Flash back - Intro

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4 years ago.

" I will miss you like crazy" Andrea sobs against my ear as her thousand kisses slowly start to mix with mine and her tears, now running freely on our reddened cheeks. I've always hated goodbyes, but this one stings in a different way. My best friend has never cried, ever, apart from now and I know that because she has been my best friend for my entire life, she'll always be. Even if now our roads are forced to part, no one will ever replace her. Ever.

"Me too...me too. " Curling my nose I slowly pull away and yes, we do look like a mess. " I'll see you this summer?" I ask, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. I hate the fact we need to move. I hated the idea when they told me a month ago and I hate that this is happening. I know is not fair, because is for work, but right now, I hate my parents for that. Andrea and I have never been apart for more than a few hours but now, well, now all of that was about to change.

" It's only three months away...time will pass fast" Even if hard, somehow I try to cheer Andrea up. Usually, she is the one working magic on me, but now I guess I get to be the strongest one.

" ...Yes. I'll call you every day and night. Promise" She muffles a small laugh between tears before pulling me in for another tight hug. " ..this sucks" She screams into my neck while more tears stream down her perfectly beautiful face. "Why do you need to go?"

She has asked me the same question every day since we find out - last month- that we had to move away. My father got promoted, finally for him, but with the promotion, a new adventure knocked on his door. After 15 years of waiting he couldn't really say no, so he accepted, forgetting all about my feelings and the fact that his family had to give up on their life in a matter of a month.

"Because I have no choice" I grin between my teeth, kicking on the side the small stones covering the driveway

" Stop crying you too. None of you is dying " A rough hand finds its way through my already messy hair. Tilting my head to the side, my red and puffy eyes meet with the calmest one of Storm, now standing beside me dishevelled. I can't really tell if the fact that I'm leaving bothers him in any way or if he is even happy about it, but the look he seems to give me makes me sigh. " Finally I'll have my bed for myself." He doesn't hide the smirk forming on his lips and even if I know he is joking, his words annoy me, more than usual.

" Be good, Kitten. No more trouble" His voice is low, just for me to hear as he winks at me. His scents trap in my nose one last time and I really need to get out of my head before start crying again. Kissing the top of my head, he slowly pulls away and wrapping his arms around Andrea's shoulder, he pulls her closer. "Take care of her" I mutter crossing Andrea's eyes once more, but before I can cry again, my mum comes beside me, tapping my shoulder lightly. " It's time to go honey"

With one more hug to the Davis family and one more look at what's been my house for my whole life, I jump in the car with my parents, pulling my music out before my parents can have the chance to talk to me.

I feel sad and empty watching back and my best friend waving at me as we drive away. The house on the left, my house, slowly disappears too and all I want to do is to scream, telling my parents how much I hate this.

Fifteen years. My entire life I've lived here, with my parents. For fifteen years I've known my best friends and now, in a blink of an eye, everything is about to change. A New City, a New country and, what scares me the most, new people. Luckily for me, the Davis' have agreed to send Andrea over every winter and my parents agreed to let me come here every Summer. Still, this is going to change everything and still, I can't forgive my parents for this yet.

I can't wait for these three months to pass. I really can't.

15.06 - 2 months later

Letter to Andrea

Life sucks!

I hate this city, I hate the people. Most of all, I hate my school. Everyone there is so perfect at all times that it almost makes me feel sick.

Boys are all over the place and the fact that I am the "new girl" is giving me too much-unwanted attention.

Why are you not here with me? I'm sure you would understand.

Thanks for the gift and the pictures, I've put all of them in my room on the walls... Almost all...did you know your brother sent me a picture of his ass?! What an idiot!!! Is he really 21??

Anyway...I've grown some boobs you know? Never seemed more awkward! What's up with you?? Still, seeing Tommy? How is Margot? And Evans? Shit...I miss you all soooooo much!!!

Only one-month Bestieeeee and I'll be there with you again.

Love you,


4 years later.

" Mia, Honey. Please stop worrying about me."

Hugging me tightly my mum lets a single tear leave the corner of her eyes while with her hands she pats my hair soothingly.

" I'm gonna be fine and besides, you need to have fun and live a little"

"Will you?" I ask, chewing the inside of my mouth. Since everything happened last year I haven't left my mum's side, until now. Standing in the doorway I can't stop myself from feeling nervous, will she be ok? I mean, in a few hours I'll be on a plane leaving her alone for a few months! Can I even do that?

" yes Mia. So get out of here and stop worrying about me, I'm your mum... and I order you to go and have fun."

" I love you Ma. See you in a few months? Call me ok?"

" I will. " She tilts her head before smiling at me again. " Besides, Evans and Margot are coming next week."


" Didn't Andrea tell you?"

" Nope." Somehow I'm shocked. " Are you seriously going to leave us alone?"

" You are not children anymore, honey. Besides, it has been a while since I saw them ..and it's time to create new happy memories together."

True. The last time that we saw Andrea's parents, in fact, was at my father's funeral and it wasn't the best time in our life. " I see. Well, you guys have fun then" I can't avoid feeling excited. Knowing Andrea she is already planning a week straight of parties and gosh if I need that. " By ma, Love you"

Just as I get out of the car, with my bags in hand, my phone vibrates. A message.


Missed that? - Picture of an Ass-

We won't be alone after all.

Thank you for choosing this book,

I really hope you'll enjoy the ride along with me!

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