41. Storm

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This day couldn't have been any longer. First the photoshoot, then Kyle who needed help in the shop, to finish, Savannah needed me to go and collect stock all around town, making me skip dinner with my Kitten, damn it!

Looking down at my phone as I sit into the car, I check to see if there are any texts from her and just as I'm about to start the car, my phone pings.

"Coming home soon?❤️" It's weird how my heart is beating so fast just from receiving a text from her.

" On my way now. Everything ok?💕"

" yup. Just about to have pizza with A...I thought you were coming to?" Just as weird as the feeling of guilt hitting me reading this text.

" Sorry. I will make it up to you 😈"

" Promise?🔥"

She is definitely a little devil herself. Putting the phone back on the empty seat next to me, I start the car with a stupid smile stamped on my face. This girl does something to me that I swear I can't describe. Her smile is all I need to feel better, her sweet scent is enough to calm me even if I'm in the worst mood ever. The way her touches make me feel alive or even how my body reacts to her closeness is something that still scares me. I've never felt anything like this before, no woman has ever had this power over me. I mean, I even start to miss the sound of her voice and how she teases me every chance she gets.

Running a hand through my hair as I press the foot on the gas pedal, I look behind me from the rearview mirrors and as I do that, my eyes fall on the bra hanging from the back seat. The memory of the after photoshoot session plays in my mind way too vividly, so now on top of a stupid smile now I also have got a twitching cock.

Damn Mia and her beautiful spirit. God if I love the way she is. Innocent on one side and wild on the other. She is like one of those candies with a crunchy shell, slightly salted on the outside and soft in the middle. The moment you bite in it is the sweetest creamiest thing you have ever had. One bite is all you need to be doomed because then it becomes a drug and you can't live without it anymore.

Turning left I park the car in the driveway and getting out of the car in a split second I walk inside the house eager to see my Kitten. The house seems quiet, however, the light left on around the house shows me the way to their whereabouts.

" Aaaargh...I should have known better... " Her voice is the first thing I hear coming closer but I can't quite hear what they say.

" Mia? Andrea?" I call out walking towards the kitchen. The light is on and the box of pizzas is still on the table, however, I can't see them yet.

" ...I was going to say unbelievable, but that can't work too" Looking outside the small light on the pitch enlightens Mia and Andrea and I have to admit, watching them cuddle up on the stairs brings me back to when we were all just children. Is funny how things can change so much.

" Do you love him?" Andrea's words make me stop on my steps. Does she love me? I can feel my heart getting ready to jump out of my chest and my hands become instantly sweaty. Do I love her? A weird charge of electricity runs down my spine and my mouth for a second goes dry. I'm not ready to hear the answer this way. I'm not ready to share this moment with my sister. " I..."

" Hey, girls" I call out before Mia can finish her sentence. The life seems to drain out of her body as she watches me with an expression mixed with terror and surprise. A cute sight if you asked me, which becomes even cuter as she bites her bottom lips unable to speak.

" How long have you been there?" Furrowing her brow, Andrea asks the question looking at me as if ready to kill. It takes her two seconds to jump on her feet and move in my direction while Mia nervously follows behind, waiting to hear my answer.

" I've just arrived...why? Were you two talking shit about me ?" Chuckling at my answer, Mia's features soften relieved from my answer. I truly didn't hear much aside from Andrea's last question.

" Maybe" She smirks moving now in my direction while biting the inside of her bottom lip. A simple gesture that has me growl softly as her sweet scents hit me. Is a mix of mine and hers, musky and peppery but with a hint of honey and lavender. A scent that I won't be able to forget anytime soon.

" Mh...maybe?! Is that so?" I growl in her ear as she steps on her tiptoe to give me a welcoming kiss. The softness of her lips is already heaven for me but my beast craves way more than that.

" well... Thanks for crushing the party Storm...I might just leave you two alone! "

" Oh come on..." Mia hisses from her tiptoe giving Andrea her puppy eyes but with a simple wink in our direction, my sister disappears out of the kitchen, leaving the both of us alone.

" Don't you worry Kitten...She just left cause Kyle is outside."

"Is he?"

"Yup, I saw him pulling through as I parked the car" Lowering myself as her eyes sparkle in mine, I reach for her sweet lips once more but this time is not a sweet peck. Biting on her bottom lip as my hand reaches for her lower back, I slip my tongue in her sweet cave the moment her lips part from the bite. Is just a kiss yet my body has never been more alive. It feels almost as she is the one feeding me with the air I need to survive.

"God I've missed those lips so much" Between kisses I growl the words in a husky whisper and I'm sure from how close we are she can feel that I'm not lying.

"Did you?" She smirks again with a curved brow and, wrapping her arms around my neck, Mia follows my steps, walking backwards on her tiptoes until we reach the kitchen Island behind us. " What else did you miss?"

" Is everything about you too cheesy of an answer?"

Furrowing her brows she looks at me as if she is thinking about what I just asked. Her puckered lips make her look even cuter as he shakes her head, reading my soul. " A bit...but I do like it as an answer." Lifting her chin she presses her lips against mine again and gripping at my shoulder she lets me lift her just to sit her on the marble surface of the island.

" I've missed you too by the way..." Stroking her cheek, Mia rest her face against my hands closing her eyes lightly at my touch. Her skin is soft and smooth and her lightly flushed cheek reminds me of a peach. The best peach you could ever find.

" So, how was your day? What have you two been up to?" Following the soft line of her jaw, I run my finger down her exposed neck, playing with the strap of her sleeveless top for a brief second. Her skin feels warm and by the look of it, she must have been in the sun today. Running my finger now along her shoulder, I watch as her body reacts to my touch. Is a mesmerising sight, even more, when her breathing quickens the moment my fingertip reaches the v line of her top.

" We... We stayed in the pool for a while, then had pizza...and talked ...a little" Parting her legs, Mia pulls me closer and now that I'm standing between her thighs I can feel the heat spreading in my lower abdomen. The scent hitting me is one that I'm familiar with and the fact that she is wearing a skirt surely helps me to identify the scent.

" Talked about?" Her fingers have now reached my chest, exploring and teasing my body just like I'm doing to hers.

" You?!" She answers almost as if asking me, shifting on the marble enough to have her heat close to my awakened sex.

"Mh...and what about me?" Now reaching her neck, I kiss my way down her exposed cleavage and as soon as my tongue slips out to taste her skin, Mia's moan fills my ear, causing a growl to escape my busy lips.

Resting her hand on my chest, Mia slowly pushes me away and now that I'm not so close anymore I can notice a few things. She isn't wearing a bra and her nipples are poking through the sating top. Her lips are again trapped between her teeth. Her eyes are darker than usual and she looks nervous. Something is bothering her and I might already know what. Swallowing hard, we both stares into each other eyes and almost as if the world around us disappears, the air in the kitchen intensifies. My heart is ready to explode and somehow, I can also hear hers beating harder and faster.

" I love you."

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