us now," Leo said.

"There's safety in numbers," Hazel finished.

"Okay. Yeah, I suppose," Reyna said stepping toward them.

"Let's do this!" Leo yelled, pushing open the door to the palace.

The atmosphere in the castle didn't surprise Jason in the slightest.

The floor, wall, and ceiling were all stone, with hundreds of human and animal skulls hanging from the walls. There was a long red carpet leading up to a giant thrown made of bones, with a man about 15 times larger than the average person sitting in it in a deep sleep. He looked as though he had just stepped out of the 80s where his heavy metal band had failed greatly.

"How do we know the coin is here in the castle?" Hazel whispered.

"We don't," Annabeth replied,"But now that we're here, we may as well search."

After minutes that felt like hours, the 8 of them had realized the shocking truth.

Hades had one silver, soaked in the Styx drachma, resting in a slot on his crown over his sleeping body.


"Well I'm not going up there!"

"Count me out!"

"Yeah how 'bout no."

The replies came from everywhere.

"There is only one way to settle this. Everybody put your foot in," Leo yelled.

"Really Leo?" Annabeth asked.

"Come on people! We don't have all day! There we go. Now that I like... Bubble gum, bubble gum, in a dish. How many pieces do you wish? Frank?"

"7," Frank shrugged.

"Okay Annabeth doesn't have to do it."

After about a minutes it was down to 2 people, Jason and Percy.

"Okay Jason," Leo was getting annoyed.

"Uh 13."

"Okay yeah it looks like Jason has to climb the sleeping death guy."


Jason hoisted himself up onto the arm of the gigantic thrown. He could see Hades's eyes twitch like he would wake up at any second.

Jason reached for the top of the thrown and pulled himself up, careful to avoid Hades's body. He was now over his head, and he could see gleaming coin closely now. He slowly rose his arm above his head and quickly slipped the coin out of its socket, earning a grunt from the god, who luckily stayed asleep.

Jason started climbing down. He put all his wait on the arm of the thrown-

"Owwwww...." Hades stirred, now opening his eyes.

'What!' Jason thought! 'How!'

What he thought had been the arm of the chair had actually been the god's knee.

Jason jumped of the thrown, yelling "GO!GO!GO!"

They made a burst for the door, only to have it blocked by sturdy metal bars the second they were about to ecsape.

They had been trapped, and who knows what Hades would do them...

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