22. Mia

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After Kyle almost walked on us this morning, I bolted out of Storm room faster than Speedy Gonzales himself could have ever mastered. Panties and bra in my hands, I only had my dress on me, but if Andrea had been awake, it would have taken one look at me to get the whole picture. Luckily for me, she is sound asleep when I walk in, giving me enough time to shower and get properly dressed before she can catch me right in the act. 

The rush of not being caught only gave me time to kiss Storm goodbye in his room quickly, but just as he was leaving for work, Andrea woke up, making it impossible for me to go after him. After that, Andrea and I spend the entire day together lazing around. Time with Andrea always flies by super fast and I swear, sometimes you lose track of what's happening around you. Just like now.

" So, what do you want to do?" Pulling her hair up into a loose ponytail, Andrea looks at me from the mirror, adjusting her look, effortlessly beautiful.  The simplicity of her style and the perfection of her delicate but feminine features makes Andrea one of the most beautiful girls I've met. Yes, good genes run in the family, but she has an aura around her that just pushes her beauty up to the roof; even now, sporting a simple pair of denim and an oversized t-shirt, she looks like a model out of a magazine.

" We could go to Palomas? I've checked their website and apparently, they have an outstanding indoor garden." Patting my plaits which look just as messy as Andrea's bun, I look at my reflection in the mirror, and something in that girl looking back at me seems different. A quick smile appears at the corner of my lips when my mind travels back to last night—Storm's hand on my body, my hands on his. Suddenly the black denim I'm wearing is too tight, and even the sleeveless T-shirt is too much to wear. The V-neck is deep enough to show enough skin, yet my body is feeling on fire all over again.

"Sounds good to me... " Andrea's voice brings me back to reality, and my eyes travel to hers fast enough to don't look too lost in my head. " I just wish I could have invited Kyle with us" Andrea pout in my direction, looking like a puppy whose favourite toys had been taken away.

" Why don't you? I mean...Storm seemed fine with you two sleeping together" A grin forms on my lips as my eyes met with Andrea's who's now shaking her head. " Uh, Shush it." She gives me a smile before sulking once again. " And I can't because  he already had plans with Storm and the rest of the crew." A small knot forms in my belly at Andrea's words.  I have no idea who the rest of the crew is; yet, I'm almost jealous that he has plans without me. Sure, I'm the one that put us in this position, but damn this sucks. 

"Oh well, too bad for him. Because we are going to have a girl's night bestie, and we are going to make the most out of it..."

"Damn right....and maybe we can finally find you a little distraction!" Smacking my ass as she passes by me, Andrea gets out of the room first, and I follow right behind.

" Why are you so obsessed with finding me a distraction? I'm happy as I am, you know..."Andrea stops in her track to look at me, and she inches close enough that her nose is pressed against my cheek. " Because...is time for you to have some fun" Just as she moves away my phone pings in my back and for some reason, my heart starts to jump inside my chest.

"I can't stop thinking about you"

A weird warmth spread inside my chest when my eyes read the words on the screen. A smile spread on my lips without me noticing, and the butterflies in my stomach start to flip around in a weird dance.  I know I should probably not be that excited, but I can't stop smiling at the screen. Yes, Storm is the ultimate playboy, but something is telling me to let go and trust him even more. After last night anyway, there is already enough damage done.

" What are you smiling at?" Peering at my phone, Andrea curves her brow at me, but before I can hide the text, she opens her mouth in a shocked expression questioning me with her eyes right away. Fuck! "Who can't stop thinking about you??? MIA SCARLETT GREEN...Are you hiding a boy from me?" If there is anything I hate the most, it is my middle name, and she knows it. . Rolling my eyes at her, I quickly reply, " Is that so?"Before putting my phone away, ready for the inquisition of the day.

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