Chapter 14

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Veronica was quiet for a minute. " Tell me damn it !! " Cassie shouted. That's when Chris looked over at Cassie and said with a worried tone, " What's wrong ? Who are you talking to ? " Cassie put her finger over her lips as to tell him to be quiet.

" ..... There's been a shooting. " Cassie was silent and worried. " What road ? " she said, starting to get up. Chris stood up next to Cassie and put his hands on her shoulders to calm her down, even though he wasn't sure what was going on.

When Veronica didn't answer the first time Cassie said it again. " Dammit ! What road Veronica !? I need to know the name of the road it was on ! " she shouted again. " North Jefferson Street. " She finally said and cried again. When Cassie heard it had been on the road she and her family live on, she started to cry. And she stuttered and hesitated to ask the question..... " What house was the victim ? " she said saying each word slowly.

" I'm so sorry Cassie. " Veronica said, crying along with her friend on the other end of the phone. That only make Cassie cry more. " V,..... What house ? " she said and then there was dead silence. Then Veronica finally answered..... " 119. House 119. " Cassie froze. Her eyes widened and for a split second she stopped breathing. 119 was Cassie's house. " No,no,no,no,no !! " she cried out loud. She felt herself fall to the ground and she curled up into a ball form, crying.

She guessed Veronica had heard her " Cassie, I think it would be best if you came down here. " Veronica said. Cassie got up and ran down the street as fast as she could heading towards her house. She could hear Chris behind her trying to keep up.

" V,.... I'm gonna call you back later. " she said, crying and out of breath from running. " Okay, be safe. " She heard Veronica say as she hung up. Cassie's peace sign earring were starting to hurt her ears from then swaying back and forth from Cassie running so she took them out and put them in her pocket.

As she came up closer to her house finally. She could see it all. She saw police tape and police cars and people outside standing there crying or they had their hand over their mouth in shock. Cassie started to do the same, she started to cry and she put both hands over her mouth to keep from screaming when she saw that an ambulance was there.

She ran up to the porch and tried to go inside but a police officer wouldn't let her " I'm family. I'm a part of this family I need to see my family. " Cassie said, explaining to the officer. Then the officer stepped aside as allowed Cassie to go inside.

There was blood all over the carpet. And hand prints on the walls. She followed where all the blood led to, it first led to the kitchen.... As soon as she walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Cassie. " What happened ? Where's my mom and dad and my sister ? " she said, staring at all of them intense with pain and a broken heart with tears still escaping her eyes uncontrollably.

Everyone stepped away from the area the blood led to. As Cassie stepped around to see she gasped and covered her mouth and let out an entire ocean of tears. There they all were. Cold, and unmoving. Her mom, her dad, and her sister. They were all dead. Cassie dropped to the floor and cried and screamed and kicked and punched. " No ! no ! No no no no !! This can't be happening !! Not now !! Not ever !! " she cried.

Chris heard Cassie screaming and yelling so he walked in and he looked around the room for Cassie. Cassie turned around and got up and ran to him. Hugging him tightly once again for the second time that day, crying her heart out. Chris saw what had happened and his eyes began to fill with tears. " Shhh it's okay, I'm here. " Chris said, closing his eyes and hugging Cassie tight.

The detectives gave them some time and they all left the room for a couple minutes.

" What am I going to do now ? I have nothing left. I have nobody left. I'm all alone. And it's all my fault. " Cassie cried still hugging Chris tightly.

Aw what a really sad chapter :'( I hope you liked it though. Stay tuned for chapter 15 ! Thanks so much for reading you guys !!

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