Chapter 15

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Cassie thought for a minute. Still crying uncontrollably. Who was responsible for this ? Why them ? When did it happen ? Why did it happen ?

Chris mumbled something and Cassie looked up at him. " What ? " she said. Her eyes were red, her cheeks were puffy, and her nose was red. All of it from her crying. He looked at her. " Huh ? " he said. " I said what. I thought you said something. " Cassie said, confused now on if he actually said something or if she was just hearing things.

" oh. I-I said you could stay with me. " he said blushing. She looked at him. " What would your parents say ? " he thought for a minute. Then he texted his mom or someone and waited for a reply. While they were waiting they saw Veronica running up the street towards Cassie's house. As she came up upon the two, she held her finger up and tried to catch her breath. " Whoo ! What a run ! " she said, still out of breath.

Cassie stood up and gave Veronica a big tight hug. " I'm glad you're here V.." She said, still crying. " Yeah, I'm here. " Chris stood up and put his hand on Cassie's shoulder. Veronica looked up and saw Chris. " Whoah. When did he get here ? " Cassie then looked up too. " We were hanging out at the park and then you called me and that's when we headed up here. " Cassie Said.

" Yep, that pretty much sums it up. " he said shrugging his shoulders. " Oh. Ok." Veronica said. " Listen, if you wan you can come to my house and stay with me. " Veronica said. Cassie looked at Chris and exchanged looks with him. Then they both smiled, Chris cleared his throat and said " Uh.. Um... Actually uh.... Cassie was going to stay with me. But uh... If she wants she can stay with you V. " he said. Trying not to blush.

Veronica looked at Cassie with both of her eyebrows raised and a smile on her face. " Well if you wanna stay with Chris I'm not stopping you. " She said. Cassie looked at Chris and they smiled. " V,.. I think I'm gonna stay with Chris." Cassie said then Veronica's phone rang and it was her parents telling her to come home.

After Veronica left, Cassie and Chris sat back down on the sidewalk and were quiet. The sky started to darken and it started to thunder. " I think I should get you to my house now before it rains. " Chris said. Cassie nodded and went inside to gather some of her things and put it all in a suitcase. She didn't have enough room to put her stuff so she got another suitcase. After she packed her things and said her goodbyes to her now dead family, se and Chris left.

They walked to his house and it was a very long and tiring walk too. Now Cassie understood why it took Chris so long to get to the park. After about 35 minutes of non-stop walking, they finally approached a cute little two-story cottage.

It was beautiful. It was made out of white brick. Surrounded by trees, and millions of flowers. And it was the only house on that whole street. It was out in the middle of no where. Cassie had second thoughts, but she really didn't feel like staying with Veronica. No offense to her, but she could often be very talkative and hyper.

Cassie noticed there weren't any cars there at the moment so she just thought maybe his parents were out or at work or something.

When she and Chris stepped inside, she gasped and had wide eyes. It was just as beautiful on the inside as the outside ! He chuckled and took Cassie's suitcases and set them down in the living room. " Come see the rest of the house, THEN gasp in awe. " he said with a cheesy little smile and he chuckled again.

Wow, Cassie thought. Not only did he seem perfect.... But so was his house !

Hey guys ! Stay tuned for chapter 16 ! Hint : there will be a LOT of drama in the next chapter for all you drama lovers and sorts. Vote and comment. Love y'all for reading my story btw !

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