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So I have a confession.

I have been a Miss Goodie Two Shoes who plays by the rules of the game. The girl that tries to get it right. I mean, I have worked hard... blood, sweat and tears to hit the proverbial milestones of success in going to college, getting a job, buying a house and a car. I did all of this just because I wanted to taste success. I wanted to be a role model to my peers and the youth in my community. It was always humbling yet a joy hearing people express gratitude for the work I have done through any agency I represented. There are persons from my community who say to me in Jamaican parlance, "Lawd gal, mi love how yuh reach out". Family and friends constantly expressed how they are proud of my accomplishments. I am grateful for all I have accomplished. But somehow I don't feel successful. I feel like an imposter because sometimes I am flat broke on the micro level but outside on the macro level things look really good.

Bloomers, how many of us are out there driving a posh car and struggle to buy gas to put in it? Hairstyle and nails on fleek and you're broke and hungry? Struggling to pay your rent and buy food to put in the house or to take care of your ailing parents, grandparents or children.

We have to get real with ourselves to be able to break free from the expectations we have placed on ourselves. Bloomers, it is really hard to share some of this because for a long time I have been embarrassed about the way I felt. I was letting myself down, especially in my finances. But this vulnerability is a discomfort that is going to take me to the next level.

The point I am making is, it tough out deh. I know some of us are going through some very challenging times. Keep heart, Bloomers. We all bloom in different seasons and some of us are late bloomers. For a while, my mother's WhatsApp display picture was, "The struggle is real but so is God". Many of us are forced to recognize or call on a higher force beyond leaning on our own wisdom to tackle these personal challenges.

Reflecting on the letter, I wrote to my six-month self, I realized that I am still struggling with weight and I have still not cut my hair. I am NOT fearful anymore.

In this season of my life, nothing material is as important as my peace of mind. I have been experiencing new levels of humility. I have been without a car for the last six weeks and during this time I have found beauty in simplicity. Walking to the supermarket, pharmacy, food court and my favourite breakfast spot for a cup of coffee is reminding me of how simple life is and that the complications are self-imposed.

Honestly Bloomers, life's challenges may spiral and push us out of alignment in the blink of an eye. I call this period, your AWAKENING. The awakening in your life is the signal for you to pivot or align.

How do you pivot? I chuckled because this word is so overused but I guess relevantly so. Pivoting is a process that takes us through many phases to be able to see ourselves again in alignment. So I am sharing my personal toolkit:

Step One: Assess

Take stock of the hand you have been dealing with. In the assessment period, you should activate your personal SWOT. Assess how your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are aligned. Be prepared for the outcome without judgement or self-pity. Hold tight because you may lose close friends or contacts at this time. Your circle may change because you are going to change. People tend to experience depression and anxiety during this phase, it is somewhat like a withdrawal. It will not last...just stay the course; it gets better. Assessing always presents you with some hard truths and you just have to change in order to move forward.

Step Two: Study your habits and find a theme

For some of us, it will take far more details to study our habits but start somewhere. Start with the known. You will know an area where you must become consistent to see real change and growth in your life. You will be familiar with the themes in your life. This is where you decide what gets strategic focus. This will forge the way to develop consistency or some say discipline in one area at a time. It may be very small but keep at it. Understanding the compound effect is finding something small and repeating it many times consistently to yield greater returns. For example, it could be saving on coffee money by making your own coffee daily. Savings of JMD$400 per day equates to JMD$2,800 weekly, JMD$11,120 monthly and JMD$134,400 annually!

Step Three: Slow and Steady still wins the race.

Bloomers, I have said this before, in this fast-paced world where everything has to be done now, 'slow and steady' is an old-school thinking. During your pivot, you may be forced to slow down but keep moving. Keep doing. This is where you anchor down step 2 and become clear to yourself on your purpose. You are beating your drum to your own tune and different things will make you move at this point, but your moves will become strides of purpose. Now, you have nothing to prove to anyone but just to be true to yourself...authentically representing causes that brings life or joy to who you decide to share your life with. Your actions will inform the outcome.

Step Four: Do not settle.

Only you know how far your mind's eye can see. Be relentless and unapologetic about getting into your season of greatness. For some, later is greater. Like wine, your best produce is developed as you become more mature and acquire the concept of working smart.

Step Five: Alignment.

Alignment is knowing that all will be well in every season of your life even when the drum is not beating your rhythm. Everything is figure-out-able. You need to stop, listen, feel... spend time to figure out who you are so that you can put the smart work into your bloom. Assess your network, assess your relationships, your finances, your health, your values and non-negotiables, and find a voice that can lead you into the mindset of next-level thinking...It is ok to find a personal coach to help you culture the mindset for your greatest balance in stepping into your bloom.

Mission Growth 360 offers One- to-One Personal Coaching in mindset minding. Contact for a free 30-minute consultation.

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