2. New friends

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"Tell me, Y/N, what do you know about stands?" Bruno asked. Everyone looked at me eagerly, wondering what I'd have to say.

"Sorry, but... what's a stand?" I asked. Everyone seemed a bit shocked, especially Narancia.

"YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU HAVE A STAND BUT DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS?!" He exclaimed, causing Fugo to hit him in the head again.

"Will you shut the fuck up already..." Fugo said annoyingly, but there wasn't a single piece of hatred in those eyes. Those two clearly cared for each other whether they admitted it or not.

"Well..." Bruno began. "A stand is an entity, a physical representation of a person's soul. There's different types of stands, and they all work differently depending on the user." He said.

"So, you're telling me that my gho- I mean, my stand... is unique to me? How do you know all of this?" Bruno didn't say a lot, but it sure awoke a lot of confusion in my mind.

"All of us have stands too." A large man-looking thing appeared from behind him. It was clearly similar to mine, but white and blue, with a helmet covering the top half of it's face. "This is my stand, called Sticky Fingers. It let's me put zippers wherever I'd like, both on things and on people. You're not obligated to show us, or tell us about your stand, but you can trust us at least."

We all sat in silence for a moment, letting me process what I had just heard. It does make sense... but why haven't I met anyone like this before, and why now? I figured I could at least trust them for now.

"...What kind of group are you, even?" I started off, but everyone's eyes quickly focused on anything but me.

"We... can't tell you that..." Bruno said with hesitation. "For your own safety, it's confidential."

I nodded in understanding, and excused myself as I went back to work. I needed some time to think about this. Just before leaving, I got eye contact with Mista, whose hat I was convinced I'd always hate.

The next day:

I woke up early to get to work. It was a slightly cloudy morning, but I didn't mind. I wanted to show up to work in time to make sure they knew I was serious about this. There's was a small part of me that was hoping I'd get to see them again too, the strange men that is. I greeted my boss good morning and went to get my apron. Since it was still early, there was only one customer, an old man. I took his order, and just as I turned around I heard the bell on top of the door, indicating that someone had entered the restaurant.

"Good morning Y/N, I'll go take a seat, can we talk when you have time?" Bruno asked as he saw me glancing over at the person who entered.

"Yes, of course, I'll just be a minute." I said as I quickly made sure the old man got his coffee, before heading over to Bruno. I noticed he- just like yesterday- sat at the same table, on the same chair.

"So, have you had some time to think about what we talked about yesterday?" He questioned.

"Yes, it's starting to make a lot of sense, I've even decided on a name for my gh- uh, stand. Sweet Emotion!" Bruno laughed at something, which I guessed was my eagerness, but he swiftly became serious.

"Y/N... our line of work, it isn't safe, but unless you know how to use your stand to fight, I'm not sure it's safe for you to be alone either." He had a concerned look on his face. I felt something heavy in my chest. There wasn't anyone to care about me or my well-being, but right here in front of me, was Bruno.

"Well, what do you suggest I do?" I asked, holding back whatever this feeling building up in my chest was.

"We don't have any... work assignments... at the moment, so I'll make sure there'll always be someone close to you, until we know more about your stand and who might know about it..." The concern in his voice echoed through my ears, and I simply nodded, before hearing the bell again.

"Ah- I have to check who-" I was interrupted before I got to finish my sentence.

"Don't worry, it's just Mista. He's the first one to keep an eye on you while I prepare some stuff." He explained while getting up and heading for the door, meating Mista halfway. "He might not look it, but he's dependable." Before I knew it, Bruno had left the building.

I looked over at Mista who was already staring at me. I was fiddling with the strings on my apron, not really knowing what to say, when Mista slouched down on a chair opposite to me. There was an awkward silence for a second before I heard a vague sound of a voice.

"Mista! Mista come oooon, we're hungry!" I looked over at Mista, who was hushing something or someone in panic. Before I could question it, six small creatures appeared from... a gun?!

"What the- is that a gun?! What are those small yellow things? Mista, what's going on?" I almost shouted out the words at this point.

"Wait, wait, uh, look... these are my stand. They're called the Sex Pistols." I looked down at the creatures in front of me, noticing they all had numbers on their heads.

"Why is there no number fou-" I began before Mista cut me off.


"Uh-huh..." I let a nervous laugh, waiting for him to explain.

"That number brings bad luck... When I was a kid, my neighbor had adopted one of four kittens, and it clawed out his eye." I looked at him, waiting for the rest of the story until I realized there wasn't any. That's it, that's why he hates the number four.

"Okay... but that doesn't explain why you have A GUN?" I went back to shouting the words again.

"Oh, right. The Sex Pistols controls the bullets I fire, basically helping me whenever we need to fi-" He had a slightly panicked expression before continuing "Well, anyways, I'm sure you'll be fine as long as we make sure no one knows about your stand."

"You're all being incredibly secretive about this... Are you sure your line of work is... Legal...?" I asked and Mista looked around, looking for anything to talk about.

"Well, uh, the only thing that should worry you right now should be other stand users... Besides, if anyone tries to do something, I'll be right here to save you." He finished the sentence with a slight wink and a smirk. I'd be lying if I said I couldn't feel my cheeks heat up slightly.

"Mistaaaa... We need food." The tiny voices could be heard again.

"Oh right, they need food. Uh, could I order something for them?" Mista asked.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they get something." I said and gave him a smile, before heading to the kitchen to get some things for my new friends.


Kinda boring chapter for now but it'll get better :)


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