12. Swapped

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Miss Rona won't leave me tf alone, and this chapter is the most complicated to write, especially since I've changed some things ab it so please be nice 🙏


Giorno healed me to perfection, but it still hurt pretty badly, so I kept leaning on Mista. Once we reached the colosseum, everyone stepped out into the open platform and looked around for the man. Narancia brought out Aerosmith, but he didn't have time to do anything before he collapsed on the ground. Everyone began fainting one by one, and even I started to feel weird.

"What's going on?" I asked Mista, who seemed to be about to fall too. Trish, who had left the turtle, walked over to us, but didn't reach us before falling too. Everything went black.


I woke up feeling dizzy. I looked around to see Trish and Giorno talking to each other, but something was definitely weird. Why was Trish holding Mista's gun?

"Guys? What's-" I stopped talking immediately. My hands flew to my mouth. That was NOT my voice. I looked down to see what seemed like Fugo's clothes.

...And Fugo's... hands? Is this his hands?!

"It seems like we switched bodies in some weird way." Trish walked up to me and said. "As of right now, I'm Mista, and Trish is in my body. I looked over at 'Mista'. "I won't reveal anything else until you tell me who you are."

"Oh! Right... I'm Y/N! It seems like I Switched with... Fugo, then?" I asked. Mista-Trish reached out his- err- her, whatever... their hand to me and helped me up.

"Giorno and Narancia switched. Meanwhile Abbachio switched with a bird and-"

"A- A bird?!" I started laughing a bit as I noticed Abbachio's body only sitting on the ground, making chirping noises.

"Yes, but there's bad news too." He explained. "We discovered that Bucci switched with the Boss, known as Diavolo." He pointed to a tall, large man with pink hair filled with dark spots.

I looked around, noticing that Bucciarati's body wasn't there.

"We need to find him, then?" I asked, but it wasn't Mista who responded.

"Yes, but there's something you must know first." A voice behind me said. I turned around and saw the turtle talking. I screamed.


"Please calm down and let me explain. My name is Jean-Pierre Polnareff. I was the one you were meant to meet here. Diavolo attacked me, so the arrow that I brought skinned my stand, Silver Chariot, also known as the Chariot card in tarot." He began. "It unleashed some type of additional power in my stand, a power that not even I can control. It seems like that is the reason We've switched bodies."

"But how about Diavolo? Where is he now?" Bucci-Diavolo asked.

"Most likely, he's after the arrow. Unfortunately for us, that means we need to get to it before him."

"Hey, Jean-Pierre Turtlereff, maybe, just maybe, you should have said that first!" Nara-Giorno said as he picked him up. All of us left the colosseum in a rush. Of course, bird-Abbachio was left behind and we were instead followed by an actual bird.

As we were walking down the street, I noticed the amount of people laying on the ground. It seems like this affected everyone in town. As I look forward, I see Mista-Trish and Trish-Mista arguing about something. Trish-Mista complains about how bad Mista's body smells, while Mista-Trish complains about her uncomfortable... underwear. To be completely honest, this wasn't even the most confusing part. I realized that my eyes usually fall on Mista automatically, but now that Mista wasn't actually Mista, I didn't know where to look. I mean, I wanted to look at him, but also at Trish since that was the actual Mista. Oh fuck... This is making me go crazy.

"Look over there!" Jean-Turtle exclaimed. "It's Silver Chariot Requiem! We should keep our distance to be on the safe side. We don't know if our stands will react on it too."

"Where's Diavolo? I don't see him anywhere." Giorno-Nara asked.

"He's most likely nearby, observing. There's a chance he's waiting for us to make the first move." Jean-Turtle answered.

Out of nowhere, Diavolo-Bucci appeared from behind a wall and attacked something next to Chariot. It went by quickly and caught everyone off guard.

"What's going on? What did he attack?" I asked. Fugo, in my body, answered.

"I think it's the thing that would have stopped him from attacking Chariot itself." That's when he tried to attack Chariot.

"DON'T LET HIM GET THE ARROW." A fight broke out immediately and everyone tried to stop him using their stands. Trish-Mista and Nara-Giorno got hurt, but so far everyone was alive at least. We need to get that arrow. Bucci-Diavolo realized something and ran up to Chariot.

"I figured it out. I just need to deliver the final blow." He said and used Sticky Fingers to punch something behind Chariot. A few seconds later, Silver Chariot retreated to Jean-Turtle and dropped the arrow. This made everyone return to their normal bodies. Unluckily for me, this caused me to be the closest to the arrow. I panicked and picked it up, which Diavolo noticed as, thanks to Bucciarati, he was the second closest to it. I summoned Sweet Emotion and for the first time, asked her to punch him as much as she could. I was surprised at how much damage it actually caused. This gave me enough time to get further away, but not far enough. He grabbed me and reached for the arrow.

"GIORNO!" I called out and threw it to him. Golden Experience caught it, stabbing himself with it.

"Giorno?! What are you doing?" Mista asked, still laying in a bloody puddle on the ground.

"I'm making sure that he'll never get the arrow." It was a bold move. At first, it didn't seem to have worked, but eventually...

Golden Experience seemed to have shed pieces of a shell. It had somehow evolved into its new form.

"Diavolo, this is Golden Experience Requiem." Giorno said as he approached him. He punched him, repeatedly yelling 'Muda', which seemed to do something unexplainable to his body. I didn't quite comprehend what was going on, but as soon as I remembered the sight of Mista covered in blood, I ignored all of it. I ran back to him. Giorno had healed himself, but hadn't had time to heal Mista. I quickly placed my hands on his chest and let myself heal him.

"Stop healing me, idiot." Mista said, but I didn't listen. I let myself get drowned in the pain. If it meant he'd be okay, I would suck it up and accept it. This time, it felt more like a stabbing pain in my chest. Like someone had grabbed my heart and twisted it around. Somewhere in the background, I felt Mista's arms around me. It helped sooth the pain a bit and after several minutes, I got aware of my surroundings. Pretty much everyone stood near the edge of a bridge or something. I couldn't quite see it from where I was. Mista, on the other hand, still had his arms around me.

"Guido, you're alive." I said and turned my face up towards him. He had an expression on his face that I couldn't quite read. I had never seen him this way before. Was he mad at me? Maybe he was disappointed? I didn't have a lot of time to worry about it, before he leaned down.

He kissed me.

At first I was surprised, I almost pulled back. Though, it didn't take me long to realize what was going on, causing me to kiss him back. It was a light and gentle kiss, but it carried so much warmth and comfort. It made me so incredibly happy. After a few seconds, he pulled away, seemingly a little bit teary eyed.

"Thank god you're okay, Cara Mia*." I smiled widely and pressed my head on his chest. It felt like everything had turned out just as it should.


*Cara Mia= My Dear

HIIIII don't worry, it's a few chapters left. BUT I'd like to say that once this book is done, I'll be writing a new one about another JJBA character :)


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