Chapter 6 - Destruction of a Dream, Creation of Passion

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"Um oops. Hey Error I totally didn't forget about an Au and didn't want to explore it without you, so like are you chill now?" Ink asked the very agitated Error in the room of a two story house in the Anti-Void, that Ink created. It resembles the skeleton bros' house but without snow and even more lights (Somehow Error didn't disagree to this). 

You see earlier -and by earlier it means like 3 days ago- Error gone a little coo coo and went destroying things he shouldn't destroy, so Ink kinda gotta go and bonk Error and drag him back to either the Anti-Void or Doodlesphere to calm the [Funk] down, luckily no one was disturbed, Ink caught him pretty quick, no codes destroyed, no one saw. (Wait what the [Funk] And you say I shouldn't interrupt the story? Fresh can affect us?)

And by bonk, I mean Ink just slammed his giant paintbrush -whom he call Broomie- on Error's skull, hard, like can knock a filled cabinet off balance hard. Somehow Error's skull didn't sustain any injuries but he is having one [Heck] of a migraine (ARE YOU KIDDING ME [HECK] ISN'T EVEN A SWEAR I mean it is by some terms)

With the horrible migraine he wonders why Ink just didn't trapped him instead, and is quite upset at Ink too.

"I'm okay, but I might fight you" Error answers back.

Letting out offended gasp "Error! Do you want to visit this Au or not? And an insight, it isn't like the others, it's on the surface" Ink states

"... Fine," Error was curious of the surface mentioned, most Aus are underground, an exception being the pacifist routes that stays without resets, sadly he had to destroy one to two of those due to creators abandoning it.

"Okay! Lemme just create a portal for us, maybe at the edge of the forest?" Ink thought where the destination would be and absent-minded-ly painted a portal. "Oh! Well come on Error!"


Let's play a game 'Guess the Au'
It is on the surface like said earlier. The main point of important is a tree that bears two types of fruit. The main subject of the Au is emotions.



But it seems that the time of when the duo entered was a the wrong [Funking] time, Ink and Error enter upon a red sky and charred? black grass.

Peeking around the trees that surrounded them into a clearing, Nightmare -as Ink told- , a skeleton(?) covered in some kind of goop that had outlines to indicate an outfit similar to the original and a circlet of sorts, was attacking some monsters. Unremarkable monsters, well other than one, another skeleton that wore light teal and yellow that bore a circlet similar to the one Nightmare wore.

"The bright one is Dream." Ink whispered as to not try get attention from Nightmare, the goop monster seems really not up for talking right now.

And the skeleton of subject was screaming at Nightmare whilst crying. Suddenly Dream started turning into stone. The bright child then started to cry harder than before.

"And I think that's our cue to leave and consult with Mom since this Au was one of the other Spectators if I remembered, and that is quite a large assumption" Ink quickly and quietly announced and dragged Error by the scarf through a portal.

"INK" Error shouted out of shock, Nightmare now sharply turning towards the sound of the shout, Dream was fully a statue now. (Oh dang foreshadow? Y'know what I'm not gonna even try anymore)


"Could've at least warn me?!" Error shouted at Ink again, now in the Anti-Void.

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