9. The Hat

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Hi, I love the Notorious Chase arc but I made it a lot shorter to focus more on other things in the story, sorry x


"No, we're not getting any snacks, Narancia..." Bucciarati sighed loudly.

"Come ooooon... am I gonna survive this whole plane ride with no snacks?" Narancia's whining had begun to tire us all out at this point. We had reached an airport where we would get on a plane to Sardinia. Though, before we could step on, a strange man approached us.

"Don't step any closer, if you care about your life you should stay where you are." Mista sounded confident, and directed his gun towards the man. Mista, Giorno and I were the only ones who hadn't stepped on the plane yet. The man kept walking towards us and Mista shot him in the knee.

"What the hell was that for? He didn't do anything." I hit him loosely on the shoulder.

"Yet, he didn't do anything yet." He replied as the man summoned a stand. "Told ya." Mista shot him six times, covering his body with bullet holes.

"He's dead, for sure. We should still keep an eye out for anything suspicious though." Giorno said as he looked down on the man. Not gonna lie, I had a feeling we weren't going to get a whole lot of rest during this trip.


Abbachio used Moody Blues to get us a pilot for the plane. Once we were in the air, everyone got comfortable in their seats, when Giorno pointed something out. Something was moving in a tiny fridge in front of him.

"Hey, Mista. Once I open this, get ready to shoot at it, okay?" Mista did as he was told and Giorno leaned down to open it. The only thing they found was chicken scraps- no... that's... fingers?!

"What the hell?! Aren't those the fingers from the guy I shot at the airport?" Mista asked while Bucciarati approached the mini fridge.

"I'll use Sticky Fingers to throw them out, just to be on the safe side." He walked up to the side of the plane and did as he said he would. We all got seated again, trying to keep a lookout for anything suspicious, when suddenly...

"WHAT'S THIS? IS THIS THAT GUY'S STAND?!" Something large and lumpy was crawling on Giorno's hand, eating on his stand as well. Before anything could happen, he cut off his own hand to stop it from spreading.

"Why would you do that?!" I asked him, but clearly it was the fastest and easiest solution. The thing we assumed was a stand landed on the floor, but it didn't take long before it attacked Mista and Narancia.

"MISTA! NARANCIA?!" I exclaimed before the creature attacked me too. It crawled up my arms and attacked my upper body. I fell down to the floor, quickly losing consciousness. Before disappearing entirely, I heard a crashing noice, followed by Giorno yelling that he had to remove his other arm too. Presumably because he was attacked again. The sounds got quiet, and I could hear Bucciarati explain to Trish that Giorno would not be able to heal anyone, since he needed at least one of his hands for that. I assumed I was out of the game too...


I woke up to find myself on the couch inside the turtle. My entire body ached but I was covered in bandages. I tried to get up, but it took me a whole minute just to sit up. I wanted to scream from the pain, when I noticed that Mista, Narancia and Giorno were all passed out.

"What the hell..." My words drew the attention of Mista, who was sitting next to me.

"Y/N... Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I lied. "I'm fine, but what are we going to do? Neither I, nor Giorno can heal right now."

"We have to wait. Bucciarati will come up with a solution, I just know it." It sounded a bit like he was trying to convince himself rather than convince me. Mista's body has some type of cuts all over it, staining his clothes with blood. I lifted my arm as much as I could and traced my fingers on his arm.

"Are you okay, though?" I asked with concern in my voice.

"Yeah..." A smirk appeared on his lips. "You know, if you wanted to touch me that badly, you could have just said so."

"As if I'd want anything to do with you." I replied and quickly drew back my arm, which hurt even more. I must have made a face from the pain, because Mista's smirk disappeared from his face. Suddenly, he lifted one of his arm into the air, and to my surprise, he took of his hideous hat.

"I was just messing with you, but be careful with those wounds." He said and pointed at me. I didn't focus too much on his words, though. Because this was the first time I saw him without his hat. His hair was black and buzzed. It had very faint curles in it, so I assumed his hair was naturally more curly if he'd let it grow. Knowing Mista, he probably didn't care about his hair considering he always kept that dumb hat on.

"I've never seen you without your hat on before." He switched his gaze to my face now, but I averted my eyes quickly. "It... suits you..." I added before looking back to him. A red color started to appear on his cheeks and I couldn't help but laugh a bit at it.

"Uh- Thanks..." He said, clearly a bit flustered by the sudden compliment.

"Guido, are you blushing?" I teased. The usage of his first name added even more color to his face and I burst out laughing. "You definitely are."

"Shut up..." He mumbled, before wrapping his arm around me. I ended up wrapping my arm around him too. The one that didn't hurt as much, of course. This allowed my body to lean on his side, into an incomplete hug of some sort. I wanted to look up at him, but I didn't want him to know that I was blushing too now. I actually didn't mind though, because it felt comforting to be this close with him.

"I..." I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, but I wanted to say something.

"Hm? OH! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have grabbed you like that." He tried to slip away, but I didn't let go of him yet.

"I... actually don't mind." My words were followed by silence, before Mista placed his arm back in the same place again. I felt like I could fall asleep like this, but that's when Fugo entered the turtle. Mista and I immediately flew away from each other.

"Hey, Trish found- uh... what were you guys doing?" He seemed a bit caught of guard. We both stayed quiet, refusing to look at each other. "Anyway... Trish found Giorno's pin. He had used it to make a hand for himself. All we need to do is reattach it to him and he will be able to heal all of you." He explained.

"That's great! Now hurry up and do it, this hurts..." Mista complained.


Fugo reattached it to Giorno, waking him up in the process. He healed himself fully first, then Narancia, Mista and I. While this went on, Fugo explained what had happened while we weren't there. The creature had come back and attacked Trish, who also had a stand now apparently. They had to cut off a large part of the plane to get rid of it using Trish's stand 'Spice Girl'. Thanks to that, we'll still be able to land in Sardinia safely, as she made the remaining part into some kind of parachute. He also told us that Trish remembered a picture of her mother that was taken on Sardinia, and the person who took it must have been her father. We realized we could use Abbachio's Moody Blues to rewind time and see who it was. These were good news, so for now, we were just happy to be safe at least.


I hope this wasn't too messy, cuz the next chapter will be even messier.


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