10. Death

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Chill y'all I promised to save them so you can read this chapter peacefully. No heartbreaking deaths here <3

Also writing the Risotto fight from memory so don't come for my throat. (see what I did there? no? okay)


After safely landing on the Island of Sardinia, we decided to split up. Abbachio and Fugo went to the place where the picture should have been taken while Bucciarati and Narancia used Aerosmith to scan the area. Mista, Giorno and Trish stayed inside the turtle for now. Meanwhile, I decided to take a walk up a nearby hill to get a better view of the beach. I figured that if I can't fight, I might as well help Narancia keep a lookout.

Once I got up there, I noticed an average-built man with pink hair in a braid. He was talking to someone on the phone- Scratch that, he was holding a frog.

"That guy must be schizophrenic or something." I mumbled to myself, noticing something moving from the corner of my eye. I turned to my left, but there was nothing there. I didn't really have good peripheral vision, but I could have sworn there was a person or something moving along the side of the cliff. The man with the pink hair seems to have noticed it too, because he turned around, revealing a man standing behind him. I crouched down behind a large rock. The man behind him was tall, dark and had terrifying eyes. They talked about something for a second, before the scary man threw a knife at the pink-haired one, causing him to jump and fly into a rock on the opposite side of where I was.

A fight broke out between the two, and from what I could tell, the scary man was definitely a stand user. I couldn't quite figure out what his stand was though. The pink guy got up on his feet and tried to approach the other man, but to my horror, he started throwing up. Not only that, but what left his mouth was dozens of razorblades. Razorblades...? Wasn't that similar to what attacked me when Mista and I were walking together the other day? Could this be the man that tried to attack us?

The next moves went by quickly, I was barely able to catch a sight of it. The scary man's foot got cut off, and some type of metallic weapon emerged from the pink guy's throat. Both of them were bleeding heavily and all I did was blink before noticing that the scary man was gone. Where did he go? I held my breath, if I let out the tiniest of sound, I would be as good as dead. The pink guy grabbed something from the ground, as the scary guy appeared behind him again. I wanted to yell something to him, to warn him, but I couldn't. Since I barely heard what they said to begin with. I reached down in my pocket, hoping I had something to use. A knife maybe? A phone to call someone?


I looked back at the fight to see the scary man on one knee, catching his breath. The pink-haired man was gone, though.

"Damnit... he got away... That just leaves our little observer." The scary man said loudly, as he turned towards me. I felt my body freeze. I had been spotted. No, he had known I was there the entire time. My stand isn't fit for fighting. What was I supposed to do?! The man stood up, grabbed his cut off foot and attached it with stick pins. That must be his ability... He can somehow create things out of metal.

"My name is Risotto Nero." He began. "And I'm going to kill you."

Mista's POV:

Giorno and I sat inside the turtle, keeping an eye on Trish. My mind wandered for a bit. Shouldn't Y/N be back by now? It's been a while since she left. I mean, it's not like I care about her a lot or anything... Who am I kidding? Of course I care about her. A lot, in fact. I like seeing her smile and hearing her laugh. I've found her beautiful ever since I first saw her. She probably doesn't see me that way, though. She's pretty close with Narancia as well, so if anything she's probably into that dumb fuck.

"-sta? Mista??" Giorno called out to me. "Are you okay? You seemed a bit lost in thought."

"What? Yeah, yeah... It's nothing."

"Were you thinking about Y/N?"

"Yeah... Wait, no!" Giorno and Trish both laughed a at my reaction. "Fuck it, yeah, I'm a bit worried about her. She's been gone for quite a while now."

"I'm sure she's fine, Mista." Trish tried to reassure me, but I wasn't buying it.

"I can't bring myself to get her out of my mind... But I have to, she's clearly into Narancia... So it would be wro-" Giorno burst out laughing now.

"Narancia? Are you that oblivious? They're good friends, that's all. Besides, she honestly seems pretty into you, if I could say so myself." I looked at Giorno for a few seconds.

"You're just saying that..." I stood up on a chair and reached up to get outside, something wasn't right. I could feel it. Once I was outside, I noticed Bucciarati and Narancia talking to each other nearby, so I walked up to them.

"Hey, Mista, is everything alright?" Bucciarati asked.

"Something's off... Have any of you seen Y/N lately? She's been gone for a while..."

"Oh? Are your Y/N senses tingling?" Narancia teased with a large grin on his face, I smacked him hard across the head.

"Shut it, punk." I gave him a mean stare. "Seriously though, can you use Aerosmith to see if you can find her anywhere nearby?" Narancia sighed and looked at Bucciarati who gave him a nod. He scanned the area as Abbachio walked up to us.

"Moody Blues finished rewinding..." Behind him was his stand with an unfamiliar face.

"Good job, Abbachio, now we know what the Boss looks like. All that's left now is finding Y/N." Bucci said.

"The little lady is missing?" Abbachio asked, before Narancia started jumping around.

"I think I found her! But she's-" He began.

"Narancia, what's wrong?!" Panic started to fill my chest and all kinds of scenarios started to pop up in my head.

"There's someone else with her... Judging by her heart rate, she seems to be scared of him. He's approaching her rapidly... Wait, now he stopped." There was no time to waste.

"Where are they?!" I yelled, and Narancia pointed towards a nearby cliff. I ran as fast as my legs would let me.

Y/N's POV:

Risotto approached me quickly, but my body wouldn't move. Is this how I die? Because I'm so afraid I can't even open my mouth? I'm definitely going to die... I felt ashamed, but I took a deep breath, giving my body the well needed oxygen and did the only thing I knew how to do.

I ran.

I ran down the hill as fast as I possibly could, before I bumped into someone who immediately wrapped their arms around me. I looked up to see Mista with a relieved look on his face. I instinctively wrapped my arms around him too, laying my head on his shoulder. Mista let go of me with one of his arms, still holding me with the other, as he directed his gun towards Risotto who had now stopped behind me. Before he even had a chance to think, Mista shot him. He fell to the ground as Narancia and Bucciarati caught up with Mista. They decided to have a little 'talk' with him, before killing him off for good. By now, Mista had put his arm back around me and hugged me tightly.

"Thank god you're okay." He whispered to me, but I was too busy holding back tears to reply. I was alive, luckily, and I didn't want to be anywhere else right now.


Secret Joestar technique, check. Hope I made it easily read even if I had to change almost everything to make it make sense lmao.


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