Chapter 12 - The End... Gotcha on there didn't I?

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The phrase 'The End' is very broad. Since unless it's death, nothing truly ends and even then most believe there is something after death. 

Ink and Error's 'secret' of actually being best of best friends and not rivaling enemies with hatred filling them whenever the other is present is quite frankly never getting out of the circles that already knew of this.

Reapertale residents don't really interact with anyone outside of their AU, and Reaper and Grim only got to know Ink and Error by chance so it is unlikely they'll spread the knowledge around.

2P twins, unless they are heading out of their AU will never interact with anyone other than the ones already in the knowing of this.

The young duo, Paperjam & Gradient, are to say really [FUNK]ing good at avoiding interactions with residents, either coming up with a short 'I really gotta go I have someone waiting for me' or dismissing them in general. They have become masters of not letting too much slip.

Ink and Error knows the fact that it is inevitable that their 'secret' will be reveal sooner or later but hey let's not dwell too much on that fact. They're having a great time despite everything being unchanging so far so who's to complain.

It wouldn't be too long til someone comes to disrupt the flow of normality -as normal as a non-ending war between literal positive incarnate and literal negative incarnate can be- It won't be long til something is thrown off the scale, it's always like this with these isn't it.

My two 'companions' that has so dearly leave comments on the narrative, this message is for you,
You two are quite annoying, like can you two stop interrupting the story flow? (No can do boss For once agreeing, these interruptions are quite entertaining)

And for you readers, yes you the one reading, I hope you enjoyed this story I have narrated. For til the inevitable of something skewing the multiverse happens I bid a 'see you later' to imply that I will return to give another story, sooner or later of course.


And that's it, The End. Not to worry I will most likely -not guaranteed- come back to this story as a series. The book title has two distinct 'names' for a reason one for the series name and the other the actual book name.

Though it is to say it'll probably be a long while before that eventual sequel comes, since I have been losing motivation to this fandom in general, not to say I'm leaving or anything. Just saying it'll probably be like minimum, a couple months to a year or two to get back into it y'know. I push myself through lack of motivation just so I don't have a nagging thing to just complete the story, I don't like leaving things incomplete. So if any of the recent chapters was lack luster, I apologize.

So see you later as the narrator had said, I will likely return one day but til then, adios.

Word Count: 500

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