11. Dog-man

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Making the Cioccolata and Secco arc shorter, sorry. Also writing from memory.

Also have Covid rn so this chapter sucks.


Risotto Nero was dead, and I was still pretty shaken from the near-death experience. We headed towards a boat by the dock as Bucciarati told me about their recent discovery regarding the Boss. Mista had let go of me, but he still stayed near me at all times. It was, to say the least, comforting. Once we were on the boat, Mista, Giorno, Bucciarati and Trish headed inside the turtle for now. Abbachio, Fugo, Narancia and I prepared the boat while waiting for orders on where to go.

"You and Mista seemed cuddly earlier." Narancia said, breaking the silence.

"Huh? Oh, I just happened to run into him when escaping, that's all." I said, attempting to sound nonchalant. I failed miserably.

"Yeah, so you two putting your arms around each other was just a coincidence then?" Fugo added.

"Well... it was in the heat of the moment... Geez, I was scared okay!" I pouted a bit, but they just laughed.

"Sure, that's also why your head rested on his shoulder after we left that restaurant the other day too, right?" I looked at Narancia in confusion.

"Wait, I didn't dream that? I remember something about it but I thought it was just some foggy dream."

"Nope, Mista let you sleep with your head on his shoulder all the way to the airport." My heart skipped a beat at the thought. Why is he like this with me? It's so confusing!

"Just admit it, Y/N, you like him." Fugo smiled a bit at me. Maybe I did? Is that why I felt so comfortable around him? Because I... liked him?

"It's obvious by the way you look at him." Both Narancia and Fugo smiled at me, but not in a teasing way.

"I suppose I do." I replied, hearing Bucciarati's voice from inside the turtle.

"We have to head to Rome." He had a serious look on his face. Once I glanced over at Mista and the others, they seemed concerned about something. Whatever they found out, must have been serious. "We're going to meet a man there, who supposedly knows about the arrows that give people stands."

"Rome it is, then." Abbachio got the engine started.


As we reached Rome, Mista had switched places with Abbachio and Fugo. Narancia held the turtle as Mista stepped off the boat. Suddenly, I got a terrible feeling in my stomach. It felt like something terrible was about to happen.

I was right.

Mista noticed something going on in the distance, so he reached down his boot to retrieve his gun. In the matter of a few seconds, his hand got covered in something that resembled... mold?

"Mista! What's going on?!" Narancia exclaimed and attempted to get up on the dock.

"Narancia, wait!" Mista's words made Narancia jump back into the boat, causing mold to develop on his entire body.

"We need to get up from here, it seems like the mold is spread when you get to a lower point!" I grabbed the turtle that Narnacia had dropped and got up from the boat, dragging Narancia with me. Once we got up to a slightly higher point, the mold disappeared.

"As long as we keep heading uphill or staying at the same level, we should be fine." Mista added as we began heading up some stairs. Bucciarati left the turtle in the process.

"What's going on?" He asked while running with us. "Wait... Something's wrong with the stairs..." He was right. We kept running, but we didn't get any higher. The stairs were being lowered into the ground to make the mold attack us. That's when we realized we probably were about to fight against two stand users. Bruno and Mista grabbed me and threw me up to the parking lot above the stairs, followed by narancia and them climbing up themselves.

"We need to get to a car and drive further away from here." Mista said, looking around to find the stand user.

"I'll stay behind for now." Bucciarati added. "I'll distract whoever is making the ground sink, allowing you to get away for now."

"Bucciarati, you shouldn't s- WHAT IS THAT?!" I looked down to see a hand around my foot, something underneath us had grabbed me and before I could register what was going on, I was dragged underneath the ground. I opened my eyes to see a long tunnel that someone had dug, and when I turned around I was met by a man with a disturbing look on his face. His entire body had some type of patched up clothing, revealing only his eyes. Nonetheless scary, though.

"You look so scared... Gotta film this, that'll make Cioccolata proud, I might even get more sugarcubes!" I felt drops of sweat slip down my back, and tears forming in my eyes. He was the most disturbing man I had ever seen. I heard voiced from above us.

"HERE! I'M RIGHT HERE! MISTA, NARANCIA, BUCCIARATI!" The weird man kept filming me. No, he was filming my reactions. He picked up a phone and talked to someone. I assumed it was the other stand user. He hung up and crawled towards me on all four, like some type of human-like dog.

"I'll kill you, that way I might even get five sugarcubes!" He said. I turned away and attempted to get away from him, but he grabbed my foot again.

"MISTA, I'M HE-" I called out, before blacking out completely.


I woke up to Bucciarati carrying me in his arms.

"Wha- Where- When-"

"Don't worry, the man known as Secco is long gone, Mista and Giorno are currently fighting his companion." I was relieved to be safe, but I felt a stabbing pain in my ankle and my head. "You should be careful for now, it seems like you've hit your head, and your ankle is sprained."

"I'm sorry for being such a burden." I looked away, but my arms were still clinging to Bucciarati's neck.

"Don't worry, Y/N, I'm just glad you're safe." His reassuring smile made the worries drift away a bit, but I quickly went back to worrying about Mista. We walked towards the place where a helicopter was hovering, as I saw both Mista and Giorno beneath it on the ground.

"Mista!" He didn't hear me, but Giorno did. He gave me a quick glance before walking over to Mista who was aiming at the helicopter. They said something to each other that I couldn't quite hear. Giorno placed his left hand on Mista's waist and his right on the gun. They fired the Sex Pistols towards the helicopter, but they missed and hit the building next to it. Due to Giorno's help, vines started to grow from the place where the bullets landed and wrapped themselves around the helicopter. Giorno let go of Mista and attempted to head up to the man whose name I figured was Cioccolata. Meanwhile, Bucciarati and I approached Mista.

"Her ankle is sprained and she hit her head. I'm gonna hand her over to you for now." Bucciarati said as he put me down on the ground. Mista put his arm around me and we both looked up to see Giorno in the middle of a fight.

"Are you okay? No cuts or bruises, right?" I had Sweet Emotion take a look at Mista while I leaned on him.

"You're the one who's hurt! I should be asking you if you're okay!"

"But you're the careless one who nearly dies every time I leave you alone for more than a second." I smiled at him. "Clearly, you need me more than you'd like to admit." My smile turned into a grin and he scoffed at my comment.

"Yeah, right." He denied it, but his grip around me tightened so he definitely knew I was right.

I'm so happy he's okay.

"Look! Cioccolata landed in that garbage truck over there!" I turned to the place Mista was pointing to, he was right. Giorno walked over to us too now. Bucciarati, who apparently had been standing next us this whole time, cleared his throat.

"We need to head to the roman colosseum, that's where we'll find the man we're supposed to meet."

"Uh, don't forget us, will ya?" Narancia's voice spoke from behind us, he held the turtle in his hand. To the roman colosseum it is.


Once again sorry for the quality of this one.


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