Chapter 19

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After dinner Chris took Cassie outside into the woods. It was dark out but there was a full moon shining brightly to help guide them. When they finally reached the heart of the woods it was a small circled area and you could see the moon directly without any trees in the way if you looked up.

Chris took Cassie's hand and hugged her. " Just know that whatever may happen, I love you no matter what. And I don't ever want you to be afraid of me. " he said, whispering into Cassie's ear.

Cassie pulled away from him. " Chris ! Stop saying that ! Whatever this is, it's not funny. What do you mean by afraid of you ? I can't be ! I love you ! " Chris was silent once again and he opened his mouth to say something, but the sounds of growls and snarls and howling stopped him. He turned and smiled at the dark spaces hiding between the trees Cassie looked around. Frightened.

" Uhh, Chris ? I don't think it's safe here. " her eyes were wide and her heart skipped a couple beats. Chris shook his head. " Were fine. It's just them. " Them ? Who was them ? Cassie thought. More growling was to be heard coming from behind Cassie an she jumped and screamed she held on tightly to Chris. She was too afraid to let go.

" Chris !! It's not safe here ! We have to GO ! " she said trying to pull Chris back to the house. But he was too strong and he stood still in his place. " Hey ! Stop all that growling ! She's my mate ! " Chris yelled at all the bright glowing eyes hiding in the dark parts of the woods. Cassie stopped pulling. Mate ? What the hell was a mate ? Well, she knew what it was but not in his terms.

" Change ! " Chris yelled. What the hell ? Something must be wrong with his head, Cassie thought. But then she heard footsteps, normal ones. Five tall muscular, and, if I do say so myself, very cute guys emerged from the darkness. Cassie gasped and her eyes widened once again frightened. Chris chuckled at her expression and held her hand and she squeezed his hand.

A tall, tan, brunette guy spoke first. " What's up with not telling us sooner about her ? " he said eyeing Cassie up and down. " I didn't think you would ever accept her, considering your mate left you. " Chris said as he stiffened his position, as if he were protecting Cassie, his so called ' mate '.

The same guy growled at what Chris said and a tall blonde guy put his hand in front of him to stop him from doing something he would regret later. " Does she even know ? " the tall blonde guy said, still holding back the brunette guy. Chris shook his head " Not yet. I was planning to tell- uh I mean show her tonight. " Cassie looked up at him, but he kept his attention locked on the five guys. " Show me what ? " Cassie said. The five guys looked at each other and smiled while two of them laughed.

That's when Cassie saw Chris look at her out of the corner of his eye. He looked at the guys, then Cassie, then the guys. " WHAT DAMN IT !? " Chris sighed and turned to Cassie. He took both of her hands in his. " I'm not what you think I am. " Cassie raised her eyebrows and squinted her eyes. " Well it looks to me like your a normal 16 year-old boy. So what do you mean ? "

A couple of the five guys laughed again and Chris turned around and eyes them and he mouthed the words ' shut up ' and the tall brunette guy smiled and put his hands up, as if to say ' I didn't do it '.

" Just wait. " Chris said. And with that he kissed Cassie's forehead and turned around dropping her hands out of his. He faces the moon along with the other five guys. Cassie decided to sit down on a flat surfaced rock and she put her head in her hands. She waited, and waited, and waited. Until...... It happened. She gasped and put her hands over her mouth, wide eyed. " OH. MY. GOD ! " she yelled.
Hey ! Hoped you liked this chapter, I know some of you readers have been dying for me to publish it finally. Sorry it took me so long, school is killing me. Anyways.... Watch for chapter 20. Wow, chapter 20 already,.. Y'all are so spoiled >~< lol. Thanks for reading !!

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