Chapter 21 CALYPSO

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Calypso burst through the ceiling, causing shards of glass to rain down on the others in the room. As she landed on the marble floor, Frank landed out of what seemed like nowhere. She looked up to see somebody she didn't want to see, but knew it would be hard to avoid.

Hades's jaw was clinched, and he was staring up at where the ceiling had bee, not moving or saying anything.

A boy that looked like the Lord of the Dead's son was cowering in a dark corner, clearly wanting to leave the situation, but he appeared to be paralyzed in fear.

Hades quickly turned his gaze to the boy, which made him even more terrified.

"Nico? What HAVE you done?!"

The boy, Nico, replied,"Nothing, father! I have nothing to do with this! They just, just showed up! I swear!"

Calypso reached into her pocket. After the she had been allowed to leave that terrible building- jail - Hermes had told her that the seven were in trouble and had instantly teleported her here, giving her a pack of gummy vitamins. He had said that she would know when to use them.

Now was the time. She was sure of it.

A flash of light engulfed them.


Nico, Frank, and Calypso found themselbes standong directly outside Persephone's garden, staring in disbelief at their luck.

Frank turned to Calypso. "You were amazing," he whispered.

Calypso smiled in reply. "It was nothing."

Nico gasped. "Nothing? You saved us. Now let's see if we can find that coin, without destroying the garden."


Calypso held a small bronze box in her hand, barely even the size of her palm.

"Those vitamins are pretty usefull," Frank muttered, impressed that they had allowed her to both save them and quickly find the coin."

"The container is a bit small, isn't it?" Calypso asked.

"It adapts to the size of whatever it's holding," Nico answered.

Frank turned to Calypso. "Well? Open it."


Coin in hand, the three ran through the halls to the dungeon, desperate not to run into the furious Lord of the Dead. As they moved, Calypso looked at the coin, wondering how something so small could be powerful enough to save lives.

Suddenly, Calypso fell down to the cold marble ground, pushed down by an unexpected force.

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