14. Extra: Mista Headcannons

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Mista is probably the type to never get his hands off of you. Like, he always has his arm around you at least.

I feel like he'd get jealous easily. Maybe not over everything, but most things. What he would do about it? Death stares.

I don't think he always smells, he probably just smelled bad because he had been on a mission for a week.

I feel like he (was) is super protective over Narancia.

He has a sweet spot for kittens and puppies.

He flirts with women a lot but I don't think he'd go as far as to play with their emotions for his own benefit.

Accidentally called Bruno or Abbachio 'dad' while drunk once.

Dates with Mista would probably be romantic dinners (to make the Sex Pistols shut up) or going on adventures together.


Thank you sm for reading this. I hope it didn't suck TOO bad. It was fun to write at first, and don't get me wrong, I do love Mista. But I think my ideas just ran out with him. I'm gonna write another fanfic, with another character that gives me more ideas. Hopefully that one will be better and funnier to read!


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