19. Storm

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With my hand behind my head, I watch as Mia enters the room, covered in nothing but a small white towel. Biting her lips, she strolls in my direction, and since I'm wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, her eyes crawl greedily along my body, studying my tattoos from head to toe." Are you going to tell me about them one day?" She asks in her soft voice, taking a step closer, and when her eyes land on my -again- hard cock, her cheek flushes brightly, looking away from me as if burned by the sight of me. Cute.

" Of course" As I watch her walking my way, my voice comes out hoarse and low but the truth is,  I can take off my mind how her body felt against mine as she made me butter against her fingers. I've been with many women in my life and too many girls, but no one has ever given me such a great handjob. I mean, her slightest touch has been enough to make me go insane. Besides, she is so beautiful both in and out that it is quite difficult for me to control my second brain in the southern part of my body. So far, anyway, he has been having a life of his own. " You know right that walking in here like that wasn't a smart move, Kitten?"

" And why is that?" Holding her towel around her perfect boobs, Mia walks in my direction way too slowly, and with every step she takes, I can see her better.

" Because...You left me in here for too long and in that...I'm not sure I can manage to control myself." Standing up as she reaches the bed, I wrap my hands around her waist to pull her in. The first thing that hit me is her scent, which once again is mine. " You like my shower gel, don't you?" Running my nose along her neck, I bite slowly on her flesh, and when I do, her body press harder against mine, letting a few giggles leave her perfect soft lip.

"Uh...Uh. I really do." Outlining with her fingertip my abs, Mia moves her hands along my chest, causing me to shiver under her light touch. I don't know what she is doing to me but I'm trapped, that much I know.

" Well, then keep using it. I like my smell on you..." As I run my hand along her body my tongues slowly tease her warm flesh on the neck, and I can't stop thinking about what's hiding beneath the fabric of the towel now stroking against my body. Truth is, I've never seen Mia nacked and before now, I never wanted something so badly. I'm sure that her body will take my breath away as I know that I'm completely screwed already.

Playing with her neck as I move my lips up and down in imaginary lines, I feel her hands travelling further down my body, and when her cold hands reach my growing bulge, I growl, pulling away from her enough to meet her beautiful crystal eyes.

"Mia..." I almost roar out at the feeling of her hand slipping beneath the fabric of my boxers. " It's my turn" I growl before she can actually reach my hard cock and, leaning closer I bite her lips before kissing her. " Go on the bed, now" The demand in my tone is clear, and her body reacts to it by shivering. Looking up at me, she licks her lips while slowly walking backwards, and the moment that the back of her knees hits the bed, she sits on it, pushing herself upwards until her back lain against the headboard of my bed.

" You remember what I promised you?"I ask, curving my brow before bending on the bed in order to crawl in between her sweet, parted legs.

" A sleepless night?"She answers in the sweetest yet sexy tone ever while melting her eyes in mine. The lust and desire that she can see in mine are just a strong as the one in her eyes. Parting her legs, in fact, she gives me more room to move in between, but as she does, her feminine scent hits me all at once, and the only thing I can do is close my eyes and take it in. " God.."

Reaching for one of her thighs with my hand while with the other I support myself, I welcome the coldness of her finger when they curl against my neck In order to pull me closer. The moment we close the gap between us, her lips are already parted and her breath tickles my skin lightly. Smirking against her lips I let my tongue slips in between her humid lips and when I do, her tongue chases mine right away deepening the kiss in a way that becomes heated almost instantly. Keeping hold of my neck as we passionately chase each other tongue, Mia presses her body against mine and, pulling me closer, we stroke against each other's bodies, making our body temperature rise instantly.

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